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提问人:网友konglingxia 发布时间:2022-01-07

Hey APSers! Let's show off what we've acquired dur...

Hey APSers! Let's show off what we've acquired during the past 8 weeks! For Pre 2, give a 3-minute persuasive speech on ONE of the three topics below.Hey APSers! Let's show off what we've acquired durPlease start early, so that you can fully prepare: research, decide and organize main points, find/select supporting materials, write up the draft, design opening and closing, empower it verbally, plan delivery, rehearse, and then you're ready to be heard! [APPLAUD] During this process, let our "Persuasive Speech Preparation Worksheet" and "Pre 2 Scoring Sheet" be of help (See under "7.5 Pre 2 Instructions and Help"). Any questions, feel free to ask under Session 7.5 as well. When you're ready, paste your speech script in the box and upload your audio/video here. Please note: 1. Your audio(mp3 file)/video(needs to be compressed first) should be named after your MOOC ID. 2. [JUMP] This Pre 2 is also your contribution to our APS Speech Contest. We're giving out "Best Voice", "Best Language" and "Best APS Speech" awards respectively to 3 of you. The awards (SISU souvenirs) will be posted to you when delivery services go back to normal. Sooo looking forward to hearing the speaker you!

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更多“Hey APSers! Let's show off what we've acquired dur...”相关的问题
听力原文:M: Hey, I have a brilliant idea on our website layout. I really want to show you

W: I sure would like to have a glimpse, but I' 1TI all tied up till 3.

Q: What does the woman imply?


A.She would like to see it for three times.

B.She can see it after three o' clock.

C.She can' t see it as she is tied up all day long.

D.She can' t see it at three because she will be tired then.

听力原文:M: Hey, I have a brilliant idea on our website layout. I really want to show you

W: I sure would like to have a glimpse, but I'm all tied up till 3.

Q: What does the woman imply?


A.She would like to see it for three times.

B.She can see it after three o' clock.

C.She can't see it as she has no freedom.

D.She can't see it at three because she will be tired then.

听力原文:W: Hey, Tom. What's up? Where are you off to?M: I'm on my way to the bank. I have

听力原文:W: Hey, Tom. What's up? Where are you off to?

M: I'm on my way to the bank. I have to open a savings account. Want to come?

W: Sure. Wait a minute.

M: OK. (a little while later)

W: You just said you wanted to open a savings account?

M: Yes.

W: They usually have two kinds of deposit-time deposit and current deposit.

M: What is the minimum deposit for a savings account?

W: Sorry. I don't know, but how much money do you want to deposit to start with?

M: Two thousand dollars.

W: That's big enough for both, I'm sure.

M: You know the interest rate, don't you?

W: For current deposit it is very low.

M: I don't mind that. I want to put my money in the bank just to be on the safe side.

W: Good idea.

M; Is it convenient to withdraw money from my savings account here?

W: It's very easy. You just need to fill out a withdrawal form. and hand in your check book together with it, and everything will be OK.

M: Do they use a password?

W: Yes, you can if you like.

M: Do I have to show anything as proof of identification?

W: No. They want nothing. Just tell them your name and address. That's all.

M: Thank you.


A.Two hundred dollars.

B.Three hundred dollars.

C.Two thousand dollars.

D.Three thousand dollars.

听力原文:W: Hey, Tom. What's up? Where are you off to?Mi I'm on my way to the bank. I have

听力原文:W: Hey, Tom. What's up? Where are you off to?

Mi I'm on my way to the bank. I have to open a savings account. Want to come?

W: Sure. Wait a minute.

M: OK.(a little while later)

W: You just said you wanted to open a savings account?

M: Yes.

W: They usually have two kinds of deposit—time deposit and current deposit.

M: What is the minimum deposit for a savings account?

W: Sorry. I don't know, but how much money do you want to deposit to start with?

M: Two thousand dollars.

W: That's big enough for both, I'm sure.

M: You know the interest rate, don't you?

W: For current deposit it is very low.

M: I don't mind that. I want to put my money in the bank just to be on the safe side.

W: Good idea.

M: Is it convenient to withdraw money from my savings account here?

W: It's very easy. You just need to fill out a withdrawal form. and hand in your check book together with it, and everything will be OK.

M: Do they use a password?

W: Yes, you can if you like.

M: Do I have to show anything as proof of identification?

W: No. They want nothing. Just tell them your name and address. That's all.

M: Thank you.


A.Two hundred dollars.

B.Three hundred dollars.

C.Two thousand dollars.

D.Three thousand dollars.

Our society values boys and their experience more than it values girls, and this is【C1】___
___ in the education system. But education is not responsible for this and it is necessary to【C2】______ the point that it isn't the teachers'【C3】______that schools are【C4】______ for the interests of boys. I thought that if I could show that every【C5】______ of society believes that boys are more important -- and【C6】______ more attention -- then I would have "set the【C7】______"for the discussion about sexism【C8】______ it appears in education.

I had absolutely no doubt【C9】______ I could go into the classroom and find evidence that teachers operate on the【C10】______ that boys were more important. (This does not mean that hey 【C11】______ this. It was not【C12】______ conscious thing on their 【C13】______ )If I sked teachers to tell me about the students they taught, they would always begin 【C14】______ the names of the boys. If I interviewed them they would probably tell me that they thought the boys

were【C15】______ , and that boys were more enjoyable although more【C16】______ to teach. Most of them said they planned their【C17】______ with the interests of the boys【C18】______ because if they didn't, there would be【C19】______ in the classroom. When they taught something the girls were interested in, there was always a【C20】______ .






听力原文:Narrator Listen to part of a conversation in a library. Librarian Good morning!
Can I help you? Student Good morning! Im looking for a reference book. Librarian OK. What kind of reference book? Student A book related to my major. Librarian Do you know the title? Student Well, thats the thing. Im not exactly sure what Im looking for. Librarian Thats a problem. Student Yeah, I just need a reference book to help me with the special difficulties. Librarian OK, you can check what kind of book you want in our E-library. Student Uh, lets see...Would you,...would you like to show me how to use it? Librarian OK, well, look, click here, you can find that these are guides to resources on topics that are of interest to the students. Each guide pulls together resources that are available throughout the library and those that can be obtained freely from the Internet, in a given subject area. Student Then what resources can I access to in the E-library? Librarian Databases, E-journals, print sources, microforms, audio-visual materials, etc. Student Thats great. Librarian Uh huh...These guides are targeted at specific information needs of various user groups in the university. For example, there are six to support our faculty and researchers in the School of Engineering; each tailor-made for each department of the School. Student Great! Librarian We also have guides for specific subjects, such as " Environment" and "Traditional Chinese Medicine". These are 3 of the topics that our university has selected as "high impact areas" and will place special research emphasis on. Student Oh, thats quite convenient. Its easier for us to find the books we need quickly. Librarian Yeah, ...These guides facilitate our users information search by directing them to the core sources and methods for locating materials. Usage statistics indicate that in November 2001 alone, these guides were accessed 25 090 times from on-campus locations. They are updated on an ongoing basis. Student Yeah, OK. I am quite interested in business and management. Librarian So you just look for your favorite sub-branches here. You see, here are sub-branches for: Company Information, Competitive Intelligence, Doing Business in China, E-commerce, Economic Indicators, Trends and Forecasts, etc. Student There are so many! Librarian Yeah, you just clink on them, and then you can find the books on these topics. Student Yeah, I think I know how to use the E-library now, thanks a lot! Librarian Youre welcome! You can read the E-book here in the library or go to the shelves to find the books you want and borrow them. I hope you can find your favorites. Student OK, maybe it will take me some time, but its easier than searching for them on the shelves directly. Librarian Yeah, it should be easier than that. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. 30. What does the student need from the library? 31. Where will the student and the librarian look for the information the student needs? 32. What can we infer from the titles the student was looking at? 33. What does the library NOT permit students to do? Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question. Librarian OK, you can check what kind of book you want in our E-library. Student Oh. Lets see...Would you,.... would you like to show me how to use it? 34. What does the student mean when he says this? Student Oh. Lets see...Would you...would you like to show me how to use it?Narrator Listen to part of a conversation in a library. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.

What does the student need from the library?

A.He is not quite sure about it.

B.He is interested in business.

C.He needs the librarian"s help.

D.He needs a specific reference book.

听力原文:W: Hey, look what I've bought! What do you think of my new entertainment center?
And the wide screen TV...and my new DVD player. Here, let me show you my stereo. You can really rock the house with this one.

M: But where did you get the money to buy all this? You didn't borrow money from mom and dad again, did you?

W: Of course not. I got it with this!

M: This? Let me see that... Have you been using Dad's credit card again?

W: No, silly. It's mine. It's a student credit card.

M: A student credit card? How in the world did you get one of these?

W: I got an application in the mail.

M: Well, why did you get one in the first place?

W: Listen. Times are changing, and having a credit card helps you build a credit rating, control spending, and even buy things that you can't pay with cash.

M: How does a student credit card control spending? It sounds you've spent yourself in a hole. Anyway, student credit cards just lead to impulse spending.., as I can see hem. And the interest rates of student credit cards are usually sky high, and if you miss a payment, the rates, well, just jump!

W: Did I tell you we now get digital cable with over 100 channels? Oh, and here's your birthday present. A new MP3 player...

M: Yeah. Oh, don't tell me. Charged on the credit card. Listen. Hey, I don't think having a student credit card is a bad idea, but

this is ridiculous. And how on earth are you going to pay your credit card bill? W: Urn, with my birthday money?. It's coming up in a week.

M: Hey, let's sit down and talk about how you're going to pay things back, and maybe we can come up with a budget that will help you get out of this mess. That's the least I can do.



B.Adviser and client.

C.Father and daughter.

D.Brother and sister.

听力原文:M: Hey, Michelle. Look what I just found. Right here in the sand.W: A piece of wo

听力原文:M: Hey, Michelle. Look what I just found. Right here in the sand.

W: A piece of wood? Oh. Driftwood. Interesting shape... Almost like some sort of modern sculpture.

M: Yeah. And feel how smooth it is.

W: Hmm, Must've been in the water a long time. It could've been drifting in the ocean currents for months, or even years.

M: In the currents? Doesn't the wind just blow things around out there?

W: Well, sure. But the currents are always moving, too. Almost like rivers, but underwater rivers, flowing through the ocean.

M: So how do they find out where these currents go? Stick a message in a bottle and throw it in the water?

W: Don't laugh. In fact, I was reading in a science magazine that oceanographers have released huge numbers of bottles into the ocean over the years. They wanted to map out where the currents would carry them.

M: Say, I'll bet-after they found out where all those bottles ended up-they could enter all that data in to a computer and make a pretty detailed model to... to show where the currents go.

W: In fact, they did. And they also found a neat way to test that model. There was a freighter carrying sneakers from a factory in Asia. It was caught in a big storm and thousands of pairs of sneakers got dumped in the Pacific Ocean.

M: Really? What a waste!

W: Yeah. Turns out, though, that hundreds of these shoes started washing up on beaches somewhere near Seattle, just about where the computer models had predicted the currents would carry them.

M: Gee. You mean all that stuff I find on the beaches might be part of some big scientific experiment? I thought it was all just trash!


A.Collecting objects on the beach.

B.Creating computer models.

C.Mapping currents in the ocean.

D.Tracking water pollution.

听力原文:W: Okay. May I see your driver's license, please?M: What? Did I do anything wrong

听力原文:W: Okay. May I see your driver's license, please?

M: What? Did I do anything wrong?

W: License, please. And your car registration.

M: Oh, yeah. It's here somewhere in the glove compartment. Yeah, here it is.

W: Sir, did you realize you were speeding in a school zone?

M: What? No, I didn't, but that's probably because my odometer is broken, I mean, malfunctioning.

W: Yes, you were going 50 miles per hour in a 20 miles per hour zone. And, you failed to come to a complete stop at the intersection back there.

M: Rolling stops don't count?

W: And, one of your break lights is out, you're not wearing a seat belt, AND your driver's license expired six months ago.

M: Hey, my wife's cousin's husband works for the police department here. Or was that the fire department? Anyway, I thought you might be good pals, and you know ...

W: Hey, are you trying to influence an officer? I could have this car impounded right now because of these infractions.

M: No, of course not.

W: Okay, then. Here's your ticket. You can either appear in court to pay the fine or mail it in. Have a nice day.

Why is the man made to show his driver's license?

A.Because he didn't register his car.

B.Because he was speeding in a school zone.

C.Because he lost his mind.

D.Because he didn't stop when he was asked to.

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