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提问人:网友chjiwa 发布时间:2022-01-07

The females of our closest primate relatives, the chimpanzees, are not exactly paragons of

sexual probity. A recent DNA study of behavior. in the forest of Africa’s Ivory Coast showed that despite the hurrying of local males, the wily females were stealing off so often that half their offspring turn out to be fathered by outsiders. Of bonobos, perhaps the less said the better, at least in a family magazine. These "pygmy chimps", as they are also known, share 98% of our genes and a tendency to what Freud termed "polymorphous perversity". They will have sex with anyone, male of female as readily as we humans shake hands and apparently for the same purpose.

The interesting thing is that female promiscuity seems to be a reproductively advantageous trait, which may explain why it prevails in the animal world. The more males a female prairie dog mates with, for example, the more likely she is to conceive and the larger her litters. Angier reports on data, still disputed, that suggest human females are more likely to get pregnant for sex with an adulterous lover than from sex with their spouse.

So, to the extent that females relied on male help in raising a family, the smartest female reproductive strategy may have involved no less treachery than the male one: behave promiscuously, so you' 11 be sure to get pregnant, but pretend to be monogamous professing undying love -- so that at least one of the fellows will think the kids are his and possibly take an interest in them. Hey, it fooled the evolutionary psychologists!

Men fall for pretty faces, women fall for healthy portfolios? Here’s another object lesson sometimes drawn from the evolutionary allegory of Monica and Bill: men go for beautiful women, while women are attracted to power and money, even when it comes in a fat, gray-haired middle-bound millionaire husband, there are more cases like ex-playmate Anna Nicole Smith and her late, wheelchair-bound millionaire husband, there are like elementary school teacher Mary Letourneau and her 13-year-old boyfriend. But since men tend to accrue wealth and power as they age, it’s a bit odd, as zoologist Desmond Moils once noted, that baleness doesn't necessarily activate the feminine positive response. It may be smart for women to go for the billionaires and tribal big shots, but in practice their choices are often politically and economically irrational, if not self-destructive. For example, Juliet fell for a scion of the enemy clan. In rock-and-roll tradition and movies from The Wild One to Shakespeare in Love. It’s the penniless who makes the girls scream -- and did anyone see Titanic?

There is in fact a respectable evolutionary rationale for such "irrational" female choices. Women may want loyal, provider-type mates to help them raise their children. But if their sons are not attractive to other women -- and hence keep the lineage thriving -- it might help if dad is a heartbreaker himself. Unfortunately, though, physical attractiveness is net a re- liable guide to reproductive "fitness', as in health and wealth. Consider the peacock, its gorgeous tall renders it fairly vulnerable to predators, so any peahen with a concern for her sons' longevity should opt for a more modestly cute one.

According to the information given in the first paragraph, we can infer that ______.

A.chimps also live in a civilized community

B.human beings are just similar to the chimps

C.people understand chimps quite well

D.the chimps and people live in similar societies

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更多“The females of our closest primate relatives, the chimpanzees, are not exactly paragons of”相关的问题
What’s in our DNA, as a social animal, is the interest in looking at alpha males and femal
es; the ones who are important in the pack. As a social animal, man is born with an innate interest in ______________________ _________________________________________________________________________________.

Our brains could be hard-wired to be male or female long before we begin to grow testes(丸

Our brains could be hard-wired to be male or female long before we begin to grow testes(丸)or ovaries(卵巢)in the womb. This discovery might explain why some people feel trapped in a body that's the wrong sex, and could also lead to tests that reveal the true "brain sex" of babies born with ambiguous genitalia(生殖器).

Till now, the orthodoxy among developmental biologists has been that embryos develop ovaries and become female unless a gene called SRY on the Y chromosome is switched on. If this gene is active, it makes testes develop instead. This switch is seen as the key event in determining whether a baby is a girl or a boy. Only after the gonads(性腺) form. and flood the body with the appropriate hormones, the theory goes, is the sex of our minds and bodies determined.

But in a study of mice, a team at the University of California, Los Angeles, has now found that males and females show differences in the expression of no fewer than 50 genes well before SRY switches on. "It's the first discovery of genes differentially expressed in the brain, "says Eric Vilain, who led the UCLA team. "They may have an impact on the hard-wired development of the brain in terms of sexual differentiation independent of gonadal induction."

Vilain is presenting details of seven of the 50 genes to the annual meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics in Baltimore this week. Three of these genes are dominant in females and four are dominant in males. The next step for Vilain and his team will be to show that the genes in question really do influence brain sexuality—and not just in mice. This is likely to be a much tougher proposition than merely showing there are differences in expression.

But if the findings are confirmed, they could one day yield blood tests that allow doctors to establish the brain sex of babies born with genitalia that share features of both sexes. At present doctors and parents have to guess which gender to assign for surgical "correction".

The first paragraph tells us that ______.

A.whether we will be male or female is determined by the brain, not the genitalia

B.some people consider themselves to be male but are in fact female physiologically

C.our brain sex is formed long after our testes or ovaries begin to grow

D.some people feel trapped because they have ambiguous genitalia

Ours is a society that tries to keep the world sharply divided into masculine and feminine
, not because that is the way the world is, but because that is the way we believe it should be. It takes unwavering belief and considerable effort to keep this division. It also leads us to make some fairly foolish judgments, particularly about language.

Because we think that language also should be divided into masculine and feminine we have become very skilled at ignoring anything that will not fit our preconceptions. We would rather change what we hear than change our ideas about the gender division of the world. We will call assertive girls unfeminine, and supportive boys effeminate, and try to change them while still retaining our stereotypes of masculine and feminine talk.

This is why some research on sex differences and language has been so interesting. It is an illustration of how wrong we can be. Of the many investigators who set out to find the stereotyped sex differences in language, few have had any positive results. It seems that our images of serious taciturn male speakers and gossipy garrulous female speakers are just that: images.

Many myths associated with masculine and feminine talk have had to be discarded as more research has been undertaken. If females do use more trivial words than males, stop talking in mid-sentence, or talk about the same things over and over again, they do not do it when investigators are around.

None of these characteristics-of female speech have been found. And even when sex differences have been found, the question arises as to whether the difference is in the eye or ear of the beholder, rather than in the language.

Pitch provides one example. We believe that males were meant to talk in low-pitched voices and females in high-pitched voices. We also believe that low pitch is more desirable. Well, it bas been found that this difference cannot be explained by anatomy.

If males do not speak in high-pitched voices, it is not usually because they are unable to do so. The reason is more likely to be that there are penalties. Males with high-pitched voices are often the object of ridicule. But pitch is not an absolute, for what is considered the right pitch for males varies from country to country.

The passage implies that the author's attitude towards the division of feminine talk and masculine talk is






Questions 6~10 are based on the following passageThe strong tie between organized sports and the competitive ethic (准则)has given greater importance to men ’s sp orts than to women ’s, since man ’s role in the United States is viewed as more competitive and aggressive than woman’s. As one high school teacher stated more than two decades ago: “Our culture does not require girls to compete against each other in physica l activity to achieve the acceptable female image. Our culture does require boys to do so.” During the last fifteen years, however, this has been changing, and a stronger emphasis on equality for women has emerged in all facets (方面) of American life, including organized sports. High schools and colleges have been urged to give more emphasis to women’s sports and to spend more money on them. In fact, laws governing equality have required many schools to do so. It is still true, however, that most Americans believe men’s organized sports are more important than women’s. In high school, and to a lesser extent in college, males earn popularity and recognition through competing in organized sports, while females often earn these same things by being cheerleaders. The cheerleader does not compete. Rather, she is part of a group of pretty girls who lead the people watching football or basketball games in cheering for the school team, which is composed of competitive young men.The diffe rence in roles between the males and females at major sports events reflects differences in traditional roles later in life, when men are expected to compete for economic success and women are supposed to give men emotional support as wives and homemakers. What has brought greater importance to men’s sports? A.The strong tie between sports and competition. B.The competitive and aggressive nature of men. C.The improper teaching of high school education. D.The competition against others in physical activity.

Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som

Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

Conventional wisdom has it that male birds are loyal and faithful because the business of feeding nestling is so demanding that it takes two to rear the clutch successfully. Cooperation is therefore the best way of ensuring reproductive success.

By contrast, most mammals have a lengthy gestation (怀孕) follower by lactation (哺乳期), which leaves males on the sidelines. With little to contribute to the rearing process, they tend to opt for polygamy (一夫多妻) in one form. or another.

Male mammals are only monogamous (一夫一妻的) under a limited number of condition. One is when females are so widely dispersed that a male would find it difficult to defend more than one at a. time. In this case, he may do well to stick with one female to make sure that no other males mate with her when she does come into estrus (发情期). The dik-dik, a diminutive African antelope, is one species that seems to live by this role.

However, many species are monogamous even when males could in principle defend several females. In these cases, it turns out that the male provides a service for the female. By investing in her and his young, the male gains more offspring in a lifetime than he does by pursuing the alternative strategy of polygamy.

In South American marmoset and tamarin monkeys, this service amounts to full responsibility for everything to do with childcare, except lactation. As a result, females manage to produce twins twice a year—if they had to do all the work alone, it is unlikely that they could do better than a single infant once a year. So, males who become monogamous and share the workload can expect to obtain around four times as many offspring as males who abandon their mates in favor of serial polygamy. A polygamous male would have to locate and mate with at least four times as many females as a monogamous one, so it pays to be monogamous.

As for humans, monogamy may have developed hand in hand with the evolution of large brains. Pair bonding could have ensured that women got enough food to raise-their big-brained, slow-growing and highly vulnerable offspring to adulthood. Our ancestors probably opted for some form. of monogamy when they began eating meat and hunting.

The passage mainly discusses _______.

A.division of labor between male and female mammals

B.how male are involved in the rearing process

C.how females choose their partners

D.factors affecting monogamy and polygamy

What is sex? What is gender? Sex is determined by genetic codes that program biologica

l features.The words like “man”,“woman”,“male”and“female” indicate sexual identities.Gender is 1 complex than sex.For example,you might think of gender 2 the cultural meaning of sex.Since the first cry in this world,individuals are besieged with communications reflecting cultural prescriptions for gender.Gender 3 continues with interactions between parents,teachers,peers,and the media.Through our interactions with 4 ,we receive constant messages that reinforce females’ conformity to femininity and males’ to masculinity.For instance,parents may say to their daughter 5 are jumping and laughing too boisterously,“Behave like a girl!”,while they may tell their 6 son,“Be a man.No tears!” This means that individuals are not born with a gender,but are gendered. 7 some people resist gender socialization,the intensity and pervasiveness of social prescriptions for gender ensure most females will become feminine and most males will become masculine. So gender is a social 8 ,not an individual characteristic.Everyone is consciously or unconsciously gendered the 9 he or she 10 .

















A、all others

B、the other

C、any other
































As a general rule, American men earn more than American women. This holds true across indu

As a general rule,American men earn more than American women. This holds true across industries, across education levels, and across states. But, theres at least one big【C1】______: part-time employees. In 2012, women who worked less than 40 hours a week generally out-earned men who spent the same【C2】______at their jobs. If they worked 35 hours a week, they earned about 11 percent mor

E.If they worked 25 hours a week, they earned about 4 percent mor

E.But once females hit that magic 40 hour【C3】______their relative pay declined dramatically. So why do women beat out men while working part-time and【C4】______out while working full-time My guess is that much of the explanation【C6】______down to two reasons: marriage and children. Women, including highly educated【C7】______, tend to cut their hours once they have families and children, especially【C8】______their husband has a higher salary. Men, meanwhile,are more likely to keep working a【C9】______week And so part-time women, as a group, are somewhat more likely to have gone to college,and【C10】______less likely to have dropped out of high school, than part-time men, who may well be working shorter【C11】______for lack of better options. The problem for women is that working part-time early in their careers can cost them salary while working full-time later in their careers,【C12】______lost experience and perhaps some【C13】______opportunities for promotions. Motherhood might be the most【C14】______job in the worl

D.But all too often, our economy still makes it【C15】______a career killer. So【C16】______part-timers, which other women out-earn men The BLS includes a job-by-job breakdown of the wage【C17】______, and among the nearly 150【C18】______with good-enough data to【C19】______, it found just two where females were better paid: counselors and health technicians. That said,as men look more toward those sorts of traditionally pink-collar jobs for employment, one has to【C20】______how long that pay advantage will last. 【C1】 A.problem




As a general rule, American men earn more than American women. This holds true across indu

As a general rule,American men earn more than American women. This holds true across industries, across education levels, and across states. But, theres at least one big【C1】______: part-time employees. In 2012, women who worked less than 40 hours a week generally out-earned men who spent the same【C2】______at their jobs. If they worked 35 hours a week, they earned about 11 percent mor

E.If they worked 25 hours a week, they earned about 4 percent mor

E.But once females hit that magic 40 hour【C3】______their relative pay declined dramatically. So why do women beat out men while working part-time and【C4】______out while working full-time My guess is that much of the explanation【C6】______down to two reasons: marriage and children. Women, including highly educated【C7】______, tend to cut their hours once they have families and children, especially【C8】______their husband has a higher salary. Men, meanwhile,are more likely to keep working a【C9】______week And so part-time women, as a group, are somewhat more likely to have gone to college,and【C10】______less likely to have dropped out of high school, than part-time men, who may well be working shorter【C11】______for lack of better options. The problem for women is that working part-time early in their careers can cost them salary while working full-time later in their careers,【C12】______lost experience and perhaps some【C13】______opportunities for promotions. Motherhood might be the most【C14】______job in the worl

D.But all too often, our economy still makes it【C15】______a career killer. So【C16】______part-timers, which other women out-earn men The BLS includes a job-by-job breakdown of the wage【C17】______, and among the nearly 150【C18】______with good-enough data to【C19】______, it found just two where females were better paid: counselors and health technicians. That said,as men look more toward those sorts of traditionally pink-collar jobs for employment, one has to【C20】______how long that pay advantage will last. 【C1】 A.problem




Gender InequalityIn Western society, traditional male and female roles are not only substa

Gender Inequality

In Western society, traditional male and female roles are not only substantially different, but also highly unequal. As we have seen, the male is given the dominant position. In a sense he is the star actor, whereas the female often plays only a supporting role. Psychologically, the male is trained to play the role of decision maker, whereas the female is encouraged to be submissive and obedient. This same gender inequality is reflected in our basic institutions. In education, employment, and politics, women clearly are treated as inferiors.


In the past, women faced open discrimination in almost every aspect of our educational system. Far more boys than girls were enrolled in primary and secondary schools, and most of the best colleges did not admit women at all. Changing cultural expectations and new antidiscrimination laws broke down most of these barriers, and great progress has been made. Today, more females than males graduate from high school and from college.

Yet men still maintain some important educational advantages. For one thing, men receive over 60 percent of professional degrees and doctorates. There are also important differences in the majors women and men pursue. More females are in the liberal arts and humanities, while more men major in such fields as science, mathematics, and engineering, which are most likely to lead directly to high-paying career. Although the reasons for these differences are not entirely clear, several factors appear to be important. It seems that traditional gender role stereotypes no longer stop females from pursuing an education, but women are discouraged from going into academic areas that are overwhelmingly dominated by males. For example, one recent study shows that the lack of female role models among faculty members in mathematics, science, and engineering subtly conveys the message to young women that those fields are not for them. Women's preference for a more general liberal education may also reflect the fact that women expect to carry more child-rearing responsibilities than their male counterparts. As a result, they may shy away from majors leading to demanding careers that would interfere with those responsibilities.


Women's role in the work force has undergone a remarkable change. Fifty years ago, fewer than a quarter of all adult women in the United States worked outside the home. Today, that figure has more than doubled, and the number of working women continues to increase. In the next decade, six of every ten new workers in the United States are expected to be women. Although the gap between men's and women's pay has narrowed in recent years, it continues to be a large one. In 1975 women earned only about 60 percent as much as men, but by 1992, that figure was around 75 percent. Unfortunately, the reason the gap has closed is due more to a decline in men's earnings than to an increase in women's pay. An analysis by the Economic Policy Institute concluded that over two-thirds of that improvement was caused by the drop in men's wages and only a third by increasing women's wages.

Many women receive smaller paychecks than men because they enter lower-paying occupations and hold lower-ranking jobs within their field. Yet there are substantial differences in pay even among men and women who do the same type of work. Women in sales earn only 56 percent as much as salesmen, and women professionals about 72 percent as much as their male counterparts. A Business Week survey found that the starting salaries of male graduates of the best MBA programs in the United States are 12 percent higher than the starting salaries of female graduates. Even when workers break out of the traditional occupational stereotypes, women still come up short. Although 94 percent of all registered nurses are female, male nurses earn about 10 percent more than




We should pair ______ when we seat the guests.

A、males and males

B、males and females

C、females and females

D、the host and males

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