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提问人:网友jellyku 发布时间:2022-01-06

The American Council on graduate, medical education isA.controlled by the American Medical

The American Council on graduate, medical education is

A.controlled by the American Medical Association.

B.controlled by the federal government.

C.the most authoritative medical association in the US.

D.a non-governmental body.

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更多“The American Council on graduate, medical education isA.controlled by the American Medical”相关的问题
The duty of the American Council on graduate medical education is toA.Authorize further tr

The duty of the American Council on graduate medical education is to

A.Authorize further training programs and exams.

B.reexamine physicians at a defined interval.

C.give further medical training to medical school graduates.

D.provide further training to specialists.

American Indians played a central role in the war known as the American Revolution. To the
m, however, the dispute between the colonists and England was peripheral. For American Indians the conflict was a war for American Indian independence, and whichever side they chose, they lost it. Mary Brant was a powerful influence among the Iroquois. She was a Mohawk, the leader of the society of all Iroquois matrons, and the widow of Sir William Johnson, Superintendent of Indian Affairs. Her brother, Joseph Brant, is the best-known American Indian warrior of the Revolution, yet she may have exerted even more influence in the confederacy than he did. She used her influence to keep the western tribes of Iroquois loyal to the English king, George 111. When the colonists won the war, she and her tribe had to abandon their lands and retreat to Canada. On the other side, Nancy Ward held positions of authority in the Cherokee nation. She had fought as a warrior in the war against the Creeks and as a reward for her heroism was made "Beloved Woman" of the tribe. This office made her chief of the women' s council and a member of the council of chiefs. She was friendly with the white settlers and supported the Patriots during the Revolution. Yet the Cherokees too lost their land.

What is the main point the author makes in the passage?

A.Siding with the English in the Revolution helped American Indians regain their land.

B.At the time of the Revolution, the Superintendent of Indian Affairs had little power.

C.Regardless of whom they supported in the Revolution, American Indians lost their land.

D.The outcome of the Revolution was largely determined by American Indian women.

听力原文: The three American officials arrived at an airport to the west of Baghdad on the
special UN flight from Bahrain. According to diplomats, they were promptly and politely asked by the Iraqis to turn back. So they boarded the same aircraft and returned to Bahrain. It was repetition of what happened last Thursday when two American arms inspectors were sent back from the same airport. That was the day after Baghdad gave all Americans working with the UN Inspection Team a week to leave the country. This latest incident makes it clear that Baghdad has turned a deaf ear to diplomatic appeals from sympathetic outside parties to back down from its current course and allow the UN Inspection Team to operate unimpeded. Russia, France, Egypt and others who are keen to avoid another crisis have been trying to persuade Iraq that they've made a mistake by challenging the Security Council in this way. The state-run Iraqi Press has continued to signal defiance on the part of the Baghdad leadership.

The three American officials arriving in Baghdad

A.were allowed to work unimpeded.

B.were forbidden to work at all.

C.were asked to leave.

D.were promptly detained.

听力原文: Washington: The Bush administration has signaled for the first time that it may
be willing to allow a multinational force in Iraq to operate under the sponsorship of the United Nations as long as it is commanded by an American.

The idea was described by Richard L.Armitage, the deputy secretary of state, as just "one idea being explored" in discussions at the United Nations. It was first hinted at publicly last week by Kofi Annan, the United Nations’ secretary general.

Mr. Armitage’s remarks, made on Tuesday to regional reporters and released by the State Department today, represent a potential shift in course for the administration, which has until now insisted that all military, economic and political matters in Iraq remain under total American control. Allowing the United Nations a leadership role would be intended to win the support of the Security Council for a new mandate authorizing the American-led occupation of the country.

In his remarks, Mr. Armitage declined to discuss the plans in any detail, saying, "I don’t think it helps to throw them out publicly right now." But he described the arrangement under consideration as "a multinational force under U.N. leadership" in which "the American would be the U.N. commander."

On Monday, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld was asked whether he could envision American troops fighting under United Nations’ command. His answer: "I think that’s not going to happen." But he went on to rule out only "a blue-hatted leadership" meaning by the United Nations, whose troops wear blue helmets over a peacekeeping force in Iraq.

Washington: The Bush administration has【C1】______ for the first time that it may be willing to 【C2】______ a multinational force in Iraq to operate under the 【C3】______ of the United Nations as long as 【C4】______ by an American.

The idea was described by Richard L.Armitage, the deputy secretary of state, as just"【C5】______" in discussions at the United Nations. It was first 【C6】______ publicly last week by Kofi Annan, the United Nations’ secretary general.

Mr. Armitage’s remarks, made 【C7】______ to regional reporters and released by 【C8】______ today, represent 【C9】______ in course for the administration, which has until now insisted that all 【C10】______ matters in Iraq remain under total American control. Allowing the United Nations 【C11】______ would be intended to win the support of the Security Council for 【C12】______ authorizing the【C13】______ occupation of the country.

In his remarks, Mr. Armitage 【C14】______ to discuss the plans 【C15】______, saying, "I don’t think it helps to 【C16】______ publicly fight now." But he described the arrangement under consideration as "a multinational force 【C17】______ "in which "the American would be the U.N. commander."

On Monday, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld was asked whether he could 【C18】______ American troops fighting 【C19】______ . His answer: "I think that’s not going to happen." But he went on to rule out only 【C20】______ meaning by the United Nations, whose troops wear blue helmets over a peacekeeping force in Iraq.


SECTION CNEWS BROADCASTDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Lis


Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.

听力原文: The United States has again vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution condemning Israel for its treatment of Palestinians in the occupied territories. The other 14 members of the Council supported the resolution which called on Israel to ensure the safe and immediate return of Palestinian civilians recently expelled to southern Lebanon. The veto was criticized by the Arab Leagues Ambassador to the UN Dr. Klois Marksud. He said it would harm the American current peace initiative for the Middle East. Israel says it's to free several dozen detainees and lift curfews to enable Palestinians to celebrate Ramadan. A military spokesman said those released would be youths up to the age of 16 except those who had committed serious offences.

What was the resolution about?

A.Condemning Israel for its treatment of Palestinians in the occupied territories.

B.Criticizing Israel for its racial discrimination against Palestinians.

C.Condemning Israel for its random shooting at the demonstrators.

D.Criticizing Israel for not allowing Palestinians to work in the occupied territories.

In the United States, medical licensure is controlled by each state, territory, and common
wealth. Licensure depends on furnishing evidence of satisfactory completion of the standard medical curriculum in an American or Canadian medical school, clinical experience, and satisfactory performance on an examination.

In theory, possession of a valid medical license entities a physician to practice all branches of medicine and surgery within that jurisdiction. In actuality, further training is needed beyond receipt of the M.D. degree. Such training, called graduate medical education, is controlled by a quasi autonomous non-governmental body called the American Council on graduate medical education. This body is made up of representatives from each specialty board and from hospitals, medical schools, specialty societies, and the American Medical Association (AMA, with one member appointed by the federal government.) Working through committees and its constituent organizations, the council approves each hospital training program and endorses an examination given by the appropriate specialty board. This laborious method of specialty certification sets a standard or practice. As noted, when the family-practice specialty was established, certification was for the first time granted only for a defined interval, after which the practitioner must be reexamined. The specialist must also take part in a certain number of hours of continuing medical education each year. Both of these new departures may in time become standard for all of the other specialty boards.

Most physicians in active practice has hospital privileges. That is, they are members of the medical staff of a hospital and are allowed to admit patients to that hospital. To practice at a hospital, however, requirements in addition to a license are mandated by the governing body of the institution. Hospitals are divided into clinical services that reflect the various medical specialties, and staff privileges are valid only for a specific service, increasingly, certification by the appropriate board as well as participation in the educational meetings of the service are being required for such validation.

In most nations other than the United States, licensure is a national rather than a provincial matter. Graduation from one of the schools within a country often entitles a physician to a license without further examination. In most countries, however, physicians are required to complete further examinations in order to be accredited as specialists.

Which of the following is not necessary for a person to get his medical license?

A.a medical school degree.

B.Practical clinical experience.

C.Recommendation from specialists.

D.Passing an examination for qualification.

A chain of shops in East Yorkshire, England has been told that it would be a criminal offe
nce to sell thousands of tubes of toothpaste made by a leading French manufacturer simply because the small print giving the firm importing it does not include the letters "UK". Under cosmetics regulations implementing 25 separate European Union instructions, unless the address is London, which is "a major city", the letters UK must be added. The suppliers response, when Gordon Rodgerss A2Z chain asked them to take back the toothpaste, was that this would pose no problem, because trading standards officials elsewhere in Britain do not bother about such fault-finding to a very minute detail. A2Z, which sells a range of more than 10 000 household items from its 14 discount stores in Hull and East Yorkshire, first stumbled into these mysterious requirements of cosmetic labelling when summoned by East Yorkshire trading standards officials on a criminal charge of selling tubes of the same brand of toothpaste, Mentadent, designed for the South African market. These carried the name of a German distributor but no UK supplier. The council had no complaint about the toothpaste itself. It is common and legal practice for supermarkets and discount stores to buy up a wide range of branded products packaged by leading European and American manufacturers for non-EU markets. These can then be sold at prices lower than those recommended for identical products in Europe, which are only more expensive because EU consumers can supposedly afford to pay more. Council officials were quick to point out that they support the contribution this gray economy makes to "healthy competition". The only problem was that importers details must be given by the regulation formula. For a major city such as London only a postcode is necessary, but for other cities and towns the letters UK must be added. When A2Z asked how it was expected to examine the small print on the labelling of each of 10 000 products it carries, East Yorkshire replied that it was up to the firm to improve the quality of their inspection procedures. A2Z then supplied the council three weeks running with examples of similar products carrying "illegal labelling", bought from major supermarkets in the same area, asking why these large firms were not also prosecuted. The council said it "did not have the resources" to chase up every case of illegality, to which Mr. Rodgers responded that he "did not have the resources" to improve the quality of their inspection procedures, which the council was asking of him. Last week his firms case was adjourned.

Why did Gordon Rodgerss A2Z chain have trouble with East Yorkshire Council?

A.They sold fake product.

B.They sold stolen goods.

C.The product they sold was incorrectly labelled.

D.They were not licensed to sell this product.

听力原文: The biggest U.S. air strikes against Iraq this year have failed to blunt the def
iance of Baghdad, which is vowing to continue to challenge Western warplanes seeking to impose “no-fly” zones on the north and south of the country.

"Iraq will continue to defend its sovereignty and confront American and British planes which commit daily aggression against Iraq, 'Vice-President Taha Yassin Ramadan said in remarks published yesterday, one day after the latest strikes.

"The American aggression against Iraq is a flagrant violation of international legitimacy, "Ramadan said, quoted by the official al-Iraq newspaper.

The government newspaper al-Jumhouriya urged Iraqis to use all means to fight against U.S. and British aircraft.

"We are witnessing a historical stage where we should mobilize all our potential to force the enemies of Iraq to retreat, 'the paper said in front-page editorial.

Iraq's Foreign Minister Mohammad Saeed al-Sahaf wrote to the UN Security Council calling on them to stop what he called U.S. and British aggression against Iraqi airspace.

US warplanes blasted strategic Iraqi installations on Monday as Baghdad fought to restore oil supplies after a raid on Sunday.

Baghdad said U.S. planes hit for a second day running a pipeline carrying Iraqi oil exports to the Turkish port of Ceyhan, cutting off the flow of oil. It also said the raids hit a residential quarter in the Ain Zahla oil- field near Mosul, killing one civilian and injuring others.

Iraq, also said it was almost certain that its air defenses had shot down a Western plane.

The Iraqi Oil Ministry took television crews to the site of Mondays bombing of an oil facility and to residential quarters in Ain Zahla.

UN officials in Baghdad said yesterday that Iraq's oil exports via the Iraq-Turkey pipeline were interrupt- ed for the third day running after a U.S. missile hit a repeater station on Sunday.

In another development, the Washington Post reported yesterday that U.S. intelligence services spied on Iraq for three years without the knowledge of the UN arms control teams they used to disguise their work.

The newspaper quoted U.S. Government employees and documents describing the classified operation, concluding that the UN Special Commission (UNSCOM) did not authorize or benefit from this channel of U. S. surveillance.

Iraqi Foreign Minister Mohammad Saeed al-Sahaf wrote to the UN Security Council to______.

A.call on them to stop what he called U.S. and British aggression against Iraqi air-space.

B.tell them that the biggest U.S. air strikes against Iraq this year had failed to blunt the defiance of Baghdad.

C.show Iraq's determination to use all means to fight against U.S. and British aircraft.

D.tell that the American aggression against Iraq is a flagrant violation Of International legitimacy.

Famous American Foods What, besides children, connects mothers around the world and across

Famous American Foods

What, besides children, connects mothers around the world and across the seas of time? It's chicken soup, one prominent American food expert says.

From Russian villages to Africa and Asia, chicken soup has been the remedy for those weak in body and spirit. Mothers passed their knowledge on to ancient writers of Greece, China and Rome, and even 12th century philosopher and physician Moses Maimonides extolled (赞美)its virtues.

Among the ancients, Aristotle thought poultry should stand in higher estimation than four-legged animals because the air is less dense than the earth. Chickens got another boost (吹捧)in the Book of Genesis, where it is written that birds and fish were created on the fifth day, a day before four-legged animals.

But according to Mimi Sheraton, who has spent much of the past three years exploring the world of chicken soup, much of the reason for chicken's real or imagined curative (治愈的)powers comes from its color.

Her new book, "The Whole World Loves Chicken Soup", looks at the beloved and mysterious brew, with dozens of recipes from around the world. Throughout the ages, she said, "There has been a lot of feeling that white-colored foods are easier to eat for the weak woman and the ill".

In addition, "soups, or anything for that matter eaten with a spoon" are considered "comfort foods" Sheraton said. "I love soup and love making soup and as I was collecting recipes I began to see this as an international dish. It has a universal mystique as something curative, a strength builder," Sheraton said from her New York home.

Her book treats the oldest remedy as if it was brand new.

The National Broiler Council, the trade group representing the chicken industry, reported that 51 percent of the people it surveyed said they bought chicken because it was healthier, 50 percent said it was versatile, 41 percent said it was economical and 46 percent said it was low in fat.

Which of the following can be the best title of the passage? ______

A.Prominent American Foods

B.History of the Chicken Soup

C.Chicken Soup Recipes

D.Chicken Soup, a Universal Cure-All

Economic Reform. in China More US sinologists have expressed confidence in China's economi

Economic Reform. in China

More US sinologists have expressed confidence in China's economic reform. and the prospects for China's modernization.

"If the reforms are implemented," said Doak Barnett, professor of Johns Hopkins University, they would (51) the trend towards more significant and the broader economic ties between China and the United States, which will have in some respects, a favorable impact (52) political relations.

"Also these (53) will reinforce trend for China to become more steadily involved in the international economics and the international community." Barnett believes the (54) is desirable, from China's point of (55) , and for the international community, the more active China is in the international community, the larger role it may (56) in world affairs. "He said.

In the direction of changing the economic system, China has made (57) progress.

"Personally, I think China has a capacity for moving (58) in this direction, and I'm fairly confident that the Chinese leadership will (59) to move in this direction."

Alfred D. Wilhelm, project director of China Policy (60) the Next Decade and senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, (61) the economic changes will enable China and US to deal with each other on a more equal basis.

"Chinese and Americans now have opportunity to (62) fully in China's economic development and reciprocally (相互), Chinese will be able to (63) technical and financial support from the American business community. "

Wilhelm said, " (64) China has established laws and legislations (法规) to help its open-policy, American business now has the confidence to deal with the system, as they know their (65) will be protected. "






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