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提问人:网友陈银桑 发布时间:2022-01-07

I never expect you to turn _______ at the meeting. I thought you had gone abroa





简答题官方参考答案 (由简答题聘请的专业题库老师提供的解答)
  • · 有5位网友选择 D,占比50%
  • · 有3位网友选择 B,占比30%
  • · 有1位网友选择 A,占比10%
  • · 有1位网友选择 C,占比10%
匿名网友[53.***.***.213]选择了 D
匿名网友[164.***.***.51]选择了 C
匿名网友[99.***.***.93]选择了 B
匿名网友[208.***.***.183]选择了 D
匿名网友[120.***.***.92]选择了 D
匿名网友[168.***.***.8]选择了 A
匿名网友[162.***.***.89]选择了 D
匿名网友[67.***.***.99]选择了 B
匿名网友[222.***.***.160]选择了 D
匿名网友[9.***.***.35]选择了 B
更多“I never expect you to turn _______ at the meeting. I thought you had gone abroa”相关的问题
Speaker A: If I am not mistaken, your birthday is coming up. Has your brother sent you any
thing? Speaker B: Not yet.______.

A.I expect so

B.After all, he"ll buy something for me

C.He never forgets though

D.No, I don"t like it

听力原文:M: Where do you get your ideas from, Mrs. Rowling?W: Where the idea for Harry Pot

听力原文:M: Where do you get your ideas from, Mrs. Rowling?

W: Where the idea for Harry Potter came from I really couldn't tell you. I was traveling on a train between Manchester and London and it just popped into my head. I spent four hours thinking about what Hogwarts would be like. By the time I got off at King's Cross many of the characters in the books had already been invented.

M: Are any of the characters in the books based on real people?

W: Tricky question! Hermione Granger is a little bit like I was at her age. Ron is little bit like my oldest friend and Professor Shape is a lot like one of my old teachers.

M: How long have you been writing?

W: Nearly all my life. I had written two novels before I had the idea for Harry, though I'd never tried to get them published.

M: Did you expect the Harry books to be this successful?

W: Never. I didn't expect lots of people to like them, in fact, I never really thought much apart from getting them published.

M: Any clues about the next book?

W: I don't want to give anything away, but I can tell you that the books are getting darker... Harry potter's going to have quite a bit to deal with as he gets older. Sorry if they get too frightening!

M: Thanks for your help.

W: You're welcome.


A.Remarking on the film of Harry Potter.

B.Interviewing a successful woman writer.

C.Talking about their traveling experience on a train.

D.Asking the woman to do him a favor.

听力原文:W: Good evening, sir! How can I help you?M: I'll have a Scotch.W: We have Old Par

听力原文:W: Good evening, sir! How can I help you?

M: I'll have a Scotch.

W: We have Old Par, Red Labels, Cutty Sark and Queen Ann. Which would you like?

M: Give me a Red Labels.

W: One Red Labels. How would you like your Scotch, straight or on the rocks?

M: With iced water. How much do I owe you?

W: The Red Labels is $8 plus 10% service charge. You can hold the bill until you decide to leave if you like.

M: Really? In American bars you pay drink by drink as you get it. That's a little trouble but much safer. You see, American 'bars can be very crowded and it's hard to keep an eye on everyone. Besides you can never know what may happen when people drink too much.

W: I see. But we've never met with any experience of a guest sneaking out on us without paying his bill or unable to pay his bill or refusing to pay his bill.

M: You're been lucky so far. OK, here is $10 and you can keep the tip.

W: That's very kind of you, sir. But we don't accept tips here in the bar.

M: That's really interesting. In my country bartenders are paid a much lower basic hourly pay than people in non-tipping positions. They expect the tips from the customers to make up the difference; otherwise they won't be able to make a living.

What kind of whisky does the man expect to be offered?

A.Straight Old Par.

B.Red Labels without iced water.

C.Queen Ann on the rock.

D.Red Labels with iced water.

听力原文:M: How do you feel about flying?W: I don't mind flying. What I don't like is not

听力原文:M: How do you feel about flying?

W: I don't mind flying. What I don't like is not being able to keep an eye on my luggage. Whenever the man at the airport hakes my luggage, I never expect to see again.

M: There is always a chance it will fly to Paris while you fly to Rome. Has anything like that ever happened to you?

W: No, but it has happened to other people. Just the other day. I heard about a Japanese woman who lost her suitcase. It was a true story. She was on one of those five-day tours around Europe.

M: Where did her suitcase get lost?

W: I don't think she ever find out. When she arrived in Europe, her suitcase wasn't there. She had to travel through four countries in the same clothes.

M: I suppose she bought another toothbrush at least. Couldn't she buy another dress?

W: No, she had spent all her money on the tickets for the tour. Besides, she never had time to shop. Every time they reached another airport, she had spent her time in the luggage room looking for her suitcase.

M: What a way to spend the vacation!

What does the woman dislike about traveling by air?

A.The likelihood of losing her luggage.

B.The possibility of taking a wrong flight.

C.The difficulty in communicating with others.

D.The unfriendliness of the porter at the airport.

听力原文:W: Good evening, sir! How can I help yon?M: I’ll have a Scotch.W: We have Old Par

听力原文:W: Good evening, sir! How can I help yon?

M: I’ll have a Scotch.

W: We have Old Par, Red Labels, Cutty Sark and Queen Ann. Which would you like?

M: Give me a Red Labels.

W: One Red Labels. How would you like your Scotch, straight or on the rocks?

M: With iced water. How much do I owe you?

W: The Red Labels is $8 plus 10% service charge. You can hold the bill until you decide to leave if you like.

M: Really? In American bars you pay drink by drink as you get it. That's a little trouble but much safer. You see, American 'bars can be very crowded and it's hard to keep an eye on everyone. Besides you can never know what may happen when people drink too much.

W: I see. But we've never met with any experience of a guest sneaking out on us without paying his bill or unable to pay his bill or refusing to pay his bill.

M: You're been lucky so far. OK, here is $10 and you can keep the tip.

W: That's very kind of you, sir. But we don't accept tips here in the bar.

M: That's really interesting. In my country bartenders are paid a much lower basic hourly pay than people in non- tipping positions. They expect the tips from the customers to make up the difference; otherwise they won't be able to make a living.

What kind of whisky does the man expect to be offered?

A.Straight Old Par.

B.Red Labels without iced water.

C.Queen Ann on the rock.

D.Red Labels with iced water.

With the spread of inter-active electronic media a man alone in his own home will never ha
ve been so well placed to fill the inexplicable mental space between cradle and crematorium. So I suspect that books will be pushed more and more into those moments of travel or difficult defecation (1)_____ people still don't quite know what to do with.

When people do read, I think they'll want to feel they are reading literature, or (2)_____ something serious. (3)_____ you're going to find fewer books presenting themselves as no-nonsense and (4)_____ assuming literary pretensions and being packaged as works of art. We can expect an extraordinary variety of genre, but with an underlying (5)_____ of sentiment and vision.

Translators can only (6)_____ from this desire for the presumably sophisticated. We can look forward to lots of difficult names and fantastic stories of foreign parts enthusiastically (7)_____ by the overall worship of the "global village". Much of this will be awful and some wonderful, (8)_____ don't expect the press or the organizers of prizes to offer you much help in making the appropriate distinctions. They will be chiefly (9)_____ in creating celebrity, the greatest enemy of discrimination, but a good prop for the (10)_____ consumer.

Every ethnic grouping over the world will have to be seen to have a great writer—a phenomenon that will (11)_____ a new kind of provincialism, more chronological than geographic, (12)_____ only the strictly contemporary is talked about and (13)_____ Universities, including Cambridge, will include (14)_____ their literature syllabus novels, written only last year. (15)_____ occasional exhumation for the Nobel, the achievements of ten or only five years ago will be largely forgotten.

In short, you can't go too far wrong when predicting more of the same. But there is a (16)_____ side to this—the inevitable reaction against it. The practical things I would like to see happen—publishers seeking less to (17)_____ celebrity through extravagant advertising, (18)_____ and magazines (19)_____ space to reflective pieces—are rather more improbable than the Second Coming(耶稣复临). But dullness never quite darkens the whole planet. In their own idiosyncratic fashion a few writers will (20)_____ be looking for new departures.





听力原文:In the evenings we go out and see what takeaway is on offer. These country towns
are strange places. They aren't like what you'd think from the descriptions in guide books. You expect them to be pretty and cosy with nice fresh air and happy people, good fresh country food, locally killed meat and free-range eggs and apples and pears from the fruit farms. The reality is different.

For one thing they have great sprawling industrial estates, at least one in each town and some have two. And even if they're small, they have suburbs of little new houses. You never see any people walking about the industrial estates among the factories, but they must be there because at 4:30 or 5:00 the cars start coming out, thousands of them, they come pouring out, clogging up the roads and queuing at traffic lights. Sandor says they built those factories to stop the local people going away, and if this is true, it certainly worked

You can't really go out in those towns in the daytime, you can't move for people shopping, the crowds of them, though what they find to buy, God knows. Every other shop is a bank or a building society and the real shops are run-down branches of unpopular food chains and souvenir knick-knack places and stores selling sports gear.

Each town has about 15 pubs and one, or at most two, good restaurants where Mr. and Mrs. Apsoland could afford to eat, but Sandor and I never could in my wildest dreams. Well, Sandor's wildest dreams, the noisy ones he often has. I never dream. Then there'll be the Chinese restaurant and the Tandoori takeaway and the fish-and-chip shop. Only this last is usually closed by the time you want to eat in the evening. By that time, the whole of the town is closed and has become a spooky place.

What did the speaker expect of life in a country town?

A.It would be dull and depressing.

B.It would be comfortable and healthy.

C.It would be strange and surprising.

D.It would be spoilt by tourists with guide books.

听力原文:M: Some people are terribly careless in the way they speak, don't you think, Lucy

W: In what way do you mean, Bill?

M: Well, in every way. In pronunciation, in the words they use, and even in their grammar.

W: You mean when somebody says, I ain't never seen nothing like it or something like that?

M: Oh no, I don't mean that sort of thing at all. You'd expect to hear a badly- educated person say that. No, I'm talking about ordinary people like you and me, people who're supposed to be well educated, in fact.

W: Can you give me a ...

M: An example? Certainly. Let me see. Yes. Suppose I'm about to leave somebody after a meeting. He might say to me "Where are you going to?" Perhaps with the idea of giving me a lift in his car.

W: Well?

M: Well, that's just what I mean: "Where are you going to? Why doesn't he just say? Where are you going?" It's quite unnecessary and incorrect to add "to".

W: Oh, so that's the kind of thing that bothers you! That's no big deal.

M: Well, all I know is that English is going to the dogs, and as far as I can see, people like you are doing nothing to stop it.

Which of the following is NOT an evidence of some people's carelessness in daily communication?

A.Their intonation is poor sometimes.

B.Their choice of words is poor.

C.Their speech is full of grammatical mistakes.

D.They fail to pronounce some words properly.

Which of the following statements is nearly identical in meaning with the sentence "they a
te until you would expect them to burst" in the second paragraph?

A.You bet they would never stop to eat till they are full.

B.What you can expect is that they would not stop eating unless there was no more food,

C.The only thing you would expect is that they wouldn't stop eating till they had had enough of the food.

D.The only thing is that they wouldn't stop eating till they felt sick.

Too often we just say the words "I'm sorry" and expect that to be good enough. It's not. There are some very important steps to take for a truly heartfelt apology to be effective. Here' s how . ADMIT

21. Many people think just saying "I'm sorry" is enough for an apology.

22. People need to take a few important steps to make a truly heartfelt apology effective.

23. The first and most important step is to admit that you have done everything wrong.

24. The second important step is to accept complete responsibility for what both parties did.

25. You should be specific when you acknowledge the injury you have caused the other person(s).

26. Don' t try to look for the other person' s faults in the problem.

27. Forgetting doesn't mean forgiveness. That is something that few people can truly do.

28. Forgiveness means giving up the right to hurt back or hold it over others.

29. Only when words are given with action could they be meaningful.

30. Once trust is broken between people , it could never get repaired.

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