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提问人:网友lbj111 发布时间:2022-01-07

翻译练习(一) 摘 要 短篇小说《哺乳期的女人》是中国现当代作家毕飞宇的佳作之一,曾荣获首届“鲁迅

文学奖(短篇小说奖)”。该小说的艺术魅力不仅来自情节的委婉曲折、引人人胜,还在于对琐碎的民间生活的真切描绘,从而表现丰富深邃的人性。小说中的人物细节和心理描写令人印象深刻,深有共鸣。 叙事学是文学研究与翻译研究的重要理论之一,本论文以叙事学理论为基础,从叙事结构,叙事话语以及叙事视角三个切入点着手,对毕飞宇的《哺乳期的女人》英译本进行相关研究,对比分析原语与目标语的表述特征,进而判别译文与原文是否达到叙事功能上的对等,是否发生语义上的缺失与歪曲。在经过一系列的分析之后发现,在叙事结构方面,该小说中所采取的倒叙结构并未在译文中有所体现,导致了语义缺省;叙事话语方面,译文中所选择的词语较好地达成了理想的叙事效果;而在叙事角度方面,译文中对于全知视角的诠释过于主观,因而导致语义偏离。针对上述出现的叙事偏离,本文均给出了相应的修改意见。可见,叙事学确实为文学翻译研究拓展了新的研究视角,对文学翻译的指导和评价有着其独特的优点和理据。 关键词:文学翻译;叙事学;叙事结构;叙事话语;叙事角度

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更多“翻译练习(一) 摘 要 短篇小说《哺乳期的女人》是中国现当代作家毕飞宇的佳作之一,曾荣获首届“鲁迅”相关的问题





A. 初期

B. 过渡期

C. 发展期

D. 中期

E. 后期

翻译练习 敬启者: 顷阅今日《江南日报》,得悉贵公司招聘职员,本人符合报载所列条件,拟参加应聘。 我三年前毕业于崇文大学外文系,符合贵公司“精通英文”的要求。除在大学主修英文外,本人在ABC贸易公司担任秘书工作三年。 此次应聘是希望能在如贵公司之较大规模的贸易公司工作,以获得更多的工作经验。以我所受的教育与工作经验,定能对贵公司有所益助。 兹随函附履历表和毕业证书各一件,倘蒙阁下接见,将不胜感激。 此致 敬礼! 王萌
翻译练习(二) 摘 要 作为维多利亚时期的文学天才,奥斯卡·王尔德因其特立独行的文学主张和生活方式一直备受关注和争议。其中篇小说《道连·格雷的画像》非常明显地展示了他的唯美主义的理念,并以其精巧的构思和生动的语言吸引着世人,同时也展示了作者矛盾的内心世界。 本文从弗洛伊德的心理分析学角度入手,分析了作者本人在小说创作中的自我投射。通过对三个主要人物性格思想的具体分析,找出了对应的投射关系:亨利勋爵代表王尔德的本我;霍尔华德代表王尔德的超我;而道连则代表王尔德的自我。然后论文进一步从人物间的冲突拉锯中分析了王尔德三面人格之间的冲突并探究了具体成因,认为王尔德的边缘人身份对其创作心理有重大影响。其边缘人的身份主要体现在:他是爱尔兰人并非英国本土人,同时也是一名维多利亚社会法律和道德所不容的同性恋者;此外,他的唯美主义的文学主张与当时社会克制隐忍的传统价值观冲突剧烈。这些都是造成他本我,自我和超我之间矛盾冲突的根源。 关键词:投射;心理冲突;精神分析理论;《道连·格雷的画像》;王尔德
翻译练习 个人简历 基本信息 姓名:张明明 性别:女 出生年月:2000年5月16日 籍贯:江苏南京 联系电话:123456789 邮箱:987654321@qq.com 教育背景 2017年9月-2021年6月 三江学院外国语学院英语专业 2014年9月-2017年6月 南京市第一高级中学 工作(实习)经历 2020年9月-2021年5月 新东方英语培训兼职教师 2019年7月-2019年8月 学而思网校暑期实习助理教师 2018年9月-2019年6月 三江学院学生会宣传部部长 专业技能 英语:英语专业八级,能够熟练运用英语进行写作、翻译、口语对话 日语:第二外语,能够进行日常基本会话 计算机:国家计算机二级,熟练操作OFFICE、PHOTO SHOP等软件 获奖经历 2020-2021学年 三江学院外国语学院一等奖学金 2019-2020学年 三江学院外国语学院二等奖学金 2019年8月 学而思网校暑期实习优秀助理教师 兴趣爱好 热爱唱歌、长跑,喜欢阅读、写作。
翻译与实践(二)期末考查作业 翻译实践报告 班级: 学号: 姓名: 得分:(保持在一行) (空一行) 从此处开始XXXXXX(就期末考查作业的翻译实践完成一篇报告,具体阐述翻译实践中遇到的较为典型或突出的问题,比如:自己对原文文本翻译要求的分析、对原文某些语言表达的具体分析、对译文语言表达和目标读者阅读习惯或需求的考量等,翻译过程中采用的具体的翻译方法或策略。中文不少于800个汉字,字体为宋体,不加粗,小四;如果涉及英文,则英文部分字体为Time New Roman, 不加粗,小四;所有正文部分两端对齐,首行缩进2字符,行距固定值18磅,段后6磅。完成后去掉红色格式说明文字。)

请翻译新闻标题和正文部分 Sonoma County’s worst natural disaster: Firestorm leaves 7 dead, 1,500 structures destroyed A raging firestorm born in the dark of night by dry, violent winds roared down from the rural hills bordering Napa and Sonoma counties early Monday and cut a devastating swath into Santa Rosa from its eastern outskirts, killing at least seven city residents and destroying more than 1,500 structures. Tens of thousands of people were forced to flee their homes hours before sunrise, when the ruin wrought by flames in several terrifying hours became apparent over a rural and urban landscape spanning more than 50 square miles. In Sonoma County alone, officials said 100 people were reported missing. For thousands of firefighters and residents trying to protect homes, the fire driven by gusts up to 68 mph was an amorphous, unstoppable force, rampaging through Mark West Springs, Larkfield and Wikiup, and Fountaingrove, where it claimed hundreds of upscale Santa Rosa houses tucked into forested hillsides. From there it raced on, scorching landmark businesses and school campuses and threatening two hospitals, where hundreds of patients were evacuated. Throwing sparks ahead of its main front, the fire then jumped Highway 101 into a heavily populated corner of northwest Santa Rosa. In Coffey Park, the destruction was warlike. Block after block, hundreds of homes burst into flames. “The volume of structures and neighborhoods that have been completely destroyed is incredible,” said Assistant Santa Rosa Fire Marshal Paul Lowenthal, who lost his own Larkfield home Monday. “There are areas where, as far as the eye can see, is complete devastation with entire neighborhoods burned to the ground.” By nightfall Monday, the Tubbs fire, which began about 10 p.m. near Calistoga in eastern Napa County, was still uncontrolled on many fronts. Its single-day toll made it the worst natural disaster on record in Sonoma County, and among the most destructive wildfires in California history. Authorities said they expected the death toll to grow, and financial losses from the fire — from homes and luxury hotels, to school campuses and wineries — are likely to mount into the billions of dollars. The blaze, which burned 27,000 acres by Monday night, was the most catastrophic of more than 14 wildfires across eight counties in Northern California. The heaviest activity centered in Sonoma, Napa, Mendocino and Lake counties, where up to 75,000 acres had burned. A total of 11 people were confirmed dead in the local fires, including two in Mendocino County and an elderly couple in Napa County. In Sonoma Valley, several fires burned 5,000 acres around Glen Ellen and Kenwood, where homes on both sides of Highway 12 were destroyed. “It has been a horrific and terrifying night for a great many people,” acting Santa Rosa Police Chief Craig Schwartz said Monday during a news conference. Low humidity and strong, inland winds that developed over the weekend helped fuel the firestorm. Cal Fire and the National Weather Service issued a red flag warning that extended through today, though gusts had largely died down by Monday evening. By that time, the nightmare that many wildfire experts had long feared in Santa Rosa had played out. It was a haunting sequel to the disastrous Hanly fire of 1964, which originated in the same rugged terrain along the Napa-Sonoma border and ripped through what was then mostly rural land. It was halted before it reached the city’s core. Not so this time. Flames outpaced overmatched fire crews, burning through wooded, rural estates and onto paved city blocks. Desperate residents asked all day for updates on active fire fronts that seemed to have them surrounded. Fire officials pleaded for reinforcements. “We’ve been wondering, ‘Where in the heck are they?’” Windsor Fire Chief Jack Piccinini said about 6 a.m. “I’ve asked, ‘Are units coming?’ and was told no, they’re going to the Atlas fire (in Napa County). That’s painful news to us. We’re still spread so thin.” Highway 101 in Santa Rosa was completely shut down in both directions, from Steele Lane to Mark West Springs Road. Thick smoke kept badly needed Cal Fire tankers and helicopters grounded for much of the day. Commercial flights at Charles. M. Schulz-Sonoma County Airport were canceled. With hours to go before sunrise, the fire had topped a ridge west of Santa Rosa, lighting the hillside with flames before swooping down into town. Ted Regan, who lives near Calistoga Road, said he saw the glow from the foothills behind his house about 2 a.m. “It got brighter and brighter and then we saw flames. That’s when we said, ‘It’s time to go,’” Regan said. Rachel McKenzie, who fled her home south of Hopper Avenue in northwest Santa Rosa with her son, her husband and a crate filled with pet reptiles, described the frenzied evacuation hours later as she awaited news of her home at an emergency evacuation center. “It was totally chaotic,” McKenzie said. “I saw a fire start in my neighbor’s house, and it was fully engulfed when we drove away.” Work to evacuate patients from Kaiser Permanente and Sutter Santa Rosa hospitals in north Santa Rosa began in darkness as windblown smoke blanketed the Highway 101 corridor. In the hills, and later in the flatlands, residents were alerted to the fire’s approach by evacuation orders, made by reverse emergency calls and loudspeaker transmissions, and officers knocking on doors. “These blazes have taken place at an individual’s most vulnerable time, when they are home and in bed,” State Sen. Mike McGuire, D-Healdsburg, said. By midday, the evacuation orders included Oakmont — the Sonoma Valley retirement community — Windsor’s southern outskirts and the eastern border of Rohnert Park. By that time, a large Mendocino Avenue mobile home park was left in smoldering ruins. About half of Cardinal Newman High School was destroyed along with landmarks including the Fountaingrove Inn, the Hilton Sonoma Wine Country and the historic Fountaingrove Round Barn. The Luther Burbank Center for the Arts was partially damaged and Paradise Ridge winery suffered extensive damage. Sonoma County Supervisor Shirlee Zane, who surveyed the damage Monday afternoon from a helicopter described the burned landscape as “a hellish war zone.” “It looked like somebody bombed these neighborhoods,” she said. Pacific Gas and Electric Co. reported 50,000 Sonoma County customers were without power Monday. Cellphone coverage was intermittent throughout Monday as flames knocked out communication equipment in the region. “Due to wildfires, some wireless customers in Sonoma, Napa, Mendocino and Humboldt counties and their surrounding areas may be experiencing issues with their wireless services,” said Leland Kim, media relations director for AT&T. “We are working to restore service as quickly as possible.” Gov. Jerry Brown declared a state of emergency in Napa, Sonoma, Mendocino and Yuba counties as well as others throughout the state. Sonoma County’s two congressmen, Jared Huffman, D-San Rafael, and Mike Thompson, D-St. Helena, traveled to the area Monday, and Thompson joined Zane in the aerial survey. He said he already had forwarded photos to the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the White House. The cause of the Tubbs fire remains undetermined, though any small spark could have been fanned into a conflagration by the gusts Sunday night, Cal Fire officials said. It started near Highway 128 and Bennett Lane north of Calistoga and spread southwest into Sonoma County through heavily wooded areas along Mark West Creek and Mark West Springs Road. Explosions from bursting propane tanks punctuated the night as flames set the sky aglow. Sunup Monday was otherworldly, with a blood-red sun obscured by smoke, ash blanketing the ground and residents rushing to fill up gas tanks and seek emergency shelter. “It was like an apocalypse,” said Laura Mills, who lives on Wedgewood Way in Fountaingrove, and was forced to evacuate in bumper-to-bumper traffic to the Finley Community Center. “It was very spooky.” Evacuation centers countywide filled through the day with anxious, exhausted people uncertain of what awaited them at home. Those awakened for hasty departures the previous night included assisted living and senior home residents. Roads, schools and businesses around the area were closed as mandatory evacuation orders expanded. Cal Fire Chief Ken Pimlott said the preliminary loss assessment of more than 1,500 residential and commercial structures was drawn from “very conservative estimates.” Several incidents of looting had been reported by Monday afternoon, in both residential and commercial areas. Acting Santa Rosa Police Chief Schwartz ordered a curfew prohibiting anyone from being inside a mandatory evacuation zone between the hours of 6:45 p.m. and 7:15 a.m. Sonoma County Sheriff Rob Giordano said scores of law enforcement personnel, including at least 120 on loan from neighboring counties, would patrol the fire areas in the days ahead, stopping and potentially arresting anyone unauthorized found inside. Santa Rosa Mayor Chris Coursey was clearly emotional during brief remarks at Monday’s news briefing. “I’m lucky,” he said. “My house is fine. My family is fine. My city is not. And it’s gonna take a long time for us to recover what’s happened today.” But the city, he said, is strong. “We are a resilient city. We’re an indivisible city, and we’re gonna need to hang together as we go through this.” (1503 words)

旅游翻译: Out of all of America’s symbols, none has proved more enduring or evocative than the Statue of Liberty. This 46-meter-tall bronze statue, torch in hand, clutching a stone tablet and looking over America’s largest city, has acted as a figurehead for the American Dream for well over a hundred years, and each year tens of thousands of tourists are attracted to the small island that the statue calls home.

翻译练习 十年前,一位叫亚当(Adam)的老师偶然充满自豪地跟我们说他来自乔治敦(Georgetown University)。 我懵然,他大叫起来:“你怎么可能不知道?那里出了克林顿!”那是我刚刚从英国参加一个月的交流活动回国的时候。 乔治敦这个名字从此深深印在我的脑海中。当说到外交和国际关系领域时,我自然而然地想到了这所学校,而它也无愧于它的盛名。所以今天,我特申请能够成为贵校的一名研究生。 我曾就读于北京外国语大学。北外作为中国“外交官的摇篮”已经培养出了250多名历任和在任大使以及 500多名参赞。在北外,每个月都会举行国家级别的讨论会。频繁地看着装配着不同国旗的使馆车辆,以及来自全世界的国际关系专家和官员,更让我感染到国际关系舞台的魅力。在这种魅力的感召下,2007年,我还是一名大一新生时,就提出举办了北京外国语大学的第一届大使论坛——亚非拉大使论坛。为了使论坛办得庄重、活跃、新颖,我将论坛设置为前半部分问答+讲座,后半部分论坛模式,大使们都感到十分灵活、有趣。而今我们已经成功举办了三届:亚非拉大使论坛、中东大使论坛、德法大使论坛,并从最初的学生活动发展为今天北外引以为豪的官方活动。在她的成长中,我通过与各国大使交流讨论军事、商贸、移民等领域的问题,对于国际关系的认识也在一步步的加深,更开扩了眼界和体会到了国际关系的重要性、艰难性、敏感性、复合性、学术性。 后来,我在中国最高的媒体平台新华社实习。实习期间,我负责大使的采访、节目的策划、后期编辑、整理书稿等。在新华社时刻都有最新的国际信息,这让我振奋。我希望在未来能够建立一个模型,将数个国家不同的文化模式、价值观、经济形势、历史、政治环境、军事环境等要素都考虑进去,让国际关系的政策能更合理有效地被拟定。 多年来,我游历了五大洲的二十多个国家,深深体会了不同地域的民族种族多样性、宗教多样性、文化多样性,深深地意识到各国在这些“不同”中都在寻找着一种“大同”来达到和谐。无论是商贸领域还是文化领域,国际关系在人与人的沟通方面起着至关重要的作用。我也亲眼目睹了一些国家之间,由于沟通不良会产生宗教、文化、习俗、价值认知等方面的误解、隔阂、甚至战争,我特别有兴趣,并且认为我有责任通过研究国际关系去减轻或消除这些误解,帮助解决国际冲突,将各国的关系变得更美好,让全世界能够达成互利共赢的局面。 贵校在国际关系方面卓越的师资、一流的学术水平、自由的学术氛围都非常吸引我。我是一个有强烈的独立思考习惯、独立思考能力的人,敢于实践,不畏挫折,坚持奋斗,不盲信,不盲从。我坚信在我诸多国际交流的经验和技能的辅助下,一定能凭我积极不懈的刻苦努力,取得一定的成绩,让贵校以我为荣!

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