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提问人:网友lwjjjj 发布时间:2022-01-07

1 For the Greeks, beauty was a virtue: a kind of excellence. Persons then were assumed to

be what we now have to call—lamely, enviously—whole persons. If it did occur to the Greeks to distinguish between a person's "inside" and "outside," they still expected that inner beauty would be matched by beauty of the other kind. The well-born young Athenians who gathered around Socrates found it quite paradoxical that their hero was so intelligent, so brave, so honorable, so seductive—and so ugly. One of Socrates' main pedagogical acts was to be ugly—and teach those innocent, no doubt splendid-looking disciples of his how full of paradoxes life really was.

2 They may have resisted Socrates' lesson. We do not. Several thousand years later, we are more wary of the enchantments of beauty. We not only split off—with the greatest facility—the "inside"(character, intellect) from the "outside" (looks); but we are actually surprised when someone who is beautiful is also intelligent, talented, good.

3 It was principally the influence of Christianity that deprived beauty of the central place it had in classical ideals of human excellence. By limiting excellence (virtus in Latin) to moral virtue only, Christianity set beauty adrift—as an alienated, arbitrary, superficial enchantment. And beauty has continued to lose prestige. For close to two centuries it has become a convention to attribute beauty to only one of the two sexes, the sex which, however fair, is always Second. Associating beauty with women has put beauty even further on the defensive, morally.

4 A beautiful woman, we say in English, but a handsome man. "Handsome" is the masculine equivalent of—and refusal of—a compliment which has accumulated certain demeaning overtones, by being reserved for women only. That one can call a man "beautiful" in French and in Italian suggests that Catholic countries—unlike those countries shaped by the Protestant version of Christianity—still retain some vestiges of the pagan admiration for beauty. But the difference, if one exists, is of degree only. In every modern country that is Christian or post-Christian, women are the beautiful sex—to the detriment of the notion of beauty as well as of women.

The author means ______ by "whole persons" in Para.

A.persons of beauty

B.persons of virtue

C.persons of excellence

D.none of the above

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更多“1 For the Greeks, beauty was a virtue: a kind of excellence. Persons then were assumed to”相关的问题
The ancient Greeks developed basic memory systems called Mnemonics. The name is (1) from their G

The ancient Greeks developed basic memory systems called Mnemonics. The name is(1)from their Goddess of Memory, Mnemosene. In the ancient world, a trained memory was an(2)asset, particularly in public life. There were no(3)devices for taking notes and early Greek orators (演说家) delivered long speeches with great(4)because they learned the speeches using Mnemonic systems.

The Greeks discovered that human memory is(5)an associative process—that it works by linking things together. For example, think of an apple. The(6)your brain registers the word "apple", it(7)the shape, colour, taste, smell and(8)of that fruit. All these things are associated in your memory with the word "apple".

(9). An example could be when you think about a lecture you have had. This could trigger a memory about what you were talking about through that lecture, which can then trigger another memory.

(10). An example given on a website I was looking at follows: Do you remember the shape of Austria, Canada, Belgium or Germany? Probably not. What about Italy, though?(11)You made an association with something already known, the shape of a boot, and Italy's shape could not be forgotten once you had made the association.

Ancient Greek Values①Ancient Greek civilization has greatly helped the building oftoday&39

Ancient Greek Values

①Ancient Greek civilization has greatly helped the building oftoday&39;s society. Many countries now still base their laws and ethics (伦理)on the teachings and doings of ancient Greeks. In everyday life, ancientGreeks valued loyalty, glory intelligence and hospitality (好客).These mayseem simple values, but they did effectively shape ancient Greece into amost referenced culture in history.

②During ancient Greece, men were required to go to school andlearn. Boys were taught at home until they were 6 years old and thensent off to school Ancient Greek schools featured a structure that hadboys in school from the age of six until fourteen and then an optionaladditional four years. The boys were trained in arts and in citizen training. Citizen training prepared Greek boys for two aspects of adult life, whichwere peace and war.

③Glory for young men in ancient Greece was the same as fame toyoung people today. Stories of war glories and battles were handed down to young men so that they desired to make their names along withthe victory of a battle.

④Helping your fellow man was an important aspect of life in ancientGreece.Ancient Greeks were kind and generous. They offered food,shelter and protection travelers without question. They believed thathelping others was their brotherly duty.

⑤Loyalty is perhaps the most important value of ancient Greekcivilization. It was stressed in everything the Greeks did. They believed inloyalty to the family, the community and most importantly to the gods. The gods of ancient Greece often sent tests to citizens. Keeping faiththrough the tests was a sign of loyalty and belief.

Task 1

A.Education in ancient Greece

B.Friendliness of ancient Greeks

C.Wars in ancient Greece

D.Impact of ancient Greek values

E.Top value of ancient Greeks

F.Sense of honor of ancient Greeks

Paragraph ① :________

Paragraph ④ :________

Paragraph ② :________

Paragraph ③ :________

Ancient Greeks saw it as a duty () .

Task 2

A.to go to school

B.in many countries

C.to achieve honor

D.in whatever they did

E.to study law

F.to help others Ancient

Greek values arc held() .

Paragraph ⑤:________

Young men in ancient Greece were required() .

Young Greeks had a strong desire() .

Ancient Greeks stressed loyalty () .


Task 3 Please fill in the blank with appropriate g...

Task 3 Please fill in the blank with appropriate given word or phrase that best suits the logic connection. A. Whereas B. unlike C. for instance D. Generally E. contrast F. contrasted G. The Greek H. The Egyptian A brief consideration of Egyptian mythology 1 with the mythology of the Greeks is enough to convince us of the revolution in thought that must have taken place from one age to the other. The Egyptian gods had no resemblance to anything in the real world, 2 the Greek gods were fashioned after real Greek people. 3 artists’ interpretations of the divine were horrid bestial shapes that combined men’s heads with bird’s bodies or terrifying nightmares. The monstrosities of an invisible world were what the Egyptian’s worshiped. 4 interpretation of divinity stands in opposition to this dark picture. The Greeks were preoccupied with the visible world. 5 the Egyptian, they found their desires satisfied in what they could actually see around them. The ancient statues of Apollo, 6 , resemble the strong young bodies of athletes contending in the Olympic Games. 7 , the Greek artists found their gods in idealized beauty or intelligence of actual human counterparts. In direct 8 to the Egyptians, they had no wish to create some hideous fantasy that they called god.

There are both similarities and differences between the tourist-attracting countries Italy and Greec

There are both similarities and differences between the tourist-attracting countries Italy and Greece.(1), both the Italians and Greeks are friendly people.(2), the cultural relics of both countries are fascinating: Rome's Colosseum and Athens' Parthenon are two of the world's great sights. Both countries offer comfortable tourist accommodations likewise.(3), the luxury hotels in Rome and Athens are all excellent.(4), there are important contrasts between Italy and Greece:(5)dining in Italy can be a memorable experience, food in Greece tends to be wholesome but plain. And the look of each country is different. The Italian countryside is green and lush.(6), the Greek terrain is dry and desertlike,(7)the elegant Italians, the Greek citizen dresses and lives more simply(8)all these differences, a tourist can expect a delightful holiday in either country.

The majority of British people are descendents of _______





In the early days of ancient Olympic Games ______.A.all male Greeks were qualified to comp

In the early days of ancient Olympic Games ______.

A.all male Greeks were qualified to compete in the Games

B.only male Greek athletes were allowed to participate in the games

C.all Greeks, with the exception of women, were allowed to compete in the Games

D.all Greeks, irrespective of sex, religion or social status, were allowed to take part

Acient Greeks considered _______ to be the author of their epics: the Iliad and the Odyssey.





It was _____ many centuries later that the ancient Greeks placed the science of map-

It was _____ many centuries later that the ancient Greeks placed the science of map-making on a sound footing.



C.not until

D.until not

In the early days of ancient Olympic Games, ______.A.only male Greek athletes were allowed

In the early days of ancient Olympic Games, ______.

A.only male Greek athletes were allowed to participate in the games

B.all Greeks, irrespective of sex, religion or social status, were allowed to take part

C.all Greeks, with the exception of women, were allowed to compete in Games

D.all male Greeks ware qualified to compete in the Games

Greeks and Romans were aware of the potential of modifications to the body to ______.A.hel

Greeks and Romans were aware of the potential of modifications to the body to ______.

A.help develop a sense of fashion

B.break societal norms

C.help develop society

D.mark various distinctions

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