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提问人:网友lovemyqq 发布时间:2022-01-06

The company often receives as many as five hundred letters ______ one day.A.onB.atC.inD.fo

The company often receives as many as five hundred letters ______ one day.





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更多“The company often receives as many as five hundred letters ______ one day.A.onB.atC.inD.fo”相关的问题
My uncle runs a manufacturing company with 400 employees, and he often does the interviewi
ng and hiring himself. He says there are four keys to getting hired:

Firstly, prepare to win. Getting hired is no longer an once-in-a-lifetime experience. Employment experts believe that today's graduates could face as many as ten job changes during their careers. That may sound like a lot of pressure. But if you're prepared, the pressure is on the other folks. Secondly, never stop learning. Work on your weaknesses and develop your strengths. To be able to compete, you've got to keep learning all your life. And then, believe in yourself, even when no one else does. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't accomplish your goals. Who says you're not tougher, harder working and more able than your competitors? At last, find a way to make a difference.

Four Keys to Getting Hired

The writer's uncle is the boss of a company who often does the (46) himself. As he says, there are four keys to getting hired:

1) Prepare (47) . Getting hired isn't an once-in-a-lifetime experience.

2) Never stop learning. Work on (48) and develop your strengths.

3) Believe in yourself. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't (49) .

4) Find a way to (50) .

Nike, a company headquartered in Beaverton, Oregon...

Nike, a company headquartered in Beaverton, Oregon, is a major force in the sports footwear and fashion industry, with annual sales exceeding $ 12 billion, more than half of which now come from outside the United States. Nike has no production facilities in the United States. Rather, the company manufactures athletic shoes and garments in such Asian countries as China, Indonesia, and Vietnam using subcontractors, and sells the products in the U.S. and international markets. In each of those Asian countries where Nike has production facilities, the rates of unemployment and under-employment are quite high. The wage rate is very low in those countries by U.S. In addition, workers in those countries often operate in poor and unhealthy environments and their rights are not particularly well protected. Recently, however, Nike came under worldwide criticism for its practice of hiring workers for such a low rate of pay—“next to nothing” in the words of critics—and condoning poor working conditions in host countries. Discussion points a. What do you think Nike’s executives might have done differently to prevent the sensitive charges of sweatshop labor in overseas factories? (10 marks) b. What’re the advantages and disadvantages to those cheap-labor countries like China that MNC set their factory in their countries? (10 marks)

You know you should do it, other people do it all the time. Maybe you've already done it b
ut it wasn't very satisfying, and you'd like to learn to do it better.

I'm talking, of course, about having a business lunch.

Don't feel embarrassed if you are uncomfortable with the idea of sitting over a grilled chicken breast, talking to a prospective client.

Most inexperienced, overeager launchers believe the main purpose of a business lunch is to either (a) conduct business or (b) eat lunch, and they're unsure how to mix the two. Don't worry! Business lunches aren't about either business or lunch, they're about building relationships.

One of my business rules is "People do business with people they like."

Often, it's not products, prices, or the company that makes the sale—it's the person Business lunches are the perfect time for you and your client, supplier, or employee to got to know each other as people. This helps establish common interests and makes working together easier.

The single most important thing you can do at a business lunch——even more important than picking up the tab——is listen.

You don't need a particular reason to ask someone to lunch, so don't wait until for a certain occasion or issue.

Don't make it seem like lunch is going to be a sales call. Instead, try the straightforward approach. "We've been doing business together for almost a year. I' d like to take you to lunch and get to know you a little better." Or a little less straightforward, "I'm often in your area, how about having lunch sometime?"

Have the other person suggest a place to eat——"Is there a restaurant you've been wanting to try.?" Or if you have a limited budget, you choose a nice-mid-priced restaurant. Forget McDonald's. If you're thanking someone for an important order, take them to a really special, possibly new, restaurant.

If you did the inviting, you pick up the tab, even if your guest says, "I can put this on my company's credit card." But don't have a scene arguing over the check. You can just say, "You can get the next one." Some companies have policies that don't permit employees to be treated; in that case, split the tab.

A business lunch can be viewed as successful if ______.

A.good relationship is established

B.the client does not have to pay

C.the client likes the food extremely

D.business is touched upon during the lunch

听力原文:M: In the studio today we have Eve Startling, a career adviser at a well known co
mprehensive school. Glad to have you with us, Eve.

W: Thank you.

M: A lot of young people are very nervous when they go to a job interview for the first time. What's the best way of dealing with this?

W: The obvious answer isn't much help, really, I'm afraid: "Just keep calm and do your best." If you're nervous to start with, this advice probably has the opposite effect. And in fact, a certain amount of tension is probably a good thing. It's the same with the way you sit when the inter viewer asks you to sit down.

M: How do you mean?

W: Well, if you balance on the edge of you chair, it shows you're nervous, but if you relax and make yourself too comfortable, that won't do, either. You should sit naturally, but straight, to show you're paying attention.

M: And I suppose you should face the interviewer when you answer questions.

W: Yes, eye contact is important then, but that doesn't mean you never take your eyes off the interviewer. And it's all right to be naturally pleasant, but don't try too hard.

M: One of the things that upset people most at interviews, I think, is that interviewers often ask trick questions. Even quite innocent questions like "How do you spend your spare time?" can contain traps in certain cases. Suppose the company would prefer an outdoor person but you spend every weekend looking at your stamp collection. What should you doe Should you always tell the truth or pretend to be what the company wants?

W: Tell the truth, yes, but not necessarily the whole truth. It's no good pre tending to be what you're not an experienced interviewer would soon find out but you needn't go out of your way to tell them anything you don't want them to know.

M: One last piece of advice before we sign off?

W: Yes, and it may surprise you. That is that very often young people get carried away just with the idea of winning. It's hard to remember when there's a lot of unemployment, as there is nowadays, but you should be sure that this is the kind of work you want to do and the firm is one that you would enjoy working for. Otherwise you may get the job and then find out that you hate it. So remember to ask sensibly questions as well as to answer sensibly.


A.She is a job interviewer.

B.She is a university professor.

C.She is a career adviser.

D.She is a psychologist.

To: Christopher Reed From: Lauren Butler Re: Printer Dear Mr. Reed, I am returning m
y printer to your companys customer service department because it is not functioning again. I had sent the printer there to get it serviced a month ago and received it a few days later. I changed the printer drum at that time and it was fine for a week after repairs. But again the paper is jammed too often and I can see some lines on the printed page. The receipt states that it gives a six-month free service guarantee. So I assume that your company will service it without additional charge. If this is not the case, please call me at 365-8975. Otherwise, I expect that you will return the printer by June 15th. I am including the receipt from the customer service department. I truly appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, Lauren Butler

What is the purpose of this letter?

A.To apply for a job

B.To get a full refund

C.To express dissatisfaction with service

D.To ask for additional charge

You know you should do it, other people do it all the time. Maybe you' ve already done it
but it wasn't very satisfying, and you'd like to learn to do it better.

I' m talking, of course, about having a business lunch.

Don' t feel embarrassed if you are uncomfortable with the idea of sitting over a grilled chicken breast, talking to a prospective client.

Most inexperienced, overeager launchers believe the main purpose of a business lunch is to either (a) conduct business or (b) eat lunch, and they' re unsure how to mix the two. Don' t worry! Business lunches aren' t about either business or lunch, they' re about building relationships.

One of my business rules is "People do business with people they like."

Often, it' s not products, prices, or the company that makes the sale—it' s the person. Business lunches are the perfect time for you and your client, supplier, or employee to get to know each other as people. This helps establish common interests and makes working together easier.

The single most important thing you can do at a business lunch—even more important than picking up the tab—is listen.

You don't need a particular reason to ask someone to lunch, so don't wait until for a certain occasion or issue.

Don' t make it seem like lunch is going to be a sales call. Instead, try the straightforward approach. "We' ve been doing business together for almost a year. I' d like to take you to lunch and get to know you a little better." Or a little less straightforward, "I' m often in your area, how about having lunch sometime?"

Have the other person suggest a place to cat—"Is there a restaurant you've been wanting to try? Or if you have a limited budget, you choose a nice mid-priced restaurant. Forget MeDonald' s. If you' re thanking someone for an important order, take them to a really special, possibly new restaurant.

If you did the inviting, you pick up the tab, even if your guest says, "I can put this on my company' s credit card." But don' t have a scene arguing over the cheek. You can just say, "You can get the next one." Some companies have policies that don't permit employees to be treated; in that ease, split the tab.

A business lunch can be viewed as successful if______.

A.good relationship is established

B.the client does not have to pay

C.the client likes the food extremely

D.business is touched upon during the lunch

Buying OnlineWhy buy online?It's little wonder that new buyers quickly learn to love Inter

Buying Online

Why buy online?

It's little wonder that new buyers quickly learn to love Internet shopping. At the moment, the best deals on the Web are in clothes, books, CDs, videos, flights and holidays.

Advantages — Buying online does have a number of potential advantages:

Price: items are usually cheaper on the Web because warehouse and staff costs are lower, and because online shops want to attract and keep customers.

Convenience: shopping can be much easier on the Internet. It can be done at home, at a convenient time and be very quick.

Wide choice: Internet shopping allows you access to a wide range of shops all around the world, some of which don't exist on the high street. Online shops also usually carry a much larger stock.

Quick delivery: most Internet sites are able to deliver within a few days.

Disadvantages — There are also some disadvantages buying online:

Delivery: many sites still use traditional carriers and don't deliver at night or at weekends. Often you end up having to go and collect from a warehouse.

Costs and returns: adding up transport and, if buying from outside the European Community, tax and duty, can often mean an item isn't as cheap as it seems. Returning a purchase often means having to parcel it up and take it down to the post office.

Cost of using the Internet: although online access is getting cheaper, many Internet providers still charge per minute. Browsing around a wide range of shops can take as long as a traditional shopping visit, so beware.

Buying more: because everything is at the click of a mouse, it's very easy to buy and spend more than you intended to.

How to go about shopping online

Most high-street names now have a presence online. These shops and other well-known Internet shopping sites are a good place to start, It's best to get used to buying online from a brand you already know and trust.

Simply search for it under its own name, adding "www" at the start and either ". com" or ". co. uk" at the end. If this doesn't work, most search engines and Internet shopping directories should be able to help. They'll also be the place to go if you're looking for a particular item.

Most online shops work on the "shopping basket" principle. You tour the site and click when you see something you want. The item gets placed into a virtual shopping basket. When you want to pay for the items in the basket, you'll be asked to register. You'll then be taken to a secure part of the site to give details of your credit or debit card. You're usually able to send a check instead, but this can mean a wait of a week or two, because the company will often want to clear the check before sending you the goods.

Tips before you buy

Pay by credit card because this may give you some additional protection. Only use debit cards when you're dealing with shops you know you can trust. When giving out these details, always ensure you're using a secure site.

Do some real-world research as well as Internet research to compare prices. Internet prices may not always be the cheapest.

Print out your order and keep any terms and conditions in a safe place along with the company's postal address and telephone number.

Check the company's policy on returning goods. If you've bought the item from a site abroad, you may find returning it costly.

Look out for loyalty schemes and email alerts where shops will contact you with bargains or new deals.

Be careful about spending too long surfing for a bargain it can be addictive and costly.

Security and privacy

Security is far less of a problem than it appears if you ensure you only shop at websites that offer secure payment pr




Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by c

Part A

Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)

You know you should do it, other people do it all the time. Maybe you've already done it but it wasn't very satisfying, and you'd like to learn to do it better.

I'm talking, of course, about having a business lunch.

Don't feel embarrassed if you are uncomfortable with the idea of sitting over a grilled chicken breast, talking to a prospective client.

Most inexperienced, overeager launchers believe the main purpose of a business lunch is to either (a) conduct business or (b) eat lunch, and they're unsure how to mix the two. Don't worry! Business lunches aren't about either business or lunch,

they're about building relationships.

One of my business rules is "People do business with people they like. "

Often, it's not products, prices, or the company that makes the sale—it's the person Business lunches are the perfect time for you and your client, supplier, or employee to get to know each other as people. This helps establish common interests and makes working together easier.

The single most important thing you can do at a business lunch—even more important than picking up the tab—is listen.

You don't need a particular reason to ask someone to lunch, so don't wait until for a certain occasion or issue.

Don't make it seem like lunch is going to be a sales call. Instead, try the straightforward approach, "We've been doing business together for almost a year. I'd like to take you to lunch and get to know you a little better." Or a little less straightforward, "I'm often in your area, how about having lunch sometime?"

Have the other person suggest a place to eat—"Is there a restaurant you've been wanting to try?" Or if you have a limited budget, you choose a nice mid priced restaurant. Forget McDonald's. If you're thanking someone for an important order, take them to a really special, possibly new, restaurant.

If you did the inviting, you pick up the tab, even if your guest says, "I can put this on my company's credit card." But don't have a scene arguing over the check. You can just say, "You can get the next one." Some companies have policies that don't permit employees to be treated; in that case, split the tab.

A business lunch can be viewed as successful if______.

A.good relationship is established

B.the client does not have to pay

C.the client likes the food extremely

D.business is touched upon during the lunch

听力原文:W: Mike, I'm sorry, but I have to call to tell you...M: What?W: The truth is... Y

听力原文:W: Mike, I'm sorry, but I have to call to tell you...

M: What?

W: The truth is... Your job is not so well done.

M: Are you certain I didn't perform. well in the office?

W: Tom, you've received reprimands several for lateness and for using work time for private business. Besides, you use the company car to do things for yourself.

M: I know I've been late for times, for my home is a little far away from the company, and I have to travel over two hours to work everyday and sometimes there are traffic jams. I'm really sorry. For others, you may have my words: they won't happen again.

W: I'm afraid it's too late. Right now, your tardiness is the least of my problems.

M: What do you mean?

W: You have gone against file regulations so often, and the board of directors has decided.

M: Decided what? Giving me my pink slip?

W: Exactly. I'm sorry it had to turn out this way. You're fired right away.


A.Husband and wife.

B.Boss and employee.

C.Receptionist and customer.

D.Waiter and guest.

听力原文:Welcome to The Daily Money Minute. I'm your host Benson Hollinger, and today we'r
e talking about time management. Companies strive to do things more efficiently and quickly each and every day. First, set hourly goals during your working day. Do not allow yourself to waste time through idle chatting or being distracted by others. Secondly, be reasonable in plotting your work schedule. Planning to do 20 things in one day when perhaps only 10 things can be fully accomplished leaves employees feeling helpless and depressed. Also, rushing to finish those 20 tasks could often result in errors that could cost the company money and time. Remember, it is always a good idea to set goals throughout the day. Reaching those goals will result in a feeling of satisfaction and self-confidence after a productive work day. For The Daily Money Minute, I'm Benson Hollinger.

What does the speaker say is the first thing to do?

A.Try to complete at least 20 tasks each day.

B.Set hourly goals during the working day.

C.Talk to other employees about goals.

D.Avoid becoming depressed and sad.

听力原文: Today I'd like to say something about taxis. I think it's beneficial to all new-
comers. Most people are likely to travel by taxi when they arrive in America. Actually, taxis here come under the heading of luxury travel. In Chicago, for example, the meter reads almost $1.00 before you even move! Furthermore, they're sometimes not only hard to find at the busy hours of a day but also if the weather turns had.

Generally speaking, taxis are metered throughout the country, but there are some cities, for example, Washington D. C. , where they operate on a distant zone system.

If you find yourself sharing a cab with several strangers, you will often be expected to pay full price, unfair though that may seem. Nothing is uniform. in the US. Furthermore, rules vary from one city to in other.

If you want to make a complaint about taxi service, note the driver's number and name. When you write to the company, be sure to keep a copy of your letter.

How do the Americans think of the taxi?

A.It's a useful means of travelling.

B.It benefits a lot to all Americans.

C.It's hard to find all the time.

D.It is a luxury and Americans seldom take it.

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