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提问人:网友wl36978 发布时间:2022-01-06

As for the bullfighting journey held by Fran, which of the following statements is NOT tru


A.Fran was facing an important period in his career as a matador.

B.Fran was performing wonderfully in the journey.

C.Still someone predicted that this is the dead end of his bullfighting.

D.The novel faithfully recorded his journey.

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更多“As for the bullfighting journey held by Fran, which of the following statements is NOT tru”相关的问题
According to the writer, which of the following statements is NOT true()
A.Division of labor can enable fewer people to make more pins

B.Division of labor helps people to produce more of what they already have

C.Division of labor is by no means responsible for economic growth

D.Division of labor actually creates nothing new


When a matador is in his costume, they say he's dressed in"lights" —on account of the spangle and glitter of his suit. As you might expect in the garishly symbolic world of bullfighting, though, itmeans more than that:fame, theatrics, a tendency toward Liberaceness. Perhaps no one in the realm of Spanish bullfighting is as well lighted as Francisco Rivera Ordóez, the central figure in Edward Lewine's bullring odyssey, "Death and the Sun. "Fran, as he's known, is the great -grandson of one famous matador, the model for the bullfighter in Hemingway's"Sun Also Rises";grandson of arguably the greatest modern Spanish matador, the subject of Hemingway's"Dangerous Summer";and son to a matador who suffered the most famous death in the history of bullfighting, after a goring in the small town of Pozoblanco when Fran was 10. Not to mention that Fran's mother was an attention-starved tabloid queen who was captured topless in a paparazzi photograph, and his wife a Spanish duchess. Fran, even before he stuffed, himself into his first bullfighting costume, was no stranger to the lights.

Fran agreed to allow Lewine, who'd followed the bulls casually for the previous decade, to be a guest in his entou- rage for a season. "Death and the Sun"unfolds over eight pretty important months for the torero:the theory was that Fran's career had reached a fork and this season would decide whether he'd become one of the great matadors or fade into obscurity and wind up one of the rickety Spanish drunks who hike up their pants and show off scars from old gorings. It's the"Season on the Brink"method of literary sports journalism:hitch your wagon to a dramatic character, . stick around, take notes, write clown the narrative, collect movie option paycheck. We ride with Fran from Seville to Madrid, Pozoblanco to Valencia, Tolosa to Alicante. It's as much travelogue as sports story. "He carries it in his blood!" one woman cries to Fran from the stands of the bullring in the town of Ronda. In Lewine's Spain—a place of tradition and formality, melodrama and aphorisms—people are always saying things like this. After one particularly beautiful performance, one of Fran's cadre says that he defecates"on the dead of his bullfighting. "This, apparenfly, is a good thing.

Concerning the main character, Fran, which of the following statements is true?

A.One of his ancestors appeared in Hemingway's novels.

B.He was born in a famous family.

C.His wife was famous in tabloid stories.

D.His mother is of noble birth.

The first fossil dinosaur to be found with an intact body covering has feathers from head to tail. strengthening the view that modern birds evolved from dinosaurs, scientists say in an article published in London Wednesday,

The 130 million-year-old Dromaeosaur found in China provided the best evidence that some dinosaurs developed primitive feathers, not for flight but to keep warm, according to a report in the scientific journal Nature.

The Dromaeosaurs were small, fast-running predators closely related to the Velociraptor which starred in the film Jurassic Park. Like Velociraptor, they had a sickle-like claw on the middle toe, sharp teeth, and a bone structure similar to that of modern birds.

The fossil was unearthed early last year by farmers digging in north-eastern China's Liaoning Province. where other feathered dinosaurs have been found.

The Dromaeosanr's skeleton was found between two slabs of fine grained rock, and resembles that of a large duck with a long tail and an oversized head. indicating that it was a young specimen.

Its head and tail are covered with downy fibres, while other parts of the body sprout tufts or sprays of filaments resembling primitive feathers. The backs of the arms are adorned with branched structures similar to the barbs of a modem bird feather.

Dr Mark Norell, from the American Museum of Natural History, New York, head of a U. S. team examining the find with Chinese researchers, said"This fossil radically modifies our vision of these extinct animals. It shows us that ad- vanced theropod(two-legged)dinosaurs may have looked more like weird birds than giant lizards. "

Several new species of dinosaur with feather-like structures have been found in the Liaoning fossil beds since the first, Sinosauropteryx, was discovered in 1995. In most cases the fossils have been jumbled or incomplete, making it unclear how the featherlike structures related to the animal's body.

Most experts now believe that modern birds evolved from dinosaurs, and cite the Liaoning fossils as evidence. Critics of the theory have, however, argued that the feather-like structures are not the remains of primitive feathers, or that the specimens are mixed-up fossils of early birds and dinosaurs.

The new find may help resolve the debate.

The main role of some dinosaurs' developed primitive feathers is to_____.



C.keep warm

D.frighten the enemy

The main idea of the text is_____.

A.the Dromaeosanr's skeleton was found

B.fossil dinosaur reveals body covered in feathers

C.modern birds evolved from dinosaurs

D.a recent new invention

Late-night comedians had a field day in the summer of 2002 when a lawsuit accusing McDonald's of making two teenage customers in New York fat and unhealthy was filed.

But thousands of restaurant owners were not amused:Pelman v. McDonald's was the second time in a month that lawyers had tried to hold food companies responsible for America's obesity crisis.

Food and restaurant companies, fearing they would be hammered with enormous judgments, as the tobacco industry was. immediately began fighting back, waging an aggressive campaign to make it impossible for anyone to sue them successfully for causing obesity or obesity-related health problems.

Almost three years later, they have had astounding success. Twenty states have enacted versions of a"commonsense consumption"law. They vary slightly in substance, but all prevent lawsuits seeking personal injury damages related to obesity from ever being tried in their courts. Another 11 states have similar legislation pending.

Although plaintiffs' lawyers are confident there are ways around the new state laws, the measures, along with a class- action overhaul bill President Bush signed into law this year, will probably make it harder for lawyers in obesity cases to win the kind of large awards seen in tobacco cases.

The National Restaurant Association, based in Washington, and its 50 state organizations, which represent large chains like McDonald's and small independent businesses, led the campaign. In most states, lobbyists for food companies and restaurants helped write the legislation and did much of the legwork in state capitols.

Restaurant owners and food company executives personally visited state lawmakers, testified at hearings and steered campaign contributions to pivotal lawmakers. Executives from Kraft and Coca-Cola showed up in Texas, for instance, to lobby for that state' s commonsense consumption bill, which was signed into law by Gov. RickPerry last month.

According to data from the Institute on Money in State Politics. a nonpartisan research group based in Helena, Mont. , in the 2002 and 2004 election cycles, the food and restaurant industry gave a total of $5. 5 million to politicians in the 20 states that have passed laws shielding companies from obesity liability.

Adoption of commonsense consumption laws by almost half the states reveals how an organized and impassioned lobbying effort, combined with a receptive legislative climate, can quickly alter the legal framework on a major public health issue like obesity.

Consumer advocates, who knew about the state efforts but were preoccupied trying to prevent similar measures from being enacted on a national level, are not pleased. Michael Jacobson executive director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, calls it "shameful" that food companies are trying to get special exemptions from lawsuits.

"If someone is saying that a 64-ounce soda at 7-Eleven contributed to obesity, that person should have his day in court, "Mr. Jacobson said. "If it's frivolous, the courts are accustomed to throwing those out. "

The purpose of the "commonsense consumption" law is to_____.

A.to protect the customers' rights in obesity cases

B.to shield the food companies from obesity charges

C.to uphold the judicial justice

D.both A and C

From the text we can deduce that"modern birds evolved from dinosaurs"_____.

A.is approaching solution

B.remains a debate

C.is apparent

D.is impending

Among the reasons of the adoption of the "commonsense consumption" law in many states, which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.A great number of lobbyists did the majority of the work.

B.The executives of the large companies lobby for the law personally.

C.The large companies bribed the lawmakers.

D.The law is the result of an organized effort.

Which of the following is true?

A.Modern man makes every effort to participate in modern life.

B.Modern man can become more intelligent by receiving the best thoughts of the ablest mind through television.

C.Modern man likes to consume, but few produce.

D.Television makes modern man himself think less.

With a profound sadness I have just said farewell to one of my best friends who is now lost to me forever. He has bought a television set.

The man who buys a television set departs from the world of living men and enters another word of shadows. I do not blame my friend. The real world, I suppose, is just too much for him as it is for millions of others.

My friend does not realize, of course, that he is in full retreat from actuality. He supposes, on the contrary, that he is boldly advancing into the fierce current of these times by bringing the world, with all its events and human figures, into his living room. That is the great current illusion. The shadows are mistaken for things.

Now, television is a wonderful invention. I have no word to say against it, so long as it is confined to other people's houses where, in my weaker moments, I may see it occasionally free. But it brings no one closer to life. It merely inter- poses a gaudy curtain between lift and the spectator. It is only the latest gadget contrived by thoughtful men to make sure that nobody does any real thinking for himself.

My friend will answer that he will now receive the best thoughts of the ablest minds in the world and see their faces as they deliver them. He will see events as they unfold at first hand, with a time lag of half a second or less.

Of course, he will. But he won't understand anything better. He will understand less than ever. For the grim, inescap- able fact of human understanding is that it must be private, must come from within and cannot be plastered on like stucco from the outside. A man may secure knowledge from others. He will never secure understanding. Though it is presented in a million different versions, the paramount problem of modern man is to find a satisfactory participation in modern life. And it is there that he is most obviously failing.

He can turn a screw on the assembly line, but as the finished automobile comes off at the end, he has no satisfaction in its creation. Or if he works in a white collar he can add up all the figures of business on an adding machine without once touching the realities a life as the country storekeeper touches them. He swarms in his multitudes to watch hockey game but he does not play hockey.

In other words, for the essential purposes of life, modern man is becoming a spectator, not a participant, a customer not a creator, a consumer in the main and only incidentally a producer. Thus by a law as old as Eden he becomes sick under a hectic outward flush. His physical diet is better than ever but he sickens by a secret malnutrition of the soul.

According to the author, his friend has bought a television in order to_____.

A.know the current events

B.entertain himself at leisure time

C.escape from the reality

D.kill time

The author's attitude towards television is______.





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