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提问人:网友scott298 发布时间:2022-01-07

Learning British literary works can enable you to gain deeper insights into the following except .

A、British people

B、British history

C、British culture

D、British army

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更多“Learning British literary works can enable you to gain deeper insights into the following except .”相关的问题
In British universities teaching and learning are carried out in______.A.a variety of ways

In British universities teaching and learning are carried out in______.

A.a variety of ways.

B.laboratory classes.

C.seminars and tutorials.

D.lectures and tutorials.

Learning British literary works can enable you to gain deeper insights into the following except .





By the time the course ends,()a lot about the British way of life.

A.we have learned

B.we’ll learn

C.we are learning

D.we’ll have learned

By the time the course ends, () a lot about the British way of life. A. we have lear

By the time the course ends, () a lot about the British way of life.

A. we have learned

B. we'll learn

C. we are learning

D. we'll have learned

Diversity exists not only between cultures, but also within a single culture. In most Brit
ish primary and secondary schools, for example, the teacher is the primary provider of required information and rote learning plays an important role in the acquisition of this information. British school leavers who then proceed to university face a new set of academic norms and expectations. Although memorization is still required, far greater emphasis is placed on the critical evaluation of received information.

Learning Styles We all learn in different ways. On...

Learning Styles We all learn in different ways. One theory of learning focuses on the way information is given to learners and refers to visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learners. • Visual learners respond well to pictures, colours, images. They need to see things to help them learn and remember. • Auditory learners learn best by hearing things. • Kinaesthetic learners like movement. They need movement and hands-on tasks to help them learn. In any class we teach, the learners will have a range of learning styles. This means that to help all of our learners learn we have to use a range of classroom activities and techniques so that different styles of learner are interested and can learn from our lessons. (Adapted from: British Council (2008), Teaching Speaking) If this is the first part of a text on learning styles, what do you think the second part will be about?

A、Different tasks and techniques that teachers can use to reach all learners.

B、Explanation for the causes of different learning styles.

C、The benefits of different learning styles.

D、None of the above.

Column A1) ______the Grammar-Translation Method2) ______ the Direct Method3) ______ the Or

Column A

1) ______the Grammar-Translation Method

2) ______ the Direct Method

3) ______ the Oral Approach

4) ______ the Audiolingual Method

5) ______ the Cognitive Approach

Column B

a) The neogrammarians, represented by Hermann Paul formed its main linguistic base.

b) The structural linguists believed that the primary medium of language is oral, that is language is speech.

c) It lays emphasis on the conscious acquisition of language as a meaningful system.

d) It can be characterized as a type of British "structuralism".

e) It believes in the natural process of language learning and in the inductive teaching of grammar.

听力原文:British force struck the police building in Basra before dawn on Monday. They had

听力原文: British force struck the police building in Basra before dawn on Monday. They had information that an Iraqi major crime unit based in the building was planning to execute civil prisoners.

Challenger tanks and warrior armoured vehicles took part in the assault and the British troops were backed up by the Iraqi army. British commanders said they came under rocket and machine gun fire as they approached the building. They responded with heavy machine gun fire and killed seven gunmen. Later that morning when the assault was over, royal engineers placed explosives around the building and demolished it.

The British military authorities in Basra said they had planned to disband the police unit, which has been accused of murders, kidnappings and attacks on coalition forces. But they decided to attack the building instead after learning of the planned executions.

Why did British force strike the police building in Basra?

A.Because some civil prisoners were planning to break the prison.

B.Because they found a major Iraqi criminal in the building.

C.Because they heard there would be planned executions.

D.Because they heard there would be an attack.

After 1785, the production of children's books in the Untied States increased butremained

After 1785, the production of children's books in the Untied States increased but

remained largely reprints of British books, often those published by John Newbery, the

first publisher to produce books aimed primarily at diverting a child audience. Ultimately,

however, it was not the cheerful, commercial-minded Newhery, but Anglo-Irish author

5 Maria Edgeworth who had the strongest influence on this period of American children's

literature. The eighteenth century had seen a gradual shift away from the spiritual intensity

of earlier American religious writings for children, toward a more generalized moralism.

Newbery notwithstanding, Americans still looked on children's books as vehicles for

instruction, not amusement, though they would accept a moderate amount of fictional

10 entertainment for the sake of more successful instruction. As the children's book market

expanded, then, what both public and publishers wanted was the kind of fiction Maria

Edgeworth wrote: stories interesting enough to attract children and morally instructive

enough to allay adult distrust of fiction,

American reaction against imported books for children set in after the War of 1812

15 with the British. A wave of nationalism permeated everything, and the self-conscious new

nation found foreign writings (particularly those from the British monarchy) unsuitable for

the children of a democratic republic, a slate of self-governing, equal citizens. Publishers

of children's books began to encourage American writers to write for American children.

When they responded, the pattern established by Maria Edgeworth was at hand, attractive

20 to most of them for both its rationalism and its high moral tone. Early in the 1820's,

stories of willful children learning to obey, of careless children learning to take care,

of selfish children learning to "tire for others," started to flow from American presses,

successfully achieving Edgeworth's tone, though rarely her lively style. Imitative as

they were, these early American stories wee quite distinguishable from their British

25 counterparts. Few servants appeared in them, and if class distinctions had by no means

disappeared, there was much democratic insistence on the worthiness of every level of

birth and work. The characters of children in this fiction were serious, conscientious.

self-reflective, and independent-testimony to the continuing influence of the earlier

American moralistic tradition in children's books.

What does the passage mainly discuss?

A.The career of Maria Edgeworth as an author of children's books

B.The development of children's literature in the United States

C.Successful publishers of children's books in Britain and North America

D.Basic differences between British and American literature for children

听力原文: Native English speakers outnumbered LONDON - The accented English of fluent fore

听力原文: Native English speakers outnumbered

LONDON - The accented English of fluent foreigners such as Latino singer Ricky Martin or actress Juliette Binoche is usurping British and American English as the dominant form. of the language.

This week the British Government will announce that the number of people with English as a second language has overtaken the number who speak it as their native tongue.

According to the figures, by the end of the year as many as 750 million people will speak English well enough to use it for business, and as many as a billion people are thought to be learning English at any given time.

The British Council statistics have been seized on by Education and Employment Secretary David Blunkett, who will tell a meeting of business leaders on Tuesday to capitalise on their advantage as native speakers.

English-language books, films and TV shows are worth nearly pounds sterling 5 billion (dollars 7.2bn) to the British economy, with education materials alone worth pounds sterling 1.2bn (dollars 1.7bn). But the rush to share Shakespeare's tongue may see British schoolchildren lose the motivation to learn foreign languages.

Insiders say the drive to make English the global lingua franca comes directly from Tony Blair. The so-called "blair Initiative" was launched in 1998 after the Prime Minister was told off by the Mayor of Shanghai, Xu Kuangdi, for failing to promote English abroad. On his return, Blair ordered the British Council to remedy the situation and allocated pounds sterling 5 million (dollars 7.2m) for English- language initiatives. The anglophile Xu, who lived as a student in London in the Eighties, said the French, Germans and Americans were far better at promoting their culture. They may also soon be far better at speaking English.

According to the figures, by the end of the year as many as ______ people will speak English well enough to use it for business.

A.650 million

B.750 million

C.a billion

D.10 billion

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