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提问人:网友michelle101 发布时间:2022-01-07

The new trend in artificial intelligence research stems from ______.A.the shift of the foc

The new trend in artificial intelligence research stems from ______.

A.the shift of the focus of study on the recognition of the shapes of objects

B.the belief that human intelligence cannot be duplicated with logical, step-to-step programs

C.the aspirations of scientists to duplicate the intelligence of a ten-month-old child

D.the efforts made by scientists in the study of the similarities between transistor and brain cells

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更多“The new trend in artificial intelligence research stems from ______.A.the shift of the foc”相关的问题
Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted s
entence in the passage? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

A.The Mannerists subtly undermined the Church's authority instead of serving it through the traditions of Renaissance art.

B.The Mannerists helped advance art beyond simple religious purposes toward the trend that would appreciate reason and science.

C.Instead of inspiring spiritual awe, the Mannerists broke with Renaissance conventions to pioneer a new point of view.

D.The Mannerists wanted to fascinate viewers in a way that conventional religious art did not.

Which of the following statements is NOT correct?A.An Unsocial Socialist is typical of Sha

Which of the following statements is NOT correct?

A.An Unsocial Socialist is typical of Shaw's novels.

B.Shaw left 51 plays for his readers.

C.Shaw first worked as a dramatic critic for his literary career.

D.Shaw took a strong stand against the trend of "art for art's sake".

All of the following are mentioned in paragraph 1 as results of the trend toward installin
g contemporary art in public places in the United States EXCEPT

A.the transfer of artwork from private to public sites

B.artworks that represent a city's special character

C.greater interest in art by the American public

D.a broader understanding of the varieties of contemporary art

The purpose of the passage is to show thatA.the Istanbul Biennial is the most enlightening

The purpose of the passage is to show that

A.the Istanbul Biennial is the most enlightening and memorable one.

B.most art biennials are incoherent while Istanbul"s is an exception.

C.the Istanbul Biennial presented the current trend of art.

D.art biennial holders should learn more from the Istanbul Biennial.

We know today that the traditions of tribal art are more complex and less "primitive" than
its discoverers believed; we have even seen that the imitation of nature is by no means excluded from its aims. But the style. of these ritualistic objects could still serve as a common focus for that search for expressiveness, structure, and simplicity that the new movements had inherited from the experiments of the three lonely rebels: Van Gogh, Cezanne, and Gauguin.

The experiments of Expressionism are, perhaps, the easiest to explain in words. The term itself may not be happily chosen, for we know that we are all expressing ourselves in everything we do or leave undone, but the word became a convenient label because of its easily remembered contrast to Impressionism, and as a label it is quite useful. In one of his letters, Van Gogh had explained how he set about painting the portrait of a friend who was very dear to him. The conventional likeness was only the first stage. Having painted a "correct" portrait, he proceeded to change the colors and the setting.

Van Gogh was right in saying that the method he had chosen could be compared to that of the cartoonist. Cartoon had always been "expressionist", for the cartoonist plays with the likeness of his victim, and distorts it to express just what he feels about his fellow man. As long as these distortions of nature sailed under the flag of humor nobody seemed to find them difficult to understand. Humorous art was a field in which everything was permitted, because people did not approach it with prejudices. Yet there is nothing inconsistent about it. It is true that our feelings about things do color the way in which we see them and, even more, the forms which we remember. Everyone must have experienced how different the same place may look when we are happy and when we are sad.

What upset the public about the Expressionist art was, perhaps, not so much the fact that nature had been distorted as that the result led away from beauty. For the Expressionists felt so strongly about human suffering, poverty, violence and passion, that they were inclined to think that the insistence on harmony and beauty were only born out of a refusal to be honest. The art of the classical masters, of a Raphael or Correggio, seemed to them insincere and hypocritical. They wanted to face the bare facts of our existence, and to express their compassion for the disinherited and the ugly.

Expressionism is a(n)

A.artistic style. expressing the artist's inner experiences objectively.

B.marked trend characteristic of insisting on harmony and beauty.

C.new movement based on expressive style.

D.fundamental revolution in arts.

The new trend in yoga is that yoga studios are larger as new forms of yoga are introduced.
Aesthetic thought of a distinctively modern art emerged during the 18th century. The weste
rn philosophers and critics of this time devoted much attention to such matters【C1】______natural beauty, the sublime, and representation—a trend reflecting the central position they had given to the philosophy of nature. 【C2】______ that time, however, the philosophy of art has become ever more【C3】______and has begun to【C4】______ the philosophy of nature. Various issues【C5】______to the philosophy of art have had a(n)【C6】______impact【C7】______ the orientation of the 20th-century aesthetics. 【C8】______among these are problems relating to the theory of art as form. and【C9】______the distinction between representation and expression. Still another far-reaching question has to do with the value of art. Two【C10】______theoretical positions have taken on this issue: one holds that art and its appreciation are a means to some recognized moral good,【C11】______the other maintains that art is intrinsically valuable and is an end in itself. Underlying this whole issue is the concept of taste, one of the basic concerns of aesthetics. In recent years there has also been an increasing【C12】______ with art as the prime object of critical judgment. Corresponding to the trend in contemporary aesthetic thought, 【C13】______ have followed either of the two approaches. In one, criticism is【C14】______to the analysis and interpretation of the work of art. 【C15】______, it is devoted to articulating the response to the aesthetic object and to【C16】______a particular way of perceiving it. Over the years, aesthetics has developed into a broad field of knowledge and inquiry. The 【C17】______ of contemporary aesthetics include such problems as the nature of style. and its aesthetic significance; the relation of aesthetic judgment to culture; the【C18】______of a history of art; the【C19】______of Freudian psychology and other forms of psychological study to criticism; and the place of aesthetic judgment in 【C20】______reasoning in the conduct of everyday affairs.






It can be inferred from the passage that the author's attitude towards the new trend in ba
nk is______.





Aesthetic thought of a distinctively modern bent emerged during the 18th century. The west
ern philosophers and critics of this time devoted much attention to such matters【C1】______ natural beauty, the sub-lime, and representation -- a trend【C2】______ the central position they had given to the philosophy of nature.【C3】______ that time, however, the philosophy of art has become more【C4】______ than ever and has begun to【C5】______ the philosophy of nature. Various issues【C6】______ to the philosophy of art have had a marked impac【C7】______ the orientation of 20th-century aesthetics.【C8】______ among these are problems relating to the theory of art as from and to the【C9】______ between representation and expression. Still another far-reaching question has to do with the value of art. Two op- posing theoretical positions【C10】______ on this issue: one holds that art and its appreciation are a means to some recognized moral good,【C11】______ the other maintains that art is intrinsically valuable and is an end in itself. Underlying this whole issue is the concept of taste, one of the basic concerns of aesthetics. In recent years there has also been an increasing 【C12】______ with art as the prime object of critical judgment.【C13】______ to the trend in contemporary aesthetic thought, critics have followed【C14】______ of two approaches. In one, criticism is restricted to the analysis and interpretation of the work of art.【C15】______ , it is devoted to articulating the response to the aesthetic object and to 【C16】______ a particular way of perceiving it. Over the years, aesthetics has developed into a broad field of knowledge and inquiry. The concerns of contemporary aesthetics include such【C17】______ problems as the nature of style. and its aesthetic significance; the relation of aesthetic judgment to cultures the 【C18】______ of a history of art; the【C19】______ of Freudian psychology and other forms of psychological study to criticisms and the place of aesthetic judgment in practical【C20】______ in the conduct of everyday affairs.






At the turn of the 18th and 19th, centuries ______ appeared in England as a new trend in l





【单选题】越来越多的中国年轻人正对旅游产生兴趣,这是近年来的新趋势。Which of the following translation is correct?

A、More and more young people are getting interested in traveling, which has become a new trend in recent years.

B、More and more young people get interested in traveling, which is becoming a new trend in recent years.

C、More and more young people are getting interested in traveling, where has becomes a new trend in recent years.

D、More and more young people get interested in traveling, which becomes a new trend in recent years.

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