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提问人:网友lixin080108 发布时间:2022-01-07

Today young couples who are just starting their household often spend lots of money on appliances , for instance, washing machines, fridges and color TVs.





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更多“Today young couples who are just starting their household often spend lots of money on appliances , …”相关的问题
The horse and carriage is a thing of the past, but love and marriage are still with us and
still closely interrelated. Most American marriages, particularly first marriages【C1】______ young couples, are the result of【C2】______ attraction and affection【C3】______ than practical considerations.

In the United States, parents do not arrange marriages for their children. Teenagers begin【C4】______ in high school and usually find mates through their own academic and social【C5】______ .

Though young people feel【C6】______ to choose their friends from【C7】______ groups, most 'choose a mate of similar background.

This is【C8】______ in part to parental guidance. Parents cannot select spouses for their children, but they can usually【C9】______ choices by【C10】______ disapproval of someone they consider unsuitable.

【C11】______ , marriages between members of different groups (interclass, interfaith, and interracial marriges) are increasing, probably because of the greater【C12】______ of today's youth and the fact that they are restricted by【C13】______ prejudices than their parents. Many young people leave their hometowns to attend college,【C14】______ in the armed forces【C15】______ pursue a career in a bigger city.

Once away from home and family, they are more【C16】 ______ to date and marry outside their own social group.

In mobile American society, interclass marriages are neither【C17】______ nor shocking. Interfaith marriages are【C18】______ the rise, particularly between Protestants and Catholics. On the other hand, interracial marriage is still very uncommon, lit can be difficult for interracial couples to find a place to live, maintain friendships, and【C19】______ a family. Marriages between people of different national【C20】______ (but the same race and religion) have been commonplace since colonial times.






The horse and carriage is a thing of the past, but love and marriage are still with us and
still closely interrelated. Most American marriages, particularly first marriages【C1】______ young Couples, are the result of【C2】______ attraction and affection【C3】______ than practical considerations.

In the United States, parents do not arrange marriages for their children. Teenagers begin【C4】______ in high school and usually find mates through their own academic and social【C5】______ .

Though young people feel【C7】______ to choose their friends from【C6】______ groups, most choose a mate of similar background.

This is【C8】______ in part to parental guidance. Parents cannot select spouses for their children, but they can usually【C9】______ choices by【C10】______ disapproval of someone they consider unsuitable.

【C11】______ , marriages between members of different groups (interclass, interfaith, and interracial marriages) are increasing, probably because of the greater【C12】______ of today's youth and the fact that they are restricted by【C13】______ prejudices than their parents. Many young people leave their home towns to attend college,【C14】 ______ in the armed forces,【C15】______ pursue a career in a bigger city.

Once away from home and family, they are more【C16】______ to date and marry outside their own social group.

In mobile American society, interclass marriages are neither【C17】______ nor shocking. Interfaith marriages are【C18】______ the rise particularly between Protestants and Catholics. On the other hand, interracial marriage is still very uncommon. It can be difficult for interracial couples to find a place to live, maintain friendships, and【C19】______ a family. Marriages between people of different national【C20】______ (but the same race and religion) have been commonplace here since colonial times.






The horse and carriage is a thing of the past, but love and the marriage are still with us
and still closely interrelated. Most American marriages, particularly first marriages (1)_____ young couples, are the result of (2)_____ attraction and affection (3)_____ than practical considerations.

In the United States, parents do not arrange marriages for their children. Teenagers begin (4)_____ in high school and usually find mates through their own academic and social (5)_____.

Though young people feel (6)_____ to choose their friends from (7)_____ groups, most choose a mate of similar background.

This is (8)_____ in part to parental guidance. Parents cannot select spouses for their children, but they can usually (9)_____ choices by (10)_____ disapproval of someone they consider unsuitable.

(11)_____, marriages between members of different groups(interclass, interfaith, and interracial marriages) are increasing, probably because of the greater (12)_____ of today's youth and the fact that they are restricted by (13)_____ prejudices than their parents. Many young people leave their hometowns to attend college, (14)_____ in the armed forces (15)_____ pursue a career in a bigger city.

Once away from home and family, they are more (16)_____ to date and marry outside their own social group.

In mobile American society, interclass marriages are neither (17)_____ nor shocking. Interfaith marriages are (18)_____ the rise particularly between Protestants and Catholics. On the other hand, interracial marriage is still very uncommon. It can be difficult for interracial couples to find a place to live, maintain friendships, and (19)_____ a family. Marriages between people of different national (20)_____ (but the same race and religion) have been commonplace since colonial times.





The horse and carriage is a thing of the past, but love and marriage are still with us and
still closely interrelated. Most American marriages, particularly first marriages【1】young couples, are the result of mutual attraction and affection【2】than practical considerations. In the United States, parents do not arrange marriages for their children. Teenagers begin【3】in high school and usually find mates through their own academic and social contacts. Though young people feel free to choose their friends from【4】groups, most choose a mate of similar background. This is due in part to parental guidance. Parents cannot select spouses for their children, but they can usually【5】choices by voicing disapproval of someone they consider unsuitable.

【6】, marriages between members of different groups (interclass, interfaith, and interracial marriages) are increasing, probably because of the greater【7】of today's youth and the fact that they are restricted by fewer prejudices than their parents. Many young people leave their home towns to attend colleges,【8】in the armed forces, or pursue a career in the bigger cities. Once away from home and family, they are more【9】to date and marry outside their own social group.

In mobile American society, interclass marriages are neither rare nor shocking. Interfaith marriages are on the rise particularly between Protestants and Catholics. On the other hand, interracial marriage is still very uncommon. It can be difficult for interracial couples to find a place to live, maintain friendships, and【10】a family. Marriages between people of different national origin (but the same race and religion) have been commonplace here since colonial times.






The horse and carriage is a thing of the past, but love and marriage are still with us and
still closely interrelated. Most American marriages, particularly first marriages 【21】______ young couples, are the result of 【22】______ attraction and affection 【23】______ than practical considerations.

In the United States parents do not arrange marriages for their children. Teenagers begin 【24】______ in high school and usually find mates through their own academic and social 【25】______ . Though young people feel 【26】______ to choose their friends from 【27】______ groups, most choose a mate of similar background, This is 【28】______ in part to parental guidance. Parents cannot select spouses for their children, but they can usually 【29】______ choices by 【30】______ disapproval of someone they consider unsuitable.

【31】______ , marriages between members of different groups (interclass, interfaith, and inter racial marriages) are increasing, probably because of the greater 【32】______ of today's youth and the face that they are restricted by 【33】______ prejudices than their parents. Many young people leave their home towns to attend college, 【34】______ in the armed forces, 【35】______ pursue a career in a bigger city. Once away from home and family, they are more 【36】______ to date and marry outside their own social group. In mobile American society, interclass marriages are neither 【37】______ nor shocking. Interfaith marriages are 【38】______ the rise particularly between Protestants and Catholics. On the other hand, interracial marriage is still very uncommon. It can be difficult for interracial couples to find a place to live, maintain friendships, and 【39】______ a family. Marriage between people of different national 【40】______ (but the same race and religion) have been commonplace here since colonial times.






Love and Money Reshape Family in ChinaGetting married in today's China is far easier than

Love and Money Reshape Family in China

Getting married in today's China is far easier than even four years ago: The couple took a number, waited in line, and said "I do" in just over an hour. The certificate costs about $1.15. Marriage forms no longer ask frightening questions about parents' history or Communist Party affiliations. Nor must couples seek permission from their "work unit" boss, a major shift from last year. Marriage and public security bureaus are reportedly no longer connected.

Today, urban Chinese are free as never before to pursue what have become the twin engines of family dynamics heres love and money. In the 200 cities with more than a million people, love and money are dictating historic changes in the traditional family that had already been shrinking due to the one-child policy. Dating and romance are in, living with parents is out, wives and daughters enjoy enhanced roles. A new galaxy of attitudes and values is transforming the basic building block of Chinese society.

Love and money

Now, for the first time on a wide scale, Chinese may pursue a spouse of their own choosing. Only 2 in 10 young Chinese used to choose their life partner; today, 9 in 10 say they have or will, acc6rding to a China Daily report. Along with this, a discourse of "feeling" and "emotion" that used to exist mainly in elite circles is now heard at all levels, from tycoons to taxi drivers. Shops advertise "passion styles" for cars and kitchens. Romance novels are a rage.

In the past, couples often did not demonstrate affection inside a strict, loyalty-based family hierarchy. It was better not to, as Harvard sociologist Martin Why to points out, since it might suggest a son's loyalty was not entirely clear. Couples always lived with the husband's parents, and in times of argument, sons were expected to side with family elders, not wives. Sons were dependent on parents. Divorce was discouraged and nearly non-existent. Marriages were arranged among families or inside "work units"; a main criterion was the communist or "revolutionary" credentials of the spouse's family.

But now marriage is based on feeling. "I want to fall in love," says Ms. Xin, a 19-year-old student at a shopping mall. "I don't want to moan forever about money and jobs. Love is first. Other things are important but not first."

Yet the dreams of young women like Xin can be tempered by economic realities. She's part of the first generation who must find their own jobs and earn their own wages. This creates some anxiety. Apartments are no longer subsidized; jobs no longer guaranteed. Many parents have no advice for their offspring about a China evolving at a bewildering rate.

Wealth, it turns out, has caused many urban Chinese to think and behave in ways that don't always include families. Boarding schools have tripled in the past decade. Extramarital relations have skyrocketed. As the cost of living increases in urban China, many young women, often from outside the city, are subsidized by men.

A new concept: dating

China has 3,000-plus years of feudal order, guaranteed partly by a stable family. That family is now undeniably changing. Consider these structural shifts: Dating is a new concept, maybe four years old. Before, one never talked about a "boyfriend" or "girlfriend". A special friend was a "partner," and it implied an impending marriage. No longer. In the city, females will ask males out. Young Chinese want to get to know one another. The American "eight-minute date" has just hit Beijing.

In China's shift to a market economy, one key marriage player has been phased out: the work- unit boss. For 50 years, the boss was a de facto sergeant inside state-run enterprises. He or she policed behavior. among the sexes, assisted with family problems, often helped set up single women approaching the unofficial "spinster" a




根据材料请回答 51~65 题 The History of American Marriage The horse and carriage is a th

根据材料请回答 51~65 题

The History of American Marriage The horse and carriage is a thing of the past, but love and marriage are still with us and still closely interrelated. Most American marriages, particularly first marriages 51 young couples, are the result of 52 attraction and affection rather than practical consid-erations. In the United States, parents do not arrange marriages for their children.Teenagers begin 53 in high school and usually find mates through their own academic and social 54 .Though young people feel free to choose their friends from 55 groups, most choose a ma-te of similar background.This is 56 in part to parental guidance.Parents cannot select spouses for their children, but they can usually influence choices by 57 disapproval of someone they consider unsuitable. 58 , marriages between members of different groups (interclass, interfaith, and in-terracial marriages) are increasing, probably because of the greater 59 of today's youth and the fact that they are restricted by fewer prejudices than their parents.Many young people leave their home towns to attend college, 60 in the armed forces, or pursue a ca- reer in a bigger city.Once away from home and family, they are more 61 to date and marry outside their own social group. In mobile American society, interclass marriages are neither 62 nor shocking.Inter-faith marriages are 63 the rise particularly between Protestants and Catholics.On the other hand, interracial marriage is still very uncommon.It can be difficult for interracial couples to find a place to live, maintain friendships, and 64 a family.Marriages between people of different national 65 (but the same race and religion) have been commonplace here since colonial times.

第 51 题





Valentine History, Traditions and CustomsEvery February, across the country, candy, flower

Valentine History, Traditions and Customs

Every February, across the country, candy, flowers, and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine. But who is this mysterious Saint and why do we celebrate this holiday? The history of Valentine's Day is covered in mystery.

But we do know that February has long been a month of romance. St. Valentine's Day, as we know it today, contains traces of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. So, who was Saint Valentine and how did he become associated with this ancient practice? Today, the Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus, all of whom were killed.

February 14 is Valentine's Day. It is celebrated as a lovers' holiday today, with the giving of candy, flowers, or other gifts between couples in love. Valentine's Day has roots in several different legends that have found their way to us through the ages. In Rome it's said that it originated in 5th Century as a tribute (称赞) to St. Valentine, a Catholic bishop (主教).

For eight hundred years prior to the establishment of Valentine's Day, the Romans had practiced a special celebration in mid-February commemorating (纪念) young men's passage to the god Lupercus. The celebration featured a lottery (抽彩) in which young man would draw the names of teenage girls from a box. The girl assigned to each young man in that manner would be his female companion during the remaining years.

In an effort to do away with the special festival, Pope Gelasius ordered a slight change in the lottery. Instead of the names of young women, the box would contain the names of saints. Both men and women were allowed to draw from the box, and the game was to imitate the ways of the saint they drew during the rest of the year, Needless to say, many of the young Roman men were not too pleased with the rule changes.

Instead of the god Lupercus, the Church looked for a suitable patron saint (守护神) of love to take his place. They found an appropriate choice in Valentine, who, in A.D. 270 had been killed by Emperor Claudius. Claudius had determined that married men made poor soldiers. So he banned marriage from his empire. But Valentine would secretly marry young men that came to him.

When Claudius found out about Valentine, he first tried to change him. But Valentine reversed the strategy, trying instead to convert Claudius. When he failed, he was killed.

During the days that Valentine was imprisoned, he fell in love with the blind daughter of his jailer. His love for her, end his great faith, managed to amazingly heal her from her blindness before his death. Before he was taken to his death, he signed a farewell message to her, "From your Valentine." The phrase has been used on his day ever since.

Although the lottery for women had been banned by the church, the mid-February holiday in honor of St. Valentine was still used by Roman men to seek the affection of women. It became a tradition for the men to give the ones they admired handwritten messages of affection, containing Valentine's name.

Another Valentine was an Italian bishop who lived at about the same time, A.D. 200. He was imprisoned because he secretly married couples, contrary to the laws of the Roman emperor. Some legends say he was burned at the stake.

February 14 was also a Roman holiday, held in honor of a goddess. Young men randomly chose the name of a young girl to attend the festivities. The custom of choosing a sweetheart on this date spread through Europe in the Middle Ages, and then to the early American colonies. Throughout the ages, people also believed that birds picked their mates on February 14!

In A.D. 496 Saint Pope Gelasius I named February 14 as "Valentine's Day". Although it's not an official holiday, most Americans observe this day. The firs




The house and carriage is a thing of the past. but love and marriage are still with us and
still closely interrelated. Most American marriages, 【21】______ first marriages uniting young people, are the result of mutual attraction and affection 【22】______ than practical considerations.

In the United States, parents do not 【23】______ marriages for their children. Teenagers begin dating in high school and usually find mates through their own academic and social 【24】______

【25】______ young people feel free to choose their friends from 【26】______ groups, most choose a mate of similar 【27】______

This is due in part to parental guidance. Parents cannot 【28】______ spouses (配偶) for their children, but they can usually 【29】______ choices by voicing disapproval of someone they consider unsuitable.

【30】______ , marriages between members of different groups (interclass, interfaith, and interracial marriages) are 【31】______ , probably because of the greater mobility of today’s youth and the fact that they are 【32】______ by fewer prejudices than their parents. Many young people leave their hometowns to attend college, serve in the armed forces, 【33】______ pursue a career in a bigger city.

Once away from home and family, they are more 【34】______ to date and marry outside their own social group.

In mobile American society, interclass marriages are neither 【35】______ nor astonishing. Interfaith marriages are 【36】______ the rise, especially between Protestants (基督教徒) and Catholics (天主徒). On the other hand, interracial marriages are still very 【37】______ . It can be difficult for interracial couples to find a place to live, maintain friendships, and 【38】______ a family. Marriages between people of different national 【39】______ (but the same race and' religion) have been commonplace here 【40】______ colonial times.






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