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提问人:网友deamongel 发布时间:2022-01-06

听力原文:We spent a day in the country, picking wild flowers. Our car looked like a floris

听力原文: We spent a day in the country, picking wild flowers. Our car looked like a florist's shop at the traffic lights; and there my wife noticed the cupboard.

It was tall and narrow, and it stood on the pavement outside a furniture shop. "Buy it," she said at once. "We'll carry it home on the roof rack. I've always wanted one like that."

What could I do? Ten minutes later I was $20 poorer, and the cupboard was tied onto the roof rack. It was 6 feet long and 18 inches square, quite heavy too.

In the gathering darkness I drove slowly. Other drivers seemed unusually polite that evening. The police even stopped traffic to let us through. Carrying furniture was a good idea.

After a time my wife said, "There's a long line of cars behind. Why don't they overtake, I wonder?"

In fact a police car did overtake. The two officers inside looked at us seriously as they passed. But then, with great kindness, they led us through the rush-hour traffic. The police car stopped at our village church. One of the officers came to me.

"Right, sir," he said, "do you need any help now?"

I was a bit puzzled. "Thanks, officer," I said, "You've been very kind. I just live down the road."

He was staring at our load: first at the flowers, then at the cupboard. "Well, well," he said, laughing. "It's a cupboard you've got there! We thought it was something else."

My wife began to laugh. Then the truth hit me like a stone between the eyes. I smiled at the officer. "Yes, it's a cupboard, but thanks again." ! drove home as fast as I could.






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更多“听力原文:We spent a day in the country, picking wild flowers. Our car looked like a floris”相关的问题
听力原文:M: Last Tuesday when I was at Dr. Williams' office. I spent over an hour in the w
aiting room.

W: Really? Something must have come up that day?

Q: What do we know about Dr. Williams?


A.Dr. Williams is very busy on Tuesday.

B.Dr. Williams usually sees patients promptly.

C.Dr. Williams forgot his appointment with the man.

D.Dr. Williams didn't have an appointment with the man.

听力原文:W: Mike, would you please tell us about Thanksgiving Day? We have no idea about i

M: Well, Thanksgiving Day is one of the oldest American holidays. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November.

W: How is it spent? For example, in your family?

M: In my family, we always go to my grandmother's house on Thanksgiving Day. Everyone is glad to see everyone else and there is a busy time for talking. After dinner, no one can move and we all sit around and talk, play word games, or tell jokes until it is time to go home. It is always difficult to leave because Thanksgiving Day is one of the few days of the year when the whole family gets together.

W: It sounds really interesting!

M: It is. By the way, you are welcome to be our guest next Thanksgiving Day.

W: Thanks a lot, I'll be glad to come.

Question 8: When is Thanksgiving Day celebrated ill America?


A.The first Thursday of November.

B.The fourth Thursday of November.

C.First of November.

D.The fourth of November.

听力原文:My first semester of college was the worst I've been through. I had made plans du

听力原文: My first semester of college was the worst I've been through. I had made plans during the summer to share an apartment with two of my close friends from high school. But before we moved in,problems started developing.

One of the two girls I was to share an apartment with was going to work instead of going to college。 However,a week before we were to move in,she found out that she didn't get the job. She is forced to live at home and look for work. The rest two of us lasted for a month and then agreed that we couldn't make it with the higher monthly rent payments. I started looking around.

I found another apartment and the rent wasn't bad. The place was noisy,but it was the best I could afford for the time. However,one day when I returned,I saw smoke coming from the back of the house. The cottage had caught fire,and my room was a burned mess。I was once more out of a place to stay.

I finally gave up looking around and moved home. I had to drive forty miles to school every day,so I almost spent as much on gas as I would have on lodging. I was very bored I almost lost the will to study. It had been really a bad semester!


A.To look for two of her close friends.

B.To stay at home and study.

C.To share an apartment with friends.

D.To move out and live alone.

听力原文:I had spent my last day in London visiting friends, taking pictures, and doing so

听力原文: I had spent my last day in London visiting friends, taking pictures, and doing some last minute shopping. Among other things, I had bought some presents: a shirt for my brother, a woolen blanket for my sister, and a battery-powered alarm clock for my father.

After traveling in a crowded bus and waiting in the noisy airport building, I was glad to be sitting in the plane at last.In a few minutes now we would be asked to fasten our seat belts, and then we would soon be up in the sky on our flight to Berlin.

But I had been mistaken. Ten minutes later, instead of enjoying the beauty of the evening sky high above the clouds, I was sitting in a smokefilled room with an airline official and a police officer at my side. On the table in front of me was one of my suitcases.

The officials were very polite. They asked me to show them my passport, my ticket, and my luggage check. Then I was requested to open the suitcase and to spread out its contents on the table.

I did as I was told. The moment I placed the alarm clock on the table, the two officials looked at each other and smiled.

Hearing the clock ticking away merrily, I suddenly understood. Someone must have heard the ticking noise coming from my suitcase and thought there was a time bomb hidden in it.


A.Visiting friends.

B.Taking pictures.

C.Buying presents for his family.

D.All of the above.

听力原文:I had spent my last day in London visiting friends, taking pictures, and doing so

听力原文: I had spent my last day in London visiting friends, taking pictures, and doing some last-minute shopping. Among other things, I had bought some presents: a shirt for my brother, a woollen blanket for my sister, and a battery-powered alarm clock for my father.

After a tiring journey, I was glad to be sitting in the plane at last. In a few minutes we would soon be up in the sky on our flight to Berlin.

But ten minutes later, instead of enjoying the beauty of the evening sky from high above the clouds, I was sitting in a smoke-filled room with an airline official and a police officer at my side. On the table in front of me was one of my suitcases. The official asked me to show them my passport, my ticket, and my baggage check. Then I was requested to open the suitcase and to spread out its contents on the table.

I did as I was told. The moment I placed the alarm clock on the table, the two officials looked at each other and smiled.Hearing the clock ticking away merrily, I suddenly understood. Someone must have heard the ticking noise coming from my suitcase and thought there was a time bomb hidden in it.


A.A shirt.

B.An alarm clock.

C.A woolen blanket.

D.A suitcase.

听力原文:F Amanda Sharpe,M Oh hi, Mandy. I just wanted to ask how the training day went. I

听力原文:F Amanda Sharpe,

M Oh hi, Mandy. I just wanted to ask how the training day went. I'm sorry I couldn't be there.

F Hi, Jim. Yes, we missed you. Well, it was good overall. There was a rather familiar presentation of theory, and then some very informative' case studies to discuss. We also spent time reviewing important staffing issues, and there were some tips given on teamwork that we can definitely put into practice.

M Sounds excellent.

F Yes, although the afternoon session seemed to go on and on. I found it hard to concentrate, but when I looked at the handout afterwards for the main points, it was very brief, and didn't say much. Anyway, there's another one next month. I've suggested the training manager consults with the HR supervisor in setting it up, to make sure it's all relevant. I hope you'll be able to make it.

M Yes, I'll be free for that one.

&8226;Look at the notes below.

&8226;You will hear a man telephoning to ask about a recent training session.


Outcomes of training session

looking at (5) .......................... was useful

advice on (6) .......................... was valuable

the (7) .......................... was too short

next time: involve (8) .......................... in planning

听力原文:We spent a day in the country, picking wild flowers. Our car looked like a floris

听力原文: We spent a day in the country, picking wild flowers. Our car looked like a florist's shop at the traffic lights; and there my wife noticed the cupboard.

It was tall and narrow, and it stood on the pavement outside a furniture shop. "Buy it," she said at once. "We'll carry it home on the roof rack. I've always wanted one like that."

What could I do? Ten minutes later I was $20 poorer, and the cupboard was tied onto the roof rack. It was 6 feet long and 18 inches square, quite heavy too.

In the gathering darkness I drove slowly. Other drivers seemed unusually polite that evening. The police even stopped traffic to let us through. Carrying furniture was a good idea.

After a time my wife said, "There's a long line of cars behind. Why don't they overtake, I wonder?"

In fact a police car did overtake. The two officers inside looked at us seriously as they passed. But then, with great kindness, they led us through the rush-hour traffic. The police car stopped at our village church. One of the officers came to me.

"Right, sir," he said, "do you need any help now?"

I was a bit puzzled. "Thanks, officer," I said, "You've been very kind. I just live down the road."

He was staring at our load: first at the flowers, then at the cupboard. "Well, well," he said, laughing. "It's a cupboard you've got there! We thought it was something else."

My wife began to laugh. Then the truth hit me like a stone between the eyes. I smiled at the officer. "Yes, it's a cupboard, but thanks again." ! drove home as fast as I could.






听力原文:Valentine's Day is the time of the year when couples show their love for each oth

听力原文: Valentine's Day is the time of the year when couples show their love for each other by sending cards, flowers and chocolates. But it is not only about public displays of affection: in recent years it has also become big business. In the UK alone, more than ~ 20 million is spent on flowers, while in the United States over $ I billion is spent on chocolates.

(32)Although Valentine's Day has become a global industry with more than 80 million roses sold worldwide, the origins of the day are unclear and hidden in the mists of time. Nobody knows exactly who St Valentine was, although some historians suggest he was a Roman killed by a Roman Emperor in the third century AD. It is said that the first recorded Valentine's card was sent by the imprisoned Duke of Orleans in 1415. It is believed that he sought solace by writing love poems to his wife.

Valentine's Day, or its equivalent, is now celebrated in many countries around the world. However, the traditions often differ from place to place. (33)In Japan, for example, it is customary for the woman to send chocolates to the man, while (34)in Korea April 14th is known as "Black Day" and is when the unfortunate men who receive nothing on Valentine's Day gather to eat noodles and commiserate with each other.

Valentine's cards can also be used for less than romantic purposes. (35)Police in the UK city of Liverpool sent Valentine's cards to criminals who failed to appear in court or have not paid fines. The cards contained the verse, "Roses are red, violets are blue, you've got a warrant, and (35)we'd love to see you." Who says romance is dead?


A.More than 20 million.

B.More than 1 billion.

C.More than 80 million.

D.More than 3 billion.

听力原文:French officials have spent a day meeting with Union and student leaders in an at

听力原文: French officials have spent a day meeting with Union and student leaders in an attempt to reach a compromise on the controversial new use of employment law and end massive protests nationwide. The talks have been stalemated with labors and students leaders demanding the law be repealed; and French President Jacques Chirac encouraging them to put forth an alternative. Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin said he is willing to consider all proposals but not a repeal.

Why did French official meet with Union and student leaders?

A.To make a plan to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Union.

B.To reach a compromise on the controversial new use of employment law.

C.To carry out a massive protests nationwide.

D.To prepare for the national sports meeting.

听力原文:Men said they spent 13 hours a week on household duty including cleaning the wash

听力原文: Men said they spent 13 hours a week on household duty including cleaning the washroom,taking out the rubbish and changing the bed sheets.But 60 per cent of the 1000 men questioned said their efforts were

unnoticed by the woman in their lives because they did not like to make a fuss. Almost half said they felt women were more likely to show off about the amount of housework they take on.The task most men said they did was taking out the rubbish--with 85 per cent claiming credit. Carrying the shopping bags was the second most popular housework among men,with 80 per cent saying they take the weight off their wife's shoulders.Food shopping came in third place--with 78 per cent saying they are responsible for restocking the fridge each week. The research by Dove,the beauty brand,found men spend 4.7 hours a week on housework as well as 1.5 hours on DIY and 6.9 hours on childcare.Paul Connell.brand manager of Dove Men Care. said that their research showed that modem men were becoming more vocal about the contribution they make in the home,and the popular stereotype of men doing nothing around the house is no longer accurate.

What do we learn about the 60 per cent of men who were questioned?

A.They didn't like to do housework.

B.Their efforts were unnoticed by the woman.

C.They were very tired after a whole day's work.

D.They wanted to share the housework with women.

听力原文:Cottonville is a new prison specially designed for women criminals in Scotland. T

听力原文: Cottonville is a new prison specially designed for women criminals in Scotland. The 226 prisoners there live in small units of seven rooms. There is a kitchen where they cook their own meals and a lounge for the fitted carpet and armchairs. The "wake up, wake up" call by loudspeakers at 7:00 every morning is followed by a music program which creates atmosphere of a holiday camp. During the day, most of the prisoners are employed in three workshops, making toys or clothing. Their earnings up to 90 pennies a week can be spent in the prison shop. The gymnasium, which also acts as a cinema and concert hall, has facilities for table tennis, basketball and dancing. Prisoners, particularly those of long sentences are encouraged to be independent and take responsibility for themselves and others. This is in many ways much more demanding than simply serving time. Just as the deputy governor of this prison once said, "We try to preserve the prisoners respect as much as possible by imagining ourselves in their position." His words explained why this new prison is run in a unique way.

What's Cottonville?

A.A small town in Britain.

B.A new type of jail.

C.A labour camp.

D.A big gymnasium in Scotland.

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