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提问人:网友yabaibai 发布时间:2022-01-06

根据短文回答 46~50 题。 You Need Courage! Shortly after I began a career in business,

根据短文回答 46~50 题。

You Need Courage!

Shortly after I began a career in business, I learned that Carl Weatherup, president of PepsiCo (百事可乐公司), was speaking at the University of Colorado. I tracked down the person handling his schedule and managed to get myself an appointment. _______(1)So there i was sitting outside the university's auditorium, waiting for the president of PepsiCo. I could hear him talking to the students, and talking, and talking._______(2) He was now five minutes over, which dropped my time with him down to 10 minutes. Decision time I wrote a note on the back of my business card, reminding him that he had a meeting. "You have a meeting with Jeff Hoye at 2:30 p.m." I took a deep breath, pushed open the doors of the auditorium and walked straight up the middle aisle (过道) toward him as he talked. Mr. Weatherup stopped. (3) Just before I reached the door, I heard him tell the group that he was running late. He thanked them for their attention, wished them luck and walked out to where I was now sitting, holding my breath.

He looked at the card and then at me. "Let me guess," he said. "You're Jeff." He smiled._______(4)

He spent the next 30 minutes offering me his time, some wonderful stories that I still use, and an invitation to visit him and his group in New York. But what he gave me that I value the most was the encouragement to continue to do as I had done. _______.(5)

When things need to happen, you either have the nerve to act or you don't.

A.I began breathing again and we grabbed (霸占) an office right there at school and closed the door.

B.As I sat listening to him, I knew that I could trust him, and that he deserved every bit of loyalty I could give to him.

C.I became alarmed: his talk wasn't ending when it should have.

D.He said that it took nerve for me to interrupt him, and that nerve was the key to success in the business world.

E.I was told, however, that he was on a tight schedule and only had 15 minutes available after his talk to the business class.

F.I handed him the card then I turned and walked out the way i came.

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根据短文回答 46~50 题。 Caribbean Islands What would you see if you took a cruise to

根据短文回答 46~50 题。

Caribbean Islands

What would you see if you took a cruise to the Caribbean Islands? Palm trees and coconuts (椰子)? White beaches and clear, blue ocean? Colorful corals (珊瑚) and even more colorful fishes and birds?

You bet. There are thousands of islands in the Caribbean Sea. They are famous for their warm, tropical climate and great natural beauty.

The Caribbean Islands form. a chain that separates the Caribbean Sea from the rest of the Atlantic Ocean._______(1) Many of the islands were formed by the eruption (爆发) of ancient volcanoes (火山). Others are Iow-lyin9 coral islands that gradually rose from the ocean.

The Caribbean Islands are known by several names. _______(2) The explorer

Christopher Columbus called the islands the Indies in 1492 because he thought he was near the coast of India. Later, Spain and France called the islands the Antilles.

There are four large islands in the Caribbean Sea. _______(3) These four islands are often called the Greater Antilles. Together, they account for about 90 percent of the land area of the Caribbean Islands.

The rest of the Caribbean Islands are much smellier. _______ (4) You can see why pirates such as the famous Blackboard sailed these waters. There are countless small islands to bury treasure or hide on.

The weather of the Caribbean Sea is almost always warm and sunny. Sandy beaches line the coasts of many islands._______(5) Many tourists arrive on cruise ships.

第 46 题 请选择(1)处的最佳答案

A.But life on the Caribbean Islands is not always paradise.

B.The earliest name used by Europeans is the Indies, later changed to the West Indies.

C.They're like a long necklace that stretches between North and South America.

D.They are Cuba, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, and Hispaniola.

E.This is why millions of tourists visit the islands each year.

F.Some of these islands are no more than tiny slivers (小片) of exposed coral.

根据短文回答 46~50 题。 How to Do Well in Exams Do not underestimate (低估) the power

根据短文回答 46~50 题。

How to Do Well in Exams

Do not underestimate (低估) the power of revision in the days and hours before an examination. The closer you are to the exam, the more chance you have of storing and retaining crucial information. But do not overdo it._______(1) An effective daily routine can help you through an exam period, so in the days leading up to your first exam, get into the habit of being up and ready to work by game. It can be a shock to the system after months of working to your own timetable to be mentally alert at that time if you have

not prepared for it.

On the day of the exam, have a good breakfast, pack two of everything you need (pens, pencils, erasers, etc.), then make your way to the examination hall in good time._______ (2)

Once in your seat, simply pause for a few seconds and collect your thoughts. Close your eyes and take in a few slow, deep breaths to help you relax, when you turn over the test paper, spend a short period reading through all the instructions and questions, paying particular attention to key verbs such as "discuss", "compare" and "evaluate". _______ (3) It is always wise to allow 10 minutes at the end of the exam to give yourself time to go back over your answers. Once you have selelcted the questions you wish to tackle, begin by attempting the one you think is your strongest. It will give you more confidence when you see a well-answered question down on paper. Also remember to write clearly, and do not be afraid to express the unexpected: after all,examiners can get very bored marking stereotypical (千篇一律的) answers.

_______ (4) If you do need something else to focus on to help you collect your thoughts, choose a fixture (固定设施) in the room, such as the ceiling - or anything else that will not allow you to be distracted.

Finally, once you have finished, never hang around outside afterwards to attend the discussion by other students. _______ (5)

A.Do not arrive too early, though, as other people's anxiety can be contagious (传染性), and you may suffer from undue panic.

B.Try not to be tempted to look at those around you, or at the clock.

C.When you get home, read the examination paper through and look up all the words you didn't understand.

D.Sleep, exercise and relaxation are all just as important.

E.Map out a quick plan of points you wish to make and how much time you should spend on each question.

F.Go and have a well-earned rest- then prepare for your next exam.

第 46 题 请选择(1)处的最佳答案。

根据短文回答 46~50 题。 The Joy of Living Alone More and more Americans are living at

根据短文回答 46~50 题。

The Joy of Living Alone

More and more Americans are living atone. Some live atone because of divorce or the death of a partner._______(1) According to a recent U.S. census (人口普查), 25 percent of all households in the U.S. are made up of just one person. This is a dramatic change from the extended families of just a couple of generations ago.

The typical person living alone is neither old nor lonely._______(2) The majority of these people have chosen to live alone. They are responding to decreasing social pressure to get married and have a family.

It's now socially acceptable, even fashionable, to live alone. As people get better jobs and become financially independent, it becomes possible for them to maintain a one-person household._______(3) However, people who do get married are marrying at a later age and divorcing more often.

The number one reason given by most people for living alone is that they simply enjoy doing what they want when they want to do it. "Living alone is a luxury," says Nina Hagiwara, 38. "Once you do it, you can't ever go back to living with others." David C'Debaca, 46, agrees. _______(4)

Children think that being grown up means being able to do exactly as they please.

_______(5) The chance to discover whether that freedom is as wonderful as it sounds is a chance more and more Americans are taking.

第 46 题 请选择(1)处的最佳答案

A.There's more pressure to get married nowadays.

B.The growing number of women with good jobs has done much to increase the number of people living alone.

C.However, even more people are living alone because they have chosen to.

D.It seems that many grown-ups today are realizing that childhood dream.

E.In fact, a quarter of the 23 million single people in the U.S. are under the age of 35.

F.He says, "I like being by myself."

根据短文回答 46~50 题。 Read With Greater SpeedDo you have difficulty reading in class?

根据短文回答 46~50 题。

Read With Greater Speed

Do you have difficulty reading in class? If so,a special reading program that helps match sounds with letters could speed up your brain.

At least one out of every five elementary school students in the US has trouble learning to read。even when the students are good at other subjects._______(1)

Researchers from Yale University.US,Studied a group of children from New York and Connecticut State.As part of the study,37 struggling readers received special tutoring.

Every day, instructors worked with them on recognizing how written letters represent units of sound called phonemes(音素)._______ (2)

By the end of the school year, these children could read faster than before.They also made fewer mistakes,and understood more of what they read than they could earlier in the year.

As part of their study,the researchers used a special machine to take action photos of the students。brains._______ (3)This is the same part of the brain that becomes active when good readers read.This activated brain area appears to include a structure that helps people recognize familiar written words quickly.In lower level readers,this structure remains inactive.

A year later,the brain structure was still working hard in the students who had gone through the special tutorin9。and they continued to do well in reading tests.

_______ (4) However, some researchers still doubt the study._______ (5)

A.Many adults are interested in matching sounds with letters.

B.The students also practiced reading aloud and spelling.

C.The biggest challenge for many of these kids,scientists say, is matching sounds with letters.

D.Another group in the study who went through a more traditional reading program didn't show the same progress.

E.The pictures showed an increase in activity in the back of the brain on the left side.

F.They believe that reading without making any noise or linking words to sounds is more efficient.

第 46 题 请选择(1)处的最佳答案。

根据短文回答 46~50 题。 Success Stories One of the most successful fashion companies

根据短文回答 46~50 题。

Success Stories

One of the most successful fashion companies in the world is Benetton. The Benetton family opened their first shop in Italy in 1968._______(1) Benetton followed four marketing principles in order to achieve their success.

The first principle is Consumer Concept. To build a successful business, you have to develop products around things people value, especially quality._______(2) He created clothes to match people's wants: the style. is casual; the colors and patterns are bold; and the quality is excellent.

The System Link is another feature of good marketing. For Benetton, this means waiting to get information about what customers like and what they dislike before making the clothes._______(3)

The Information Link means making sure the company responds quickly to People's demands. _______(4) This information is then sent to the main office in Italy. Benetton can use this information to identify popular products and to continue making them; it can also identify less popular products and stop making them.

A final important marketing principle is the Retail Link. There are Benetton stores in countries around the would. All the stores have the same clothing, the same window displays, and the same approach to sales._______ (5)

The things people like about Benetton stores are that the quality is always high and the prices are generally low. And that spells success.

第 46 题 请选择(1)处的最佳答案

A.The founder of Benetton began by asking people what they wanted.

B.There used to be a good reason for this.

C.When something is sold at a Benetton store, the store records information about the type, size, and color of the item.

D.Today, there are Benetton shops in major cities all over the world.

E.This means that customers can go into any Benetton store in the world and be sure of what they are buying.

F.in other words, Benetton's clothes are made to order.




I heard many parents complaining that their teenage children are rebelling, I wish it were so.

At your age you ought to be growing away from your parents. You should be learning to stand on your own two feet.__________(46) It seems that teenagers are taking the same way of showing that they disagree with their parents. Instead of striking out boldly on their own, most of them are clutching at one another"s hands for reassurance.

They claim they want to dress as they please. BUt they all wear the same clothes. They set off in new directions in music.__________(47) Their reason for thinking or acting in thus-and-such a way is that the crowd is doing it. They have come out of their cocoon(蚕茧) ——into a larger cocoon.

It has become harder and harder for a teenager to stand up against the popularity wave and to go his or her own way. Industry has firmly carved out a teenage market. __________(48) And many of today"s parents have come to award high marks for the popularity of their children. All this adds up to a great barrier for the teenager who wants to find his or her own path.

But the barrier is worth climbing over. The path is worth following. You may want to listen to classical music instead of going to a party. You may want to collect rocks when everyone else is collecting records.__________ (49) Well, go to it. Find yourself. Be yourself. Popularity will come with the people who respect you for who you are. __________ (50).

46. 查看材料

A.Most teenagers claim that they want to do what they like to, but they are actually doing the same.

B.That"s the only kind of popularity that really counts.

C.But some how they all end up crowded round listening to the same record.

D.You may have some thoughts that you don"t care to share at once with your classmates.

E.These days every teenager can learn from the advertisements what a teenager should have and be.

F.But take a good look at the present rebellion.

根据短文回答 46~50 题。 Every Dog Has His Say Kimiko Fukuda always wondered what her

根据短文回答 46~50 题。

Every Dog Has His Say

Kimiko Fukuda always wondered what her dog was trying to Whenever she say. put on makeup, it would pull at her sleeve. _______(1) When the dog barks, she glances

i at a small electronic gadget (装置). The following "human" translation appears on its screen: "Please take me with you." "1 realized that's how he was feeling," says Fukuda.

The gadget is called Bowlingual, and it translates dog barks into feelings, People laughed when the Japanese toymaker Takara Company made the world's first dog-human translation machine in 2002. But 300,000 Japanese dog owners bought it.


"Nobody else had thought about it," said Masahiko Kajita, who works for Takara. "We spend so much time training dogs to understand our orders; what would it be like if we could understand dogs?"

Bowlingual has two parts. _______(3) The translation is done in the gadget using a database containing every kind of bark.

Based on animal behaviour research, these noises are divided into six categories: Happiness, sadness, frustration, anger, declaration and desire

_______(4) In this way, the database scientifically matches a bark to an emotion, which is then translated into one of 200 phrases.

When a 'visitor went to Fukuda's house recently, the dog barked a loud "bow wow".

_______(5) It was followed by "I'm stronger than you" as the dog growled and sniffed (嗅) at the visitor.

The product will be available in US pet stores this summer for about US$120. It can store up to 100 barks, even recording the dog's emotions when the owner is away.

A.A wireless microphone is attached to the dog's collar, which sends information to the gadget held by the owner.

B.Nobody really knows how a dog feels.

C.This translated as "Don't come this way".

D.More customers are expected when the English version is launched this summer.

E.Now, the Japanese girl thinks she knows. Each one of these emotions is then linked to a phrase like "Let's play", "Look at me", or "Spend more time with me".

第 46 题 请选择(1)处的最佳答案。

根据短文回答第 46 题 题。 Mind Those Manners on the Subway So,there you are,just sitt

根据短文回答第 46 题 题。

Mind Those Manners on the Subway

So,there you are,just sitting there in the subway car, enjoying that book you just bought_________(46)or, the person sitting next to you takes out a nail clipper(指甲刀)and begins cutting his or her nails.

Annoying? Many of US have to spend some time every day on public transportation._________ (47)so,to make the trip more pleasant,we suggest the following:

Let passengers get off the bus or subway car before you can get on。_________ (48)Stand away from the doors when they are closing.

Don't talk loudly on a bus or subway.Chatting loudly with your friends can b。annoying to others._________ (49)Don't think your bags and suitcases(手提箱)deserve a seat of their own.

Use a tissue whenever you cough or sneeze(打喷嚏).An uncovered sneeze can spread germs(细菌),especially in crowded places.

Don't cut your nails or pick your nose on public transportation.Don't read over other people's shoulder._________ (5O)It can make people uncomfortable-They might think you're too stingy(小气的)even to buy a newspaper.Or they might think you're judging their behavior.

A.Don' teat food in your car

B.Don't shout into your mobile phone on a bus or subway.

C.We all know that some behavior. are simply unacceptable.

D.Many people do this on subways,but it's really annoying.

E.Getting off and on in an orderly manner can save time for all.

F.Suddenly,you feel someone leaning over your shoulder reading along with you.

第 46 题 选择最佳选项填入(46)

根据短文回答 46~50 题。 Why Would They Falsely Confess? Why on earth would an innocen

根据短文回答 46~50 题。

Why Would They Falsely Confess?

Why on earth would an innocent person falsely confess to committing a crime? To most people,it just doesn't seem logical.But it is logical,say experts,if you understand what can happen in a police interrogation(审讯)room.

Under the right conditions,people's minds are susceptible(易受影响的)to influence,and the pressure put on suspects during police grillings(盘问)is enormous._______ (1)"The pressure is important to understand,because otherwise it's impossible to understand why someone would say he did something he didn't do.The answer is:to put an end to an uncomfortable situation that will continue until he does confess."

Developmental psychologist Allison Redlich recently conducted a laboratory study to determine how likely people are to confess to things they didn't do._______ (2)The researchers then intentionally crashed the computers and accused the participants of hitting the"alt"key to see if they would sign a statement falsely taking responsibility.

Redlich'S findings clearly demonstrate how easy it can be to get people to falsely confess:59 percent of the young adults in the experiment immediately confessed._______ (3)Of the 15-to16-year—olds,72 percent signed confessions,as did 78 percent of the l 2-to 13-year-olds.

"There's no question that young people are more at risk,"says Saul Kassin,a psychology professor at Williams College who has done similar studies with similar

results._______ (4)

Both Kassin and Redlich note that the entire"interrogation"in their experiments consisted of a simple accusation--not hours of aggressive questioning--and still。Most participants falsely confessed.

Because of the stress of a police interrogation,they conclude,suspects can become convinced that falsely confessing is the easiest way out of a bad situation._______ (5)

A.In her experiment。participants were seated at computers and told not to hit the "alt"key, because doing so would crash the systems.

B."In some ways,"says Kassin。"false confession becomes a rational decision."

C."It's a little like somebody's working on them with a dental(牙齿的)drill,"says Franklin Zimring,a law professor at the University of California at Berkeley.

D."But adults are highly vulnerable too."

E.How could an innocent person admit to doing something he didn't do?

F.Redlich also found that the younger the participant,the more likely a false confession.

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