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提问人:网友孙青青 发布时间:2022-01-07

Part 2 Banked Cloze (Each item: 5 point(s)...

Part 2 Banked Cloze (Each item: 5 point(s)) Directions: Fill in the blanks in thefollowing passage by selecting suitable words from the word bank. Each word canbe used only once. A.marrying B. retirement C. economic D. displacing E. competitive F.proportion G. epoch H. overthrows I. engagement J. tend K.illiterate L. sociable M.providing N. relationship O. traverse Many great social changes take place in thelives of women. The possibility of a paid job gradually 1. ________some of the old patterns of familylife. During the 20th century there has been a great shortening of the 2. _______of a woman's life spent in child-caring.A woman 3. ________at the end of the19th century would often have seven or eight children in life. By the time theyoungest was 15, the mother would have been in her early 50s. Considering thefact that many of them being 4. ______,it was unusual for them to get any paid work. Today women have fewer children.Usually when the youngest child is 15, a woman would be about 45 and is likelyto take paid work until 5. ________at 60. This important change in life-pattern marksa new 6. ______for women. It has a greateffect on their 7. __________status.Today the school-leaving age is 18. Many girls stay at school after that age,and though women 8. _______to marry younger,more married women stay at work at least until shortly before their first childis born. Many more afterward return to full- or part-time work. Such changeshave led to a new 9. _____in marriage, with both husband and wife sharing moreequally in 10. _________living expenses and running the home. This change insocial roles offers more choices for young girls.

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Just as facts, opinions can also be used to support one'spoint of view.

I. Multiple Choice (10 points, 1 point each) Directions: There are some statements in this section. For each statement there are four choices marked A, B, C, D, choose the ONE that best complete the statement. 1. Xiao Wang meets Peter at the airport and says to him: “Morning, Peter!” In this case, the source of information is ________ . A. Xiao Wang B. Peter C. the airport D. “Morning, Peter!” 2. Which doesn’t belong to the group in a cross-cultural situation? _________. A. Head movements B. Social values C. Facial expressions D. Body contact 3. The American child is nurtured to be _________, to be able to do whatever he could by himself, ever since he was born. A. independent B. good-looking C. obedient D. private 4. Non-verbal communication includes all of the following but Not _________. A. telephone messages B. gestures C. facial expressions D. eye movements 5. Language may be _________ to our own species, the capacity of mean, to transmit messages vital to survival, and to understand them, certainly is not. A. effective B. unique C. relative D. misunderstanding 6. The cardinal principle we should bear in mind in conducting cross-cultural communication is this: There is no such a thing as good or bad. There are only ________. A. influences B. respect C. indifference D. differences 7.In the United States continues to welcome a large number of immigrants each year and has referred to as a melting-pot society. This trend can reflect the theory of _____. A. macroculture B. microculture C. globalization D. modernization 8. When you talk with your friends about Picasso, Beethoven, you are talking about culture from ______ perspective. A. anthropological B. intellectual C. social D. psychological 9. The dialogues at the United Nations, for example, would be termed _________.  A. interracial communication B. interethnic communication  C. international communication D. interpersonal communication 10. _____ is the process of putting an idea into a symbol. A. Decoding B. Channel C. Encoding D. Source

【单选题】_______ overthrew the feudal system in England and is generally regarded as the beginning of modern world history.

A、Hundred Years' War

B、The War of Roses

C、The English Civil War

D、The Glorious Revolution

How to approach Reading Test Part Three

•In this part of the Reading Test you read a longer text and answer six questions.

•First read the questions. Try to get an idea of what the text will be about. Then read the text quickly for general understanding.

•Then read the text and questions more carefully, choosing the best answer to each question. Do not choose an answer just because you can see the same words in the text.

•Read the article below about communication and the questions on the opposite page.

•For each question 13 - 18, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose.

How well do you communicate?

In today's fast-paced work environment, communication can come low down on your list of priorities. If you can't remember the last time you spoke to some of your friends, how do you find time to brief thousands of employees on a regular basis? That said, internal communication plays an integral part in any healthy business strategy. If done well it ensures that staff are kept abreast of the visions and values of the company they work for; if done badly it can lead to speculation and rumour.

Jenny Davenport, a director of the change management and communications consultancy, People in Business, says ongoing dialogue with staff is a necessity. 'You must educate employees to understand your business if you want them to perform,' she says. 'Unless you do, people will not trust you when times are bad.' Communication is also about discussion rather than rhetoric. Flat communication devices- email, intranets, employee publications - have a part to play but must be mixed with more interactive methods involving face-to- face contact to encourage response.

Remember that individuals are different and like to receive information in different ways,' adds Davenport. 'As well as written communication via intranets or traditional employee magazines, team managers must talk to staff about how what they de affects the business. Twice a year, ensure employees come face to face with senior management- a conference is ideal.'

Khalid Aziz, chairman of communications consultancy The Aziz Corporatior), feels that company-wide conferences are an ideal way to interact with large numbers of staff. 'It is important to organise and plan correctly,' he says. 'Have a clear aim before you start and be careful not to pack too much in - facts that can be communicated via email, for example, are a waste of conference space. Ask for response but don't ask for questions - it always sounds like a threat,' he adds. 'Get people to raise their hands if they agree with a certain statement about the company and then ask one person to elaborate.'

The intranet plays a big part in the communications strategy at One 2 One, says Nell Lovell, the company's director of communications. 'Our intranet touches everybody,' he says. 'We have set up cybercafes for staff who don't have PC access.' One 2 One's intranet carries news and general information and is supported by a monthly magazine mailed to homes, a weekly email update on matters of fact and webchats which staff are invited to join.

Getting feedback from employees is the key to hi- fi company Richer Sounds' communications policy. 'Like other businesses, we run a suggestions scheme. The difference with ours is the way it works,' says John Clayton, training and recruitment director. 'Our chairman Julian Richer reads every suggestion and we answer them all. Each proposal is rewarded with up to f25 cash - we find this is more motivational than a big prize to one employee once a year.'

What point is made in the first paragraph?

A.Pressures of work have a negative effect on social relationships.

B.Poor communication can create an atmosphere of doubt.

C.Keeping records of employees should be a high priority.

D.Communicating effectively can take up a lot of time.


II. Case Analysis (10 points) Directions: In this section you are supposed to analyze the following case from the perspective of intercultural communication. Then write down the answers on the Answer Sheet.   Case1 I have an American friend. I have invited him to my home several times, and at long last he invited me to his home one day. He told me to get thee at 3 pm. I thought we could chat and have a meal together. I gave him a Chinese calendar, a woman’s scarf and a bottle of Chinese wine. He only took out a dish of nuts, a plate of bread and a bottle of wine. After two hour’s chat, I found there was no hint of meal and said good-bye to him. He only gave me a box of chocolate as a present for the New Year. After I got home, I found the box had already been opened. I was very surprised. Question: What surprised me?

The formation of the clerical script is an important turning-point in Chinese character history because it lays a foundation for the square shape of Chinese characters.
Many people believe they are suppose to drink eight glasses of water a day, or about 【S1】______

two liters. What?Because that is what they have been told all their life.But a new report【S2】______

offers some different advice. Experts say people should obey their bodies; they should

drink as much water as they feel like drink. 【S3】______

The report contains some general suggestion. The experts say women should get

about two-point-seven liters of water day. Men should get about three-point-seven liters.【S4】______

But wait--in each case, that is more than eight glasses.

There is an important difference. The report does not tell people how many glasses

of water to drink. In fact, the experts say it may be possible to know how many glasses 【S5】______

are needed to meet these guidelines. This is because the daily water requirement can

include the water content in foods.

People need to drink more water when they are physically active.The same is true

of those live in hot climates.Depending on heat and activity, people could need two times【S6】______

so much water as others do. 【S7】______

All this, however, docs not answer one question. No one seems sure why people

have the idea that good health require eight glasses of water daily. 【S8】______

It may have started with a misunderstanding. In nineteen-forty-five, the National

Academy of Sciences published some guidelines. Its Food and Nutrition Board said a

good number of water for most adults was two-point-five liters daily. This was based on 【S9】______

an average of one milliliter for each calorie of food eat.But that was only part of what【S10】______

the board said. It also said that most of this amount is contained in prepared foods.


【填空题】She had been left _________ no choice but to try to see the situation as an opportunity, a clean start in a new setting.
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