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提问人:网友regabber 发布时间:2022-01-07

Jack Ma had never heard of Davos before when he first came to Switzerland for Davos in 2001.()

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Jack Ma had never heard of Davos before when he first came to Switzerland for Davos in 2001.()



Davos: Can Connectivity Feed The World? By Lilianne Ploumen, Peter Schwartz and Lorin Fries What do elections, cell phones and social media have to do with the food on your plate? More than you might think. We've entered a new global era. In the midst of a shifting geopolitical landscape, the accelerating pace of technology, and unprecedented inequality, our diets might seem like a modest concern. Yet the food we choose to eat – and the systems that deliver it – are among the most powerful forces shaping the world. What will we consume in the future? And how can this food be healthy for people without over-taxing the planet? The answers are complex. But one element is apparent: feeding a world of 8.5 billion people nutritiously and sustainably by 2030 will depend on connectivity. Putting good food on every plate depends on trade, technology, communication and collaboration in an interconnected world. Yet we are growing more geopolitically disconnected. After an era of increasing globalization, we are reversing course. Nations that have historically been drivers of open trade and alliance-building have turned inward, prioritizing domestic concerns. Collaborative norms and international institutions are being questioned. And these changes are underpinned by increasing wealth and power disparity. What might this mean for the world’s food systems? Such fragmentation could drive starker social and economic divisions between the affluent and the poor, creating islands of plenty along with hunger hotspots. It could also provoke new tensions: Nigeria depends on food imports to feed its population of 186 million, which is expected to exceed 260 million by 2030. What might be the cost of food in Lagos if Nigeria’s trade is weakened or cut off, and with what consequences for poverty, hunger, social stability and migration? Another medium of connectivity – technology – has the potential to link and serve people across geography, class and culture. But without care, it could benefit only wealthy citizens while leaving the poorest behind. One look into the future shows a world reshaped by innovation, and such changes will impact food in unexpected ways: a meal in 2030 may have been grown in a lab, harvested by robots or chosen on a personalized nutrition app. Yet many of the most powerful innovations are less visible: technologies that increase connectivity – such as mobile platforms and the internet – hold profound promise to chip away at problems like hunger. A digital divide currently separates the 4 billion people disconnected on the internet from the rest of the world. How much economic growth could we stimulate if every smallholder farmer accessed accurate market data on her phone to inform planting and selling choices? And of the 40% of food that is lost in most of the developing world, how much could be saved if trucks on remote roads were equipped with spoilage sensors? Unprecedented social connectivity means that new norms spread quickly – for good or bad. Nearly half of the global population eats an unhealthy diet, and this trend is likely to worsen. Especially among the growing middle class in regions like Asia, billions of people are transitioning towards diets high in sugar, salt, fat and meat. And while food choices are influenced by factors ranging from price to convenience to culture, they are also a product of social aspirations, informed and perpetuated by social connectivity. Social media is a high-speed train; when used intentionally, the tracks can be laid towards better choices for people and the planet. Such choices shape the whole system, from fork to farm – so what would it look like if cultural icons appeared on advertisements for vegetables? Or if wasting food were a social taboo? In our own professional roles, we solve problems through technology and platforms for collaboration. So when the World Economic Forum’s expert network identified market connectivity as one of the foremost factors that will shape the future of food, we were intrigued. This finding is part of a new Scenarios Analysis on the Future of Global Food Systems that will be discussed at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos next week. What might it mean for decision-making by companies, policy-makers, civil society leaders – and for all of us, at the grocery store? The scenarios provide a thought-provoking glimpse into the ways that changing demand and market connectivity could reshape our world by 2030. Depending on the choices we make, we could face an unsustainable world of “unchecked consumption,” an unequal world of “survival of the richest,” a fragmented world in which “local is the new global,” or an interconnected world of “open-source sustainability.” All of these appear possible from our current vantage point. The actions we take today cast long shadows on the future. Considering scenarios shows us the importance of business innovation, smart policy and proactive social sector engagement to achieve our long-term goals. These actions will need to be taken in tandem by many diverse actors, aligning efforts to sustainably nourish the world by 2030, linked to the Sustainable Development Goals. That will require an ambitious transformation of the status quo, but connectivity and innovation can help us get there. Let’s collaborate to chart a path toward the future we want – to put good food on every plate while protecting the planet. Please Answer the following questions according to the passage above: Which one of the following items dose not seem to be a major concern in the new global era?

A、Shifting geopolitical landscape

B、The accelerating pace of technology

C、Unprecedented inequality

D、The food we choose to eat

The meeting of World Economic Forum is held annually in the Swiss town of Davos.

Scientists working on a problem do not know and sometimes can&39;t even guess what the final result will be. Late on Friday, 8 November, 1895, Professor Rontgen, a German physicist, was doing an experiment in his laboratory when he noticed something extraordinary. He had covered an electric bulb with black cardboard, and when he switched on the current he saw little dancing lights on his table. (46) ; how then could any ray penetrate? On the table there were some pieces of paper which had been covered with metal salts. (47) . Professor Rontgen took a piece of this paper and held it at a distance from the lamp. Between it and the lamp he placed a variety of objects, a books, a pack of cards, a piece of wood and a door key. The ray penetrated every one of them except the key. He called his wife into the laboratory and asked her to hold her hand between the lamp and a photographic plate. (48) , but she held up her hand for a quarter of an hour, and when the plate was developed there was a picture of the bones of her hand and of the ring on one finger. The mysterious ray could pass through the flesh and not through the bone or the ring.

At a scientific meeting, Professor Rontegen called this new ray "the unknown", the X-ray. (49) , and soon there were X-ray machines in all the big hospitals. The most obvious use for this discovery was to enable doctors to see exactly how a bone was fractured. Other uses came later. It was found that these rays could be used to destroy cancer cells, just as they destroyed the healthy cells of the doctors who first used the machines. (50) , and the lungs could be X-rayed to show if there was any tuberculosis present.


A. It was on this paper that the lights were shiningB. She was very surprised by this requestC. Now the bulb was completely coveredD. It was a great inventionE. Methods were found later by which ulcers in the stomach could be locatedF. Doctors quickly saw how this could be used


A. It was on this paper that the lights were shiningB. She was very surprised by this requestC. Now the bulb was completely coveredD. It was a great inventionE. Methods were found later by which ulcers in the stomach could be locatedF. Doctors quickly saw how this could be used


A. It was on this paper that the lights were shiningB. She was very surprised by this requestC. Now the bulb was completely coveredD. It was a great inventionE. Methods were found later by which ulcers in the stomach could be locatedF. Doctors quickly saw how this could be used


A. It was on this paper that the lights were shiningB. She was very surprised by this requestC. Now the bulb was completely coveredD. It was a great inventionE. Methods were found later by which ulcers in the stomach could be locatedF. Doctors quickly saw how this could be used


A. It was on this paper that the lights were shiningB. She was very surprised by this requestC. Now the bulb was completely coveredD. It was a great inventionE. Methods were found later by which ulcers in the stomach could be locatedF. Doctors quickly saw how this could be used

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