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提问人:网友lqlq2018 发布时间:2022-01-06

A(n) ______ is one who organizes a new business venture in the hopes of making a prof





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更多“A(n) ______ is one who organizes a new business venture in the hopes of making a prof”相关的问题
Match the term with the definition. _______:one who receives blood, tissue, or an organ from a donor.





Imagine this: Your father has been stricken with serious heart disease. At the hospital, y
ou learn he has a chance to survive--- if he can receive a heart transplant. But there are no heart donors available. Your father is one of the 1.5 million Chinese each year who need an organ transplant but cannot get one because of a shortage of donors. What example is used here in this short passage?

A、A brief example

B、An extended example

C、A hypothetical example

D、none of the above

医学英语长句(二)翻译作业: 1. It is only through an...

医学英语长句(二)翻译作业: 1. It is only through an understanding of the impact of the multiple etiologic factors in disease on the host that the mechanisms whereby they disturb normal physiology can be elucidated, only then can one grasp a truly basic understanding of disease processes and lay a groundwork for satisfactory symptomatic or curative procedures. 2. The onset of chronic leukemia is frequently so insidious that it is accidentally discovered when a blood count is obtained for other reasons or when the patient reports to his physician that he has noted a few enlarged lymph nodes or felt, while bathing, a firm left upper quadrant abdominal mass. 3. Many sudden cardiac arrest patients can survive if witnesses act immediately while ventricular fibrillation is still present, but successful resuscitation is unlikely once the rhythm deteriorates to asystole. 4. One should not wait for incontrovertible evidence to make the tentative diagnosis of active rheumatic fever in patients who are thought to be usually susceptible;for example,in those with a known rheumatic valvular lesion, or with a history of previous episode of typical rheumatic fever of with a history of rheumatic heart disease in a parent or sibling, particularly if their illness follows a streptococcal pharyngitis. 5. The current organ policy is shaped largely by two important laws: the first is the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act of 1968, adopted in all fifty states, which granted individuals the right to decide before death whether they wished to donate their organs; the second is the Organ Transplantation Act of 1984 , which aimed to encourage organ donation by establishing an organized organ matching and procurement network , while outlawing the buying and selling of human organs or the direct compensation of organ donors and their families.

听力原文: The human nose has given to the languages of the world many interesting expressi
ons.Of course,this is not surprising.Without the nose,we could not breathe nor smell.It is a part of the face that gives a person special character.Cyrano de Bergerac said that a large nose showed a great man courageous,courteous,manly,and intellectual.

A famous woman poet wished that she had two noses to smell a rose! Blaise Pascal,a French philosopher,made an interesting comment about Cleopatra's nose.If it had been shorter,he said,it would have changed the whole face of the world!

Historically,man's nose has had a principal role in his imagination.Man has referred to the nose in many ways to express his emotions.Expressions concerning the nose refer to human weakness:anger,pride,jealousy and revenge.

In English there are a number of phrases about the nose.For example,to hold up one's nose expresses a basic human feeling—pride.People can hold up their noses at people,things,and places.

The phrase,to be led around by the nose,shows man's weakness.A person who is led around by the nose lets other people control him.On the other hand,a person who follows his nose lets his instinct guide him.

For the human emotion of rejection,the phrase to have one's nose put out of joint is very descriptive.The expression applies to persons who have been turned aside because of a rival.Their pride is hurt and they feel rejected.This expression is not new.It was used by Erasmus in 1542.

This is only a sampling of expressions in English dealing with the nose.There are a number of others.However,it should be as plain as the nose on your face that the nose is more than an organ for breathing and smelling!

What is this passage mainly about?

A.The human nose as an organ for breathing and smelling.

B.The nose providing us with various expressions.

C.A woman poet's wish to have two noses.

D.Interesting comments made on Cleopatra's nose.

Spare a Kidney? It is no longer unusual for a spouse or relative to donate a kidney to a l

Spare a Kidney?

It is no longer unusual for a spouse or relative to donate a kidney to a loved one, but the number of Americans who have given a kidney to a friend, a co-worker or even a complete stranger has risen sharply from 68 in 1994 to 176 in 1998.

There are many reasons. First, it's possible to live a normal life with only one kidney. (The remaining kidney enlarges to make up most of the difference.) in addition a kidney from a live donor lasts longer than a kidney taken from someone who has died suddenly. But the biggest change in the past few years is that transplant surgeons have started using laparoscopic techniques to remove the donor kidney through a much smaller incision, and this can cut recovery time for the donor from six weeks to four weeks.

Just because you can do something, however, it doesn't mean you should. Donating a kidney means undergoing an operation that carries some risk. You could argue that you may be helping to save a life, but you certainly can't pretend that you're better off with one kidney instead of two.

So, what are the risks? "As with any major operation, there is a chance of dying, of reoperation due to bleeding, of infection, of vein clots in the legs or a hernia at the incision," says Dr. Arthur Matas, director of the renal-transplant program at the University of Minnesota Medical Center in Minneapolis. Even laparoscopy, a relatively new technique for kidney donation, is not risk-free. Doctors estimate that chances of dying from the procedure are about 3 in 10,000.

There's no money to be made; selling an organ is illegal. But the recipient's insurance normally covers your operation and immediate aftercare. Your costs can include hotel bills, lost pay during recovery or possible future disability.

Although transplant centers must evaluate any potential donor's suitability, it never hurts to have an independent opinion. The most common contraindications are heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure.

Never let anyone, not even a close relative, pressure you into giving up an organ -- no matter if you're healthy. "There's often the feeling that you're not a good friend, father, mother if you don't do this," says Arthur Caplan, director of the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Bioethics. Some transplant centers will invent a "medical problem" on behalf of those who are reluctant to donate but feel they can't say no.

From 1994 to 1998 the number of Americans who had donated a kidney reached 244.



C.Not Mentioned

Organ Donation and Transplantation1. Organ donation (捐献) and transplantation (移植) refe

Organ Donation and Transplantation

1. Organ donation (捐献) and transplantation (移植) refers to the process by which organs or tissues from one person are put into another person's body.

2. The number of people needing a transplant continues to rise faster than the number of donors. A- bout 3,700 transplant candidates are added to the national waiting list each month. Each day, about 77 people receive organ transplants. However, 18 people die each day waiting for transplants that can't take place because of the shortage of donated organs.

3. There are no age limits on who can donate. Newborns as well as senior citizens have been organ donors. If you are under age 18, you must have a parent's or guardian's consent (同意). If you are 18 years or older, you can show you want to be an organ and tissue donor by signing a donor card.

4. Many people think that if they agree to donate their organs, the doctor or the emergency room staff won't work as hard to save their life. This is not true. The transplant team is completely separate from the medical staff working to save your life. The transplant team does not become involved with you until doctors have determined that all possible efforts to save your life have failed.

5. If you need an organ transplant, your doctor will help you get on the national waiting list. Your name will be added to a pool of names. When an organ donor becomes available, all the patients in the pool are compared to that donor. Factors such as blood and tissue type, size of the organ, medical urgency (紧急) of the patient's illness, time already spent on the waiting list, and distance between donor and recipient (授受者) are considered.

A. Quality of donated organs

B. Benefits of organ donation

C. Distribution of donated organs

D. Quality of donor medical care

E. Age limits for organ donation

F. Status of organ donation and transplantation

Paragraph 2______

Spare a Kidney?It is no longer unusual for a spouse or relative to donate a kidney t0 a lo

Spare a Kidney?

It is no longer unusual for a spouse or relative to donate a kidney t0 a loved one, but the number of Americans who have given a kidney to a friend, a co-worker or even a complete stranger has risen sharply from 68 in 1994 to 176 in 1998.

There are many reasons. First, it's possible to live a normal life with only one kidney. (The remaining kidney enlarges to make up most of the difference.)In addition a kidney from a live donor lasts longer than a kidney taken from someone who has died suddenly. But the biggest change in the past few years is that transplant surgeons have started using 1aparoscopic techniques to remove the donor kidney through a much smaller incision, and this can cut recovery time for the donor from six weeks to four weeks.

Just because you do something, however, it doesn't mean you should, Donating a kidney means under- going an operation that carries some risk. You could argue that you may be helping to save a life, but you certainly can't pretend that you're better off with one kidney instead of two.

So, what are the risks? “As with any major operation, there is a chance of dying, of reoperation due to bleeding,Of infection,Of vein clots in the legs Or a hernia at the incision,”says Dr.Arthur Matas,director of the renal-transplant program at the university of Minnesota Medical Center in Minneapolis. Even laparoscopy, a relatively new technique for kidney donation, is not risk-free. Doctors estimate that chances of dying from the procedure are about 3 in 10,000.

There's no money to be made; selling an organ is illegal. But the recipient's insurance normally covers your operation and immediate aftercare. Your costs can include hotel bills, lost pay during recovery or possible future disability.

Although transplant centers must evaluate any potential donor's suitability, it never hurts to have an independent opinion. The most common contraindications(禁忌征候)are heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure.

Never let anyone, not even a close relative, pressure you into giving up an organ—no matter if you're healthy. "There's often the feeling that you're not a good friend, father, mother if you don't do this," says Arthus Caplan, director of the University of Pennsylvania's center for Bioethics. Some transplant centers will invent a "medical problem" on behalf of those who are reluctant to donate but feel they can't say no.

16. From 1994 to 1998 the number of Americans who had donated a kidney reached 2419.



C.Not mentioned

This would____________(证明非常有益) to a person who may have lost a body organ such as a

This would____________(证明非常有益) to a person who may have lost a body organ such as a kidney, scientists could clone that particular organ for the individual, which, in the long run, would work better than a transplant organ.

Dr Thomas Starzl, like all the pioneers of organ transplantation, had to learn to live wit
h failure. When he performed the world's first liver transplant 25 years ago, the patient, a three-year-old boy, died on the operating table. The next four patients didn't live long enough to get out of the hospital. But more determined than discouraged, Starzl and his colleagues went back to their lab at the University of Colorado Medical School.

They devised techniques to reduce the heavy bleeding during surgery, and they worked on better ways to pre- vent the recipient's immune system from rejecting the organ — an ever-present risk.

But the triumphs of the transplant surgeons have created yet another tragic problem: a severe shortage of donor organs. "As the results get better, more people go on the waiting lists and there's wider disparity between supply and need," says one doctor. The American Council on Transplantation estimated that on any given day 15 000 Americans are waiting for organs. There is no shortage of actual organs; each year about 5 000 healthy people die unexpectedly in the United States, usually in accidents. The problem is that fewer than 20 percent become donors.

This trend persists despite laws designed to encourage organ recycling. Under the federal Uniform. Anatomical Gift Act, a person can authorize the use of his organs after death by signing a statement. Legally, the next of kin can veto these posthumous gifts, but surveys indicate that 70 to 80 percent of the public would not interfere with a family member's decision. The biggest roadblock, according to some experts, is that physicians don't ask for donations, either because they fear offending grieving survivors or because they still regard some transplant procedures as experimental.

When there aren't enough organs to go around, distributing the available ones becomes a matter of deciding who will live and who will die. Once donors and potential recipients have been matched for body size and blood type, the sickest patients customarily go to the top of the local waiting list. Beyond the seriousness of the patients' condition, doctors base their choice on such criteria as the length of time the patient has been waiting, how long it will take to obtain an organ and whether the transplant team can gear up in time.

Which of the following is true according to the text?

A.All the patients whom Dr Starzl operated on died on the operating table.

B.To Dr Starzl it was very discouraging that his first liver transplant failed.

C.Many doctors had performed organ transplant before Dr Starzl.

D.Dr Starzl didn't give up even though he had failed in his attempts.

Los Angeles cabinet-maker Edward Stewart may be a modern Dr. Frankenstein. In 1959, he cla
ims, he restored a dead friend to life with a simple technique. He opened the dead man's chest, rubbed his heart with a "secret, life-giving’plant juice, then stimulated the heartbeat with 110 volts of electricity. The friend, says Stewart, has been living in Hawaii ever since.

Stewart also claims his revivification technique works on the small animals he suffocates in jars in his garage. It takes three hours to revive a dead mouse, he reports, and five hours for a small dog. "Some-times, "he adds , "I buy those little chicken hearts in the super-market, and I make them beat again using my plant juice before I cook them for dinner."

According to Stewart, he discovered the plant juice one day while cutting hedges around his former home in Hawaii. Juice from one of the plants splattered onto his wrist, he says, and he suddenly noticed the skin begin to twitch. Nonetheless, he adds, he can't reveal the name of the plant. "When the juice is zapped with electricity, "he says, "it gives off a deadly gas."

To promote his idea, Stewart has spent the past decade sending his papers to the University of California, he Army, and a number of government agencies. One scientist who evaluated the concept was Lynn Eldridge, of the Jerry Lewis Neuromuscular Research Center, in Los Angeles. She says Stewart may not be joking. "The extracts from plant like belladonna are used to supply nutrients to human organs, which must be kept alive while traveling to a transplant. So Stewart might cut the heart out of a mouse and keep it alive with plant juice. But this effect is short-lived, and the organ must be placed into a healthy body or it dies. It's impossible to place a live organ in a dead body and expect it to revive every other organ in that body. I think Stewart has observed a basic scientific phenomenon, but his interpretation is crazy."

According to the passage yon have just read, it seemed that Edward Stewart was ______.

A.a trained surgeon

B.an expert botanist

C.a skilled electrician

D.an experienced craftsman

In the solar term “Grain in Ear(芒种)” , what does “ear” mean?

A、The organ

B、The top part of the grain plant

C、One plant

D、The grain

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