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提问人:网友tsdafeng 发布时间:2022-01-07

One of the good things for men in women's liberation is that men no longer have to pay wom

en the old-fashioned courtesies.

In an article on the new manners, Ms. Holmes says that a perfectly able woman no longer has to act helplessly in public as if she were a model. For example, she doesn't need help getting in and out of cars. She also says there is no reason why a man should walk on the outside of a woman on the sidewalk.

As far as manners are concerned, I suppose I have always been a supporter of women's liberation. Over the years, out of a sense of respect, I imagine, I have refused to trouble women with outdated courtesies.

It is usually easier to follow rules of social behaviour than to depend on one's own taste. But rules may be safely broken, of course, by those of us with the gift of natural grace. For example, when a man and woman are led to their table in a restaurant and the waiter pulls out a chair, the woman is expected to sit in the chair. That is according to Ms. Ann Clark. I have always done it the other way, according to my wife.

It came up only the other night. I followed the hostess to the table, and when she pulled the chair out I sat on it, quite naturally, since it happened to be the chair I wanted to sit in.

"Well, "my wife said, when the hostess had gone, "you did it again."

"Did what?" I asked, utterly confused.

"Took the chair."

Actually, since I'd walked. through the restaurant ahead of my wife, it would have been awkward, I should think, not to have taken the chair. I had got there first, after all.

Also, it has always been my custom to get in a car first, and let the woman get in by herself. This is a courtesy I insist on as the stronger sex, out of love and respect. In times like these, there might be attackers hidden about. It would be unsuitable to put a woman in a car then shut the door on her, leaving her at the mercy of some bad fellow who might be hiding in the back seat.

It can be concluded from the passage that______.

A.men should walk on the inside of a sidewalk

B.women are becoming more capable than before

C.in women's liberation men are also liberated

D.it's safe to break rules of social behaviour

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更多“One of the good things for men in women's liberation is that men no longer have to pay wom”相关的问题
根据下列材料,请回答下列各题 Weight(体重)is one of the taboo subjects.In America,it is OK,o

根据下列材料,请回答下列各题 Weight(体重)is one of the taboo subjects.In America,it is OK,or even good,to be thin but it is a/l embar·rassnlent(尴尬)to be overweight.In fact,the thinner you are,the more beautiful you are thought to be.You’llfind that most models(模特)are nothing more than skin and bones.A woman who is thin is easy to become popu·lar.Of COllrse,there are lots of people do their best to be thin.They may use all kinds of ways,such as doing exer-cise,or dieting(节食).But,sometimes,dieting may bring about some healthy problems. Americans are very careful about their weight and most of the time they do not tell others how much theyweigh...even if they are quite thin.Therefore.you’d better not ask about it.But if you really want to talk aboutthis subject,it’S always safer to say,“0h,it looks like you have lost weight.”However,if you would like to behonest and polite,I suggest that you should choose your words carefully,perhaps by saying,“Hey,you look great.Very healthy looking.”And always remember.you citrl not USe the word“fat”. Those thin women are more popular than those fat women.



C.Doesn’t Say.

听力原文:A good marriage means growing as a couple but also growing as individuals. This i

听力原文: A good marriage means growing as a couple but also growing as individuals. This isn't easy; marriage has always been difficult. Why then are we seeing so many divorces at this time? Yes, our modern social fabric is thin, and yes, the permissiveness of society has created unrealistic expectations and threw the family into disorder. But divorce is so common because people today are unwilling to exercise the self-discipline that marriage requires. They expect easy joy, like the entertainment on TV, the thrill of a good party.

Marriage takes some kind of sacrifice, not dreadful self-sacrifice of the soul, but some level of compromise. Some of one's fantasies, some of one's legitimate desires, have to be given up for the value of the marriage itself. "While all marital partners feel shacked at times, it is they who really choose to make the martial ties into confining chains or supporting bonds, says Dr. Walter. Marriage requires sexual, financial and emotional discipline. A man and a woman cannot follow every impulse, cannot allow them to stop growing or changing.


A.Because it is difficult to maintain a marriage.

B.Because people like watching TV programs.

C.Because people prefer freedom to self-discipline.

D.Because our society is permissive towards divorces.

In a recent article, mathematician Aczel argues convincingly that the number of planets su
it able for life is extremely large. There are about 300 billion stars in our galaxy (银河系) and possibly 100 billion galaxies in the universe. Some may quarrel with Aczel' s claim that as many as half of these stars can be presumed to have planets, and that on average one in nine of those planets is suitable for life; but few, I think, will disagree with his conclusion that there are a very large number of planets suitable for life.

The trouble starts when we come to estimate the probability that life will emerge on any of these planets. The problem is that we don' t have a good theory of the origin of life on earth. Without one, it is anybody' s guess how likely this event actually was. Out of thin air Aczel conjures (想像) the figure of 1 in a trillion for this likelihood and concludes that the probability of life existing on at least one other planet is virtually 1.

Statistics are extremely powerful and important, and Aczel is a very clear and capable exponent (倡导者) of them. But statistics cannot substitute for empirical (经验主义的) knowledge about the way the universe behaves. We now have no reasonable way of arriving at robust estimates for the probability of life arising spontaneously when the conditions are right. So, until we either discover extraterrestrial (外星球的) life or understand far more about how at least one form. of life--terrestrial life--first appeared, we can do little more than guess at the likely hood that life exists elsewhere in the universe. And as long as we' re merely guessing, we should not dress up our interesting speculations as mathematical certainties.

The term "Out of thin air" in Line 3 of Paragraph 2 can be best replaced by ______.





听力原文:F:Henry, why? You look so worried?M: It's my weight. I have been one kilogram thi

听力原文:F: Henry, why? You look so worried?

M: It's my weight. I have been one kilogram thinner recently. I don't know what is wrong. I keep on eating and eating to put on a little weight, but it simply doesn't work !

F: I think the most important thing is that you should keep a good mood, take everything easy and everything will be OK, including your weight.

M: Hey, Laura, don't you feel worded about your weight? You are getting more and more plump.

F: As a matter of fact, I don't worry about it.

M: It seems that there are too many differences between you and me.

F: Yes. And I guess there are actually too many differences between thin people and fat people.

M: For example?

F: For example, thin people believe in logic. Fat people see all sides. The sides fat people see are rounded blobs, usually gray, always not clear and truly not worth worrying about.

M: But thin people persist. We always have a long list of logical things ready to tell other people.

F: But we fat people are much nicer. We smile all day. We know all about the mystery of life.

M: We thin people, however, like to make plans. Sometimes our programs seem too dull, too hard, too off the mark to many people.

F: We fat people like enjoying life. We are generous, giving, and gallant.

M: Oh, I wish I could become a nice fat guy instead of a mean thin one.

Why couldn't the man put on more weight?

A.He hasn' t eaten enough.

B.He worries too much.

C.He hasn't had a right plan.

D.Nobody knows what' s wrong.

SECTION BPASSAGESDirections: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to th


Directions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文: A good marriage means growing as a couple but also growing as individuals. It isn't easy; marriage bas always been difficult. Why then are we seeing so many divorces at this time? Yes, our modern social fabric is thin, and yes, the permissiveness of society has created unrealistic expectations and thrown die family into disorder. But divorce is so common because people today are unwilling to exercise the self-discipline that marriage requires. They expect easy joy, like the entertainment on TV, the thrill of a good party.

Marriage takes some kind of sacrifice, not dreadful self-sacrifice of the soul, but some level of compromise. Some of one's fantasies, some of one's legitimate desires, have to be given up for the value of the marriage itself. "While all martial partners feel shackled at times, it is they who really choose to make the martial ties into confining chains or supporting bonds," says Dr. Walter. Marriage requires sexual, financial and emotional discipline. A man and a woman cannot follow every impulse, cannot allow them to stop growing or changing.

Why are divorces so common at present?

A.Because it is difficult to maintain a marriage.

B.Because people like watching TV programs.

C.Because people prefer joy to self-discipline.

D.Because our society is permissive towards divorces.

SECTION BPASSAGESDirections: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to th


Directions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文: A good marriage means growing as a couple but also growing as individuals. This isn't easy; marriage has always been difficult. Why then are we seeing so many divorces at this time? Yes, our modem social fabric is thin, and yes, the permissiveness of society has created unrealistic expectations and threw the family into disorder. (11[C]) But divorce is so common because people today are unwilling to exercise the self-discipline that marriage requires. They expect easy joy, like the entertainment on TV, the thrill of a good party.

(l2 [B]) Marriage takes some kind of sacrifice, not dreadful self-sacrifice of the soul, but some level of compromise. Some of one's fantasies, some of one's legitimate desires, have to be given up for the value of the marriage itself. "While all martial partners feel shacked at times, it is they who really choose to make the martial ties into confining chains or supporting bonds," says Dr. Walter. Marriage requires sexual, financial and emotional disciple. A man and a woman cannot follow every impulse, cannot allow them to stop growing or changing.

Why are divorces so common at present?

A.Because it is difficult to maintain a marriage.

B.Because people like watching TV programs.

C.Because people prefer joy to self-discipline.

D.Because our society is permissive towards divorces.

听力原文:F: Henry. why? You look so worried?M: It's my weight. I have been one kilogram th

听力原文:F: Henry. why? You look so worried?

M: It's my weight. I have been one kilogram thinner recently. I don't know what is wrong. I keep on eating and eating to put on a little weight, but it simply doesn't work !

F: I think the most important thing is that you should keep a good mood, take everything easy and everything will be OK, including your weight.

M: Hey, Laura, don't you feel worried about your weight? You are getting more and more plump.

F: As a matter of fact, I don't worry about it.

M: It seems that there are too many differences between you and me.

F: Yes. And I guess there are actually too many differences between thin people and fat people.

M: For example?

F: For example, thin people believe in logic. Fat people see all? ides. The sides fat people see are rounded blobs, usually gray, always not clear and truly not worth worrying about.

M: But thin people persist. We always have a long list of logical things ready to tell other people.

F: But fat people are much nicer. We smile all the day. We know all about the mystery of life.

M: We thin people, however, like to make plans. Sometimes our programs seem too dull, too hard, too off the mark to many people.

F: We fat people like enjoying life. We are generous, giving, and gallant.

M: Oh, I wish I could become a nice fat guy instead of a mean thin one.

Why couldn't the man put on more weight?

A.He hasn't eaten enough.

B.He worries too much.

C.He hasn't had a right plan.

D.Nobody knows what's wrong.

Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each p

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

听力原文: A good marriage means growing as a couple but also growing as individuals. This isn't easy; marriage has always been difficult. Why are we seeing so many divorces at this time? Yes, our modern social fabric is thin, and yes, the permissiveness of society has created unrealistic expectations and threw the family into disorder. But divorce is so common because people today are unwilling to exercise the self-discipline that marriage requires. They expect easy joy, like the entertainment on TV, the thrill of a good party.

Marriage takes some kind of sacrifice, not dreadful self-sacrifice of the soul, but some level of compromise. Some of one's fantasies, some of one's legitimate desires, have to be given up for the value of the marriage itself. “While all martial partners feel shacked at times, it is they who really choose to make the martial ties into confining chains or supporting bonds,”says Dr. Walter. Marriage requires sexual, financial and emotional disciple. A man and a woman cannot follow every impulse, cannot allow them to stop growing or changing.


A.Because it is difficult to maintain a marriage.

B.Because people like watching TV programs.

C.Because people prefer freedom to self-discipline.

D.Because our society is permissive towards divorces.

Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each p

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

听力原文: A good marriage means growing as a couple but also growing as individuals. This isn't easy; marriage has always been difficult. Why then are we seeing so many divorces at this time? Yes, our modem social fabric is thin, and yes, the permissiveness of society has created unrealistic expectations and threw the family into disorder. But divorce is so common because people today are unwilling to exercise the self - discipline that marriage requires. They expect easy joy, like the entertainment on TV, the thrill of a good party.

Marriage takes some kind of sacrifice, not dreadful self- sacrifice of the soul, but some level of compromise. Some of one's fantasies, some of one's legitimate desires, have to be given up for the value of the marriage itself. "While all martial partners feel shacked at times, it is they who really choose to make the martial ties into confining chains or supporting bonds," says Dr. Walter. Marriage requires sexual, financial and emotional disciple. A man and a woman cannot follow every impulse, cannot allow them to stop growing or changing.


A.Because it is difficult to maintain a marriage.

B.Because people like watching TV programs.

C.Because people prefer freedom to self- discipline.

D.Because our society is permissive towards divorces.

Information technologists have dreamt for decades of making an electronic display that is
as good as paper: cheap enough to be pasted on to wails and billboards, clear enough to be read in broad daylight, and thin and flexible enough to be bound as hundreds of flippable leaves to make a book. Over the past few years they have got close. In particular, they have worked out how to produce the display itself, by sandwiching tiny spheres that change colour in response to an electric charge inside thin sheets of flexible, transparent plastic. What they have not yet found is a way to mass-produce flexible electronic circuitry with which to create that charge. But a paper just published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests that this, too, may be done soon.

The process described by John Rogers and his colleagues from Bell Laboratories, an arm of Lucent Technologies, in New Jersey, and E Ink Corporation, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, starts with E Ink's established half-way house towards true electronic paper. This is based on spheres containing black, liquid dye and particles of white, solid pigment. The pigment particles are negatively charged, so they can be pushed and pulled around by electrodes located above and below the sheet.

The electrodes, in turn, are controlled by transistors under the sheet. Each transistor manipulates a single picture element (pixel), making it black or white. The pattern of pixels, in turn, makes up the picture or text on the page. The problem lies in making the transistors and connections. Established ways of doing this, such as photolithography, use silicon as the semiconductor in the transistors. That is all right for applications suck as pesters. It is too fragile and too expensive, though, for genuine electronic paper—which is why cheap and flexible electronic components are needed.

For flexibility, Dr. Rogers and his colleagues chose pentacene as their semiconductor, and gold as their wiring. Pentacene is a polymer whose semiconducting properties were discovered only recently. Gold is the most malleable metal known, and one of the best electrical conductors. Although it is pricey, so little is needed that the cost per article is tiny.

To make their electronic paper the researchers started with a thin sheet of Mylar, a tough plastic, that was coated with indium-tin oxide (ITO), a transparent electrical conductor. To carve this conductor into a suitable electric circuit, they used an innovation called microcontact printing lithography. This trick involves printing the pattern of the circuit on to the ITO using a rubber stamp. The "ink" in the process is a solvent-resistant chemical that protects this part of the ITO while allowing the rest to be dissolved.

From the first paragraph of the passage, we can learn that an electronic display ______.

A.can be made as good as paper

B.is cheap enough to be pasted on to walls and billboards

C.will be as thin and flexible as paper

D.is difficult to be created in the form. of flexible electronic circuitry

SECTION BPASSAGESDirections: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to th


Directions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文: A good marriage means growing as a couple but also growing as individuals. This isn't easy; marriage has always been difficult. Why then are we seeing so many divorces at this time? Yes, our modem social fabric is thin, and yes, the permissiveness of society has created unrealistic expectations and throw the family into disorder. But divorce is so common because people today are unwilling to exercise the self-discipline that marriage requires. They expect easy joy, like the entertainment on TV, the thrill of a good party.

Marriage takes some kind of sacrifice, not dreadful self - sacrifice of the soul, but some level of compromise. Some of one's fantasies, some of one's legitimate desires, have to be given up for the value of the marriage itself. "While all martial partners feel shacked at times, it is they who really choose to make the martial ties into confining chains or supporting bonds," says Dr. Walter. Marriage requires sexual, financial and emotional disciple. A man and a woman cannot follow every impulse, cannot allow them to stop growing or changing.

Why are divorces so common at present?

A.Because it is difficult to maintain a marriage.

B.Because people like watching TV programs.

C.Because people prefer freedom to self - discipline.

D.Because our society is permissive towards divorces.

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