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提问人:网友ssuber 发布时间:2022-01-07

根据下列文章,请回答 21~25 题。 Text 1"Family" is of course an elastic word. And in diffe

根据下列文章,请回答 21~25 题。

Text 1

"Family" is of course an elastic word. And in different countries it has different meanings. But when British people say that their society is based on family life, they are thinking of "family" in its narrow, peculiarly European sense of mother, father and children living together in their own house as an economic and social unit. Thus, every British marriage indicates the beginning of a new and independent family--hence the tremendous importance of marriage in British life. For both man and woman, marriage means leaving one' s parents and starting one' s own life. The man' s first duty will then be to his wife, and the wife' s to her husband. He will be entirely responsible for her financial support, and she for the running of the new home. Their children will be their common responsibility and their alone. Neither the wife' s parents nor the husband' s, nor their brothers or sisters, aunts or uncles, have any right to interfere with them--they are their own masters.

Readers of novels like Jane Austen' s Pride and Prejudice will know that in former times,marriage among wealthy families were arranged by the girl' s parents, that is, it was the parents' duty to find a suitable husband for their daughter, preferably a rich one, and by skillful encouragement to lead him eventually to ask their permission to marry her. Until that time, the girl was protected and maintained in the parents' home, and the financial relief of getting rid of her could be seen in their giving the newly married pair a sum of money called a dowry(嫁妆). It is very different today. Most girls of today get a job when they leave school and become financially independent before their marriage. This has had two results. A girl chooses her own husband, and she gets no dowry. Every coin has two sides; independence for girls is no exception. But it may be a good thing for all of the girls, as their social status are much higher and they are no longer the subordinate(部下,下级) of their parents and husbands.

第 21 题 What does the author mean by "Family is of course an elastic word"?

A.Different families have different ways of fife.

B.Different definitions could be given to the word.

C.Different nations have different families.

D.Different times produce different families.

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更多“根据下列文章,请回答 21~25 题。 Text 1"Family" is of course an elastic word. And in diffe”相关的问题
根据下列文章,请回答 21~25 题。 Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below

根据下列文章,请回答 21~25 题。

Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A ,B ,C orD. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET1.

Text 1

Some people ought to defend the workaholic.

These people are unjustly accused, abused, and defamed -- often termed sick or morbid or on the border of pathology. About 30% of American business and commerce is carried on the shoulders of workaholics. The ratio might exist in art and science too.

Workaholics are the achievers, the excelers. There is a national conspiracy against excellence and. undue admiration of commonness and mediocrity. It is as if we are against those who make uncommon sacrifices because they enjoy doing something.

Some famous psychologists say that the workaholic has an inferiority complex which leads to overcompensation. This is certainly not the case. Inferiority, or low esteem, describes laziness more accurately than it describes dedication.

We do not seem to realize that very little excellence is achieved by living a well-balanced life.Edison, Ford, Einstein, Freud all had single-minded devotion to work whereby they sacrificed many things, including family and friendship. The accusation is made that workaholics bear guilt by not being good parents or spouses. But guilt can exist in the balanced life also. Think how many "normal" people and middle-ages who have never done anything well -- they are going to settle for less than what they could have become.

第 21 题

From this passage we know that workaholic is a term referring to those_____

A.who enjoy work more than anything else.

B.who make greater contributions than others.

C.who make uncommon sacrifice in their personal life.

D.All of the above.

根据下列文章,请回答 21~25 题。 Text 1 In the 1920s demand for American farm products fe

根据下列文章,请回答 21~25 题。

Text 1

In the 1920s demand for American farm products fell, as European countries began to recover from World War I and instituted austerity (紧缩) programs to reduce their imports. The result was a sharp drop in farm prices. This period was more disastrous for farmers than earlier times had been, because farmers were no longer self-sufficient. They were paying for machinery, seed, and fertilizer, and they were also buying consumer goods. The prices of the items farmers bought remained constant, while prices they received for their products fell. These developments were made worse by the Great Depression, which began in 1929 and extended throughout the 1939s.

In 1929, under President Herbert Hoover, the Federal Farm Board was organized. It established the principle of direct interference with supply and demand, and it represented the first national commitment to provide greater economic stability for farmers. President Hoover' s successor attached even more importance to this problem. One of the first measures proposed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt when he took office in 1933 was the Agricultural Adjustment Act, which was subsequently passed by Congress. This law gave the Secretary of Agriculture the power to reduce production through voluntary agreements with farmers who were paid to take their land out of use.A deliberate scarcity of farm, products was planned in an effort to raise prices. This law was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court on the grounds that general taxes were being collected to pay one special group of people.However, new laws were passed immediately that achieved the same result of resting soil and providing flood-control measures, but which were based on the principle of soil conservation. The Roosevelt Administration believed that rebuilding the nation' s soil was in the national interest and Was not simply a plan to help farmers at the expense of other citizens. Later the government guaranteed loans to farmers so that they could buy farm machinery, hybrid (杂交)grain, and fertilizers.

第 21 题 What brought about the decline in the demand for American farm products?

A.The impact of the Great Depression.

B.The shrinking of overseas markets.

C.The destruction caused by WWI.

D.The increased exports of European countries.

根据下列文章,请回答 21~25 题。 Text 1 However important we may regard school life to be

根据下列文章,请回答 21~25 题。

Text 1

However important we may regard school life to be, there is no denying the fact that children spend more time at home than in the classroom. Therefore, the great influence of parents cannot be ignored or discounted by the teacher. They can become strong allies of the school personnel or they can consciously or unconsciously hinder and obstruct curricular objectives.

Administrators have been aware of the need to keep parents informed of the newer method used in schools. Many principals have conducted workshops explaining such matters as the reading readiness program, manuscript. writing, and developmental mathematics.

Moreover, the classroom teacher, with the permission of the supervisors, can also play an important role in enlightening parents. The many interviews carried on during the year as well as new ways of reporting pupils' progress, can significantly aid in achieving a harmonious interplay between school and home.

To illustrate, suppose that a father has been drilling Junior in arithmetic processes night after night. In a friendly interview, the teacher can help the parent convert his natural paternal interest into productive channels. He might be persuaded to let Junior participate in discussing the family budget, buying the food, using a yardstick or measuring cup at home, setting the clock, calculating mileage on a trip, and engaging in scores of other activities that have a mathematical basis.

If the father follows the advice, it is reasonable to assume that he will soon realize his son is making satisfactory progress in mathematics and, at the same time, enjoying the work.

Too often, however, teachers' conferences with parents are devoted to petty accounts of children' s offences, complaints about laziness and poor work habits, and suggestions for penalties and rewards at home.

What is needed is a more creative approach in which the teacher, as a professional adviser,plants ideas in parents' minds for the best utilization of the many hours that the child spends out of the classroom.

In this way, the school and the home join forces in stimulating the fullest development of youngsters' capacities.

第 21 题

A method of parent-teacher communication NOT mentioned or referred to by the author is

A.home training.

B.demonstration lesson.

C.parent-teacher interviews.

D.new progress report forms.

根据下列文章,请回答 21~25 题。 Text 1An embarrassing experienceIt was the small hours of

根据下列文章,请回答 21~25 题。

Text 1

An embarrassing experience

It was the small hours of the morning when we reached London Airport. I had cabled London from Amsterdam, and there was a hired car to meet, but there was one more unfortunate happening before I reached my flat. In all my travels I have never, but for that once, been required by the British customs to open a single bag or to do more than state that I carried no goods liable to duty. It was, of course, my fault; the extreme tiredness and nervous tension of the journey had destroyed my diplomacy. I was, for whichever reason, so tired that I could hardly stand, and to the question,"have you read this?" I replied with extreme foolishness,"Yes, hundreds of times. "

"And you have nothing to declare?"

"Nothing. "

"How long have you been out of this country?"

"About three months. "

"And during that time you have acquired nothing?"

"Nothing but what is on the list I have given you. "

He seemed momentarily at a loss, but then he attacked. The attack, when it came, was utterly unexpected.

"Where did you get that watch?"

I could have kicked myself. Two days ago, When playing water games with a friend in the bath, I had forgotten to take off my ROLEX OYSTER, and it had, not unnaturally, stopped. I had gone into the market and bought, for twelve shillings and six pence, an ugly time piece that made a strange noise. It had stopped twice, without any reason, during the journey.

I explained, but I had already lost face. I produced my own watch from a pocket, and added that I should be grateful if he would confiscate the replacement.

"It is not a question of confiscation," he said, "there is a fine for failing to declare dutiable goods. And now may I please examine that Rolex?"

It took another quarter of an hour to persuade him that the Rolex was not contraband; then he began to search my luggage.

第 21 题 When did the writer arrive at London airport?

A.In the early morning.

B.Late at night.

C.At noon.

D.Late in the morning

根据下列文章,请回答 1~20 题。 Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for eac

根据下列文章,请回答 1~20 题。

Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A ,B , C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.

During the 1980s, unemployment and underemployment in some countries was as high as 90 percent. Some countries did not _____21 enough food;basic needs in housing and clothing were not _____22 . Many of these countries looked to the industrial processes of the developed countries _____ 23 solutions.

_____ 24 , problems cannot always be solved by copying the industrialized countries. Industry in the developed countries is highly automated and very _____25 . It provides fewer jobs than labor-intensive industrial processes, and highly 26 workers are needed to _____ 27 and repair the equipment. These workers must be trained _____ 28 many countries do not have the necessary training institutions. Thus, the _____29 of importing industry becomes higher. Students must be sent abroad to _____30 vocational and professional training. _____ 31 , just to begin training, the students must _____ 32 learn English, French, German, or Japanese. The students then spend many years abroad,and _____ 33 do not return home.

All countries agree that science and technology _____ 34 be shared. The point is: countries _____35 the industrial processes of the developed countries need to look carefully _____36 the costs,because many of these costs are _____37 . Students from these countries should _____38 the problems of the developed countries closely. _____ 39 care, they will take home not the problems of science andtechnology, _____40 the benefits.

第 1 题





根据下列文章,请回答 21~25 题。 Text 1Americans are getting ready for the biggest soccer

根据下列文章,请回答 21~25 题。

Text 1

Americans are getting ready for the biggest soccer event in the world. For the first time the world cup soccer competition will be held in the United States. While millions play the game around the world, soccer or football has only recently become popular here. It is only in the last 30 years that large numbers of young Americans became interested in soccer. Now it is the fastest growing sport in the country. A recent study found that almost 18 million young boys and girls play soccer in the United States.

The study also found that soccer is beginning to replace more traditional games like American football as the most popular sport among students. And so, when the world cup begins next week, more than one million Americans are expected to go and see the teams play. Organizers say this year' s world cup will be the biggest ever. All the seats at most of the 52 games have already been sold.

Soccer has been played in the United States for a little more than one hundred years. But how did the sport come to this country? And how long has it existed in other parts of the world.'? No one knows exactly where the idea for soccer came from, or when people began playing the game. Some scientists say there is evidence that ball games using the feet were played thousands of years ago. There is evidence that ancient Greeks and Romans and native American Indians all played games similar to soccer.

Most experts agree that Britain is the birthplace of modem soccer. They also agree that the British spread the game around the world. Unlike the game today, which uses balls of man-made material or leather, early soccer balls were often made of animal stomachs. The rules of early soccer games also differed from those we have today.

第 21 题 Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the text?

A.Americans were preparing for the world cup when the author wrote this article.

B.More younger Americans became interested in soccer in the last 30 years.

C.Soccer is the fastest developing sport in the world.

D.The article was written before the world cup held in the United States.

根据下列文章,请回答 1~20 题。 Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for eac

根据下列文章,请回答 1~20 题。

Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.

Music comes in many forms; most countries have a style. of their own. _______21 the turn of the century when jazz (爵士乐) was born, America bad no prominent ______ 22 of its own. No one knows exactly when jazz was ______ 23 , or by whom. But it began to be______ 24 in the early 1900s.Jazz is America' s contribution to ______ 25 music. In contrast to classical music, which ______ 26 formal European traditions. Jazz is spontaneous and free-form. It bubbles with energy, ______ 27 moods, interests, and emotions of the people. In the 1920s, jazz ______28 like America. And 29 it does today.

The ______ 30 of this music are as interesting as the music ______ 31 , American Negroes, or blacks, as they are called today were the Jazz ______ 32 . They were brought to the Southern states ______ 33 slaves. They were sold to plantation owners and forced to work long ______ 34 . When a Negro died, his friends and relatives ______ 35 a procession to carry the body to the cemetery. In New Orleans, a band often accompanied the ______36 . On the way to the cemetery the band played slow, solemn music suited to the occasion, ______ 37 on the way home the mood changed. Spirits lifted. Death had removed one of their ______38 , but the living were glad to be alive. The band played ______39 music improvising (即兴表演)on both the harmony and the melody of the tunes ______40 at the funeral. This music made everyone want to dance. It was an early form. of Jazz.

第 1 题





根据下列文章,请回答 1~20 题。 Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each nu

根据下列文章,请回答 1~20 题。

Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A. B.C.or D on ANSWER SHEET1.

In the past,the Park Service focused on making the big scenic parks more_______ 21 and comfortable for tourists. Roads were paved to allow "windshield visitors" to experience the grandeur of nature without leaving their cars, and a _____ 22 number of hotels and grocery stores were permitted to open _____23 the park boundaries.

Now this trend is changing. Plans have been made to _____24 the parks to their natural condition as much as possible. The objective of such a move would be to secure the preservation of the parks for future generations, _____ 25 allowing present-day visitors to experience pure wilderness, _____26 from any obvious signs of civilization -- an opportunity which is quickly disappearing in the twentieth century. _____27 plans call only _____28 a reduction in the number of cars _____ 29 into the parks each day, but _____ 30 ,tourists may have to leave their cars at the gates and then either visit the park on foot _____31 use park _____ 32 . _____33 , stores and hotels may no longer be allowed within park boundaries and even the number of campgrounds may be restricted.

Denali National Park in Alaska serves as an excellent _____34 for this new type of park, one which has been changed only slightly from its _____ 35 state. There is only one road, unpaved in _____ 36 , which cross _____ 37 Denali. As car traffic is strictly limited, many visitors experience the magnificent _____38 and wildlife from a park bus. There are no hotels or stores and only seven campgrounds within Denali's 3,000 square miles. This _____ 39 isolation offers backpackers,canoeists, and other sport enthusiasts a _____40 .physical and psychological challenge.

第 1 题

A. possible




根据下列文章,请回答 1~21 题。 TextMost radio and television stations in the United State

根据下列文章,请回答 1~21 题。


Most radio and television stations in the United States are commercial stations,________26is to say, they earn their money from _______ 27or commercials. Private companies purchase radio and television_______28from the commercial stations in order to_______29their products. Cable television stations are also _______ 30stations, though they do not usually have advertisements. _______31watch cable stations, people must pay the cable TV company a certain amount of money each _______ 32

ublic radio and television stations, on the_______ 33hand, do not have advertisements and people do not have to _______ 34to watch them. These stations gain their money_______ 35the government, private companies, and from some of the36who watch or listen to their programs. The _______ 37government and some large corporations give _______ 38, large gifts on money, to the public stations. Small businesses and people also_______39money to their local public radio and television stations.

ABC,CBS,and NBC are the three_______40commercial radio and television _______ 41in the United States. Most local commercial radio and TV stations _______ _______42their programs from one of these national networks. _______ 43example, each network has a TV news program in the evening, _______ 44the local stations broadcast in addition to their_______45local news programs.

第 1 题





根据下列文章,请回答1~20题。 Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each

根据下列文章,请回答 1~20 题。

Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A,B ,C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.

Computers are now being pushed into schools. We know that multimedia will make __________21 easy and fun. Children will happily learn from _________ 22 characters while taught by expertly _________ 23 software. Who needs teachers when you've got _________24 education? These expensive toys are difficult to use in the classrooms and _________ 25 extensive teacher training. Sure, kids love video games_________ 26 think of your own experience: can you _________27 even one educational filmstrip of many years ago? I'll _________ 28 you remember the two or three great teachers who made a _________ 29 in your life.

Then there's cyberbusiness. We're promised _________ 30 catalog shopping - just point and click for great deals. We'll order airline tickets ________ 31 the network, book restaurants and negotiate sales________32 Stores will become obsolete. So how come my local mall does more ________ 33 ia an after0noon than the entire Internet ________ 34 in a month? Even if there were a trustworthy way to ________ 35 money over the Interact, the network is ________ 36 a most essential ingredient of trade and commerce:salespeople.

What's absent from this electronic wonderland? People contact. Computers and networks________ 37 us from one another. A network chat line is a limp ________38 for meeting friends over coffee. No interactive multimedia display comes ________ ________39 to the excitement of a ________ 40 concert. This virtual reality where frustration is legion and -- in the holy names of Education and Progress -- important aspects of human interactions are relentlessly devalued.

第 1 题





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